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Everything posted by Gesu

  1. Gesu

    It's jarring. I have nothing against oshare kei - in fact, I very much enjoy it if it's done right - but this guy's voice is just not right for the genre. If it was a bit higher, I honestly probably wouldn't mind it too much. I'm not saying I'd love it, but I wouldn't hate it.
  2. I think I'm allergic to alcohol. I don't like it anyways because it just tastes gross imo, and I don't really like the idea of getting drunk (never been drunk, but if energy drinks give me narcotic reactions, then it's probably for the best), but I've tried several different types and each time, I got this really tight, lingering sensation in my chest as if I'd eaten something too oily. Idk, it might just be that I have an extremely low tolerance, but if I am allergic to it, then it'd be the only food/drink that I'm allergic to. Not really food/drink, but I'm allergic to pollen which is very inconvenient for me as it means I'm snotty pretty much every time I go outside. 🤧
  3. Do you ever just have really weird meals because you don't have enough in for what would be considered a "normal" meal? So, right now, I have garlic/herb chicken with vegetables and tagliatelle. I woulda had beans or sth, but I had some tagliatelle that I wanted to eat and no beans.

    1. Doesn'tEvenGoHere


      Girl, that's college.

    2. The Moon

      The Moon

      one time i was drunk af & had nothing but leftover rice & chicken wings from dominos so i took the meat off & the bones and made white-trash fried rice. it was dope 

    3. Gesu


      Sounds it! Now I have two new weird things to try. Thanks, guys! :D

    4. Show next comments  123 more
  4. Gesu

    @Zeus You are probably the most articulate, right-minded person I have ever come across.
  5. Vocalist: Juri (ex-DELUHI) Guitarist: Leda (also ex-DELUHI) Bassist: Masashi (Versailles) Drummer: Soan (ex-Moran) Now, if only these four could all form a band...
  6. Gesu

    To be fair, I still haven't listened to 8PSB (I always procrastinate these things), but I know how ya feel. Besides, I saw what happened to MiA. Oof. I just don't really feel like it anymore, tbh. Idk why, but I just kinda… stopped? Oh, well. Nothing I wrote for the J-rock fandom will ever, ever be as bad as what I wrote for the fandom I was in when I was twelve. I distinctly remember writing an entire chapter dedicated to a man crying. Double oof.
  7. Gesu

    I can't stop noticing my main arm veins because I had to have my second blood test on Tuesday and she managed to get the needle right in the base of it (which isn't bad, don't worry... in fact, that's probably good). I know she did, because a) this one hurt a bit more than the first one, b) the bruise is big and blue as opposed to the first, which was small and yellow, and c) I can actually see where the bruise and the vein join up. It's really kinda creepy.
  8. Gesu

    Ehehe… I'm not telling. I don't write it anymore, anyways.
  9. Gesu

  10. Gesu

    Yo-ka was born in 1987. I'm not too sure about the other members, but I'd assume Kei is the oldest since everyone else refers to him as "Kei-san". Juri and Leda from DELUHI were also born in 1987, and Sujk was born in 1983. Aggy, I'm not too sure about. Also, Hitomi from Moran was born in 1978, making him 41 later this month. I know, I can't believe it either.
  11. Gesu

    I can't say mythical creatures such as dragons/unicorns, can I? No...? Then, dogs and birds (particularly owls and peacocks... you ever seen an albino peacock? They look godly). If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  12. Fucking hell, that DVD is expensive... buuuut I still want it, lol. I would kill to see these guys live, but I guess this is the closest I'll get... 😢
  13. Last night, I dreamt that MiA died then reanimated himself just so he could be interviewed about his own death. I woke up wondering if he'd actually died.
  14. Gesu

    Less than ten? Yes. Do you like the colour pink?
  15. Gesu

    9/10. Cute, bold and cool colours~ I like the stars
  16. Gesu

    Mad Sky (Pierrot) What do you dream about?
  17. Gesu

    Well, fuck, you're right. I wish you weren't with those last two points, but I guess we can't argue with the facts. Oh, well, thank you anyways~!
  18. Gesu

    Agreed. It's a bit bland, but I've heard way shittier. I think the only real issue with Yohio's music is that he doesn't take enough risks and sticks to the same formula over and over again, so people just get tired of him after a while.
  19. Gesu

    I guess whatever we were passionate about at the time? So, if someone had a topic they wanted to debate over, they could just start a thread in the forum and I guess everyone would take it from there. Thanks, btw~!
  20. Gesu

    I've always thought he looked a lot like Lightning. And yeah, it's awesome! Now, if only I wasn't too small to hold a guitar without it being cumbersome, I would probably try his methods out.
  21. Gesu

    Kind of reminded me of a tarantula. He looks unrecognisable now, I kind of miss his old look as it was so iconic but I do like this new one.
  22. Gesu

    I'm a girl who loves a civil debate, and we all know there's been some occasional drama on this site. Very occasional, but it's happened. I think that having a forum for civil debates on a wide range of topics could be a good idea to stop all the unnecessary shitestorms. Plus, it could just be interesting to share opinions on topics related to VK/non-VK. Ye or nah? P.S. I can't stress the "civil" part of this enough. I'm not trying to rock the boat, I swear.
  23. Gesu

    I, too, used to write gay fanfiction.
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