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Everything posted by Gesu

  1. Don't mind me, I'm just Nagito Shinomemeing



    Also, don't look this guy up if you're very young as his content is not suitable for the young children, if ya know whatta mean

  2. I feel like this band is a pretty divisive topic; are they fantastic, or are they bland? Personally, I like them, but there seems to be a lot of opinions one way or the other, so it's interesting.
  3. Gesu

    Ew, what? That's unheard of!
  4. Gesu

    I joined not that long after you did, so this was all pretty new to me, too. From what I can gather, every now and again, people (well, I say people; I really just mean the same person under different pseudonyms) come here and make threads asking why everyone hates Yohio, then it all spirals off from there. You know what, I have an idea. I think the next time this happens, instead of replying to these threads (like I stupidly did first this time around, sorry 'bout that >.<), we should just check their IPs immediately and be done with it. Obviously, we're not gonna do that with users we know to be genuine who just happen to talk about Yohio once in a while, but if it's a suspicious account like this, I think it'd be the best route we could take. What do you guys think?
  5. Gesu

    Like, five, maybe six right now, my dude
  6. Gesu

    You don't need to tell us. This was a fiasco we all got a bit too invested in.
  7. Gesu

    Someone check their IP and clear this up, please?
  8. Yet another edgy anonymous band who have yet to reveal their faces? I'm getting sick and tired of that. Here's hoping their music makes up for it.
  9. This. I can't say I'm a fan of Yohio because I've listened to literally only one of his songs (and it wasn't this one) and I barely know anything about the guy. Moreover, I know pretty much nothing about this user except they seem to like Yohio (and I know about that thread from a while back). Also, I spent a while in that recent Yohio thread and I noticed loads of people being really snarky. Don't you think maybe the reason these threads keep coming back is because no-one takes them seriously? "Why do people hate Yohio?" "bEcAuSe He SuCkS" Just seems a bit silly to me.
  10. Gesu

    Norwich girl here, and I share your worry. First, the seasons seem like they're moving two months later (it properly snowed this time last year for the first time in about six years). Now, it seems like it's skipped spring completely and gone straight to summer. What the hell is going on!?
  11. Woo, media got postponed today so I got to leave college early :D

  12. Gesu

    Aye, no worries, always happy to give my two cents on an issue like this. Plus, this got me in a really articulate mood which I needed, as I have homework due in tomorrow and I couldn't care less about it until now.
  13. Gesu

    Well, I think you've answered your own question. You're right, they are expressing themselves and projecting their feelings in some form or another, because musicians are writers of a sort and writers take from their lives. If the music is that important to you, then maybe you'd perceive the musicians as good people because no-one can really tell you as much about someone than the people themselves. Also, I think it's worth noting that while, again, you're right in that the people who say he's a good guy are mostly just fans who say they love him, it could be argued that it works the other way around; that is, the people who say he's a bad guy are the ones who hate his music. Maybe, maybe not. Again, we don't know. Plus, as you said, it's just vague subjective stuff. Also, I'd like to clear something up; earlier, I said that it's best to ignore it until you know something for sure and just go about your life, but I also said not to be ignorant. What I meant is that you shouldn't get too heavily involved in things you don't know much about as you're likely to make the situation worse by doing that, but that you should at least be open to every possible perspective as long as you're in the dark. Don't definitively assume or refute anything; just see things as you would normally.
  14. Gesu

    If you don't mind me asking, why does it bother you so much? You thought he was a good person until now and you can't find anything you know for a fact to be true that proves otherwise, so why can't you just assume he's a good person? I'm not trying to sound confrontational or anything, I'm just curious. I'm also not saying that everyone who said he's a bad person is instantly a liar, before anyone goes off on one at me, nor am I not advising you to be ignorant. I'm just saying, if you thought he was a good guy, why look for anything that proves otherwise if you can't find anything that you know proves it? Everyone has their opinions and it's not like anyone in the world is absolutely 100% unlikeable throughout their entire lives, so how others perceive him may be very different to how you perceive him.
  15. Gesu

    If I hear something particularly negative about someone, I'm very sceptical about it until I see it with my own eyes or until I see irrefutable evidence. It's not that I instantly deny the possibility of them doing the thing they've been accused of, unless they have a reputation for being dishonest (*cough cough* Tanuki *cough cough cough*); it's just that I believe in innocent until proven guilty on both sides. Basically, if someone accuses someone of doing something bad, I'll stay out of the situation pretty much completely until I know something for sure. I don't think this should be any exception. You don't know for sure? Ignore it until you do or try to find out more personally. I can't say whether or not you'll meet him at some point, but let's assume for argument's sake that you won't. That means that you'll have no way of knowing his true character, so unless you find out something that you cannot deny that proves him to be a bad person, why not give him the benefit of the doubt? It could be true, it could be speculation. I don't know, and neither do you. People who have had bad experiences with him are obviously free to dislike him (as is anyone, really), but if we hear something about someone we know of in real life, we're normally curious as to what kind of a person they are anyway, as we often assume it to be just a negative experience from an individual's account and not strictly generalisable. TLDR: If you met him, you might like him. Who knows? Everyone's individual experience with someone else is just that; an individual experience. It's best to just stay out of things you don't know much about and not hold negative beliefs about someone you don't really know, unless you're willing to find out for yourself from first-hand experience (i.e. meeting him).
  16. Gesu

    That has to be the most perfect typo I have ever seen. I badly edited Gackt's torso onto Big Chungus at 2am this morning in a Krave-induced stupor. Do you like it? I was thinking of setting Big Chungus as my profile picture, but not this edit. It's too poor-quality.
  17. Gesu

    Ah, yes, that old trick of putting three cool-sounding words together that sound totally irrelevant to each other out of context. That's what I like to call a Metal Gear Solid.
  18. Gesu

    Great, now I'm not gonna be able to not do that. I used to have a looped audio clip of Kamijo screaming "NYAAAAH" as my alarm. I once just snoozed it without actually turning it off and I heard it from downstairs about nine minutes after I got up, so I had to run upstairs and turn it off before I woke everyone in the house up.
  19. Gesu

    Yes, DIAURA! I feel like they're all I ever talk about on MH, lol. Anyways, Chisa from ACME (and formerly DIV) rarely screams, and when he does, it's never too harsh. He's always been pretty pop-rock (Yui from UNiTE is similar). Moran are (were T_T) really good for clean vocals, as Hitomi has a very soft voice. In case you wanted some good examples of songs to listen to from these bands, I'll link some videos:
  20. Gesu

    My handwriting's pretty terrible, much like the quality of this picture (sorry 'bout that, I have no good cameras). When I was about seven, my teachers told me that I had to improve my handwriting because no-one could read it. After I did (and by that, I mean after I decided to be all fancy and write in cursive), I looked back at some of my old writing and, sure enough, I was genuinely unable to make out what I'd written in the past. It's still pretty bad, and my teachers still tell me they prefer it when I type (even though I haven't had any college teachers tell me my handwriting's completely illegible). It doesn't look too awful in this picture, but if you saw one of my college essays with loads and loads of words all close together, you might not be able to understand it. It's like a typical ten-year-old boy's handwriting; spiky, thin and awkward. Kind of like my hair, actually.
  21. Gesu

    I know most people are familiar with the Mousou Nikki battle already, but I have to say Moran's cover of the song (originally by Sid). I honestly think their cover is way better than the original (no disrespect to Sid, but Moran's style just wowed me). They really made it their own.
  22. Gesu

    Here's one from today. My hair looks shiny, so I'm happy.
  23. Yesterday, I was out with my grandmother and my brother for lunch and a waiter asked the family behind us if any of them were vegetarians, so a little boy said "I'm a vegetarian. But I also eat meat. I'm both."


  24. Gesu

    They sound alright! Also, I actually think the vocalist sounds pretty cute, but mayhaps that's just me...
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