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Everything posted by Gesu

  1. As one of the babbies of this site, I'm a bit too young to go to university, but I'd like to become a psychotherapist. It's not a happy job, but I know it's what I want to do. Generally speaking, England is very pessimistic and bloody miserable in terms of mental health, and no-one really takes it seriously. It's a cultural thing, I guess, and one I don't like one bit. I know that I alone won't really make a difference to the entire country, but I'd feel bad if I didn't try to change at least something. As someone who's had depression three times and played therapist for countless people before, I'm pretty passionate about wanting people to feel happier. Let's just hope I don't have to kick too many fakers out when the time comes (I dunno about other countries, but unfortunately, England has an absolute fuckton of people who think it's "cool" to have depression -_-).
  2. Gesu

    I'm in love with Yamada's thong string. Also, is that a tattoo I see?
  3. Gesu

    Like most people, I'm pretty much neutral or thereabouts with everything. I can't show you the picture (for some reason, Monochrome Heaven doesn't like it when I link pictures from Imgur and it doesn't have an option to upload -_-), but here are my results: Materialism (47.7%)/Spiritualism (52.3%) Egoism (47.9%)/Altruism (52.1%) Idealism (52.2%)/Pragmatism (47.8%) Hedonism (54.3%)/Asceticism (45.7%) Nihilism (46%)/Moralism (54%) Rationalism (41.4%)/Romanticism(58.6%) Skepticism (60.4%)/Absolutism (39.6%)
  4. You're right about that. I believe it's what Mousou Nikki is about (more specifically, a girl obsessed with a VK musician and believing every nuanced detail about him so as to add to her delusions), so it's no surprise that a grand total of nine bands covered it. In fact, I'm actually listening to DIV's cover as I type this, so if that ain't a coinkydink.
  5. Without looking it up or re-watching that video, I'mma guess bunnychan is the one with the pink hair.
  6. Welp, after over a year of my beloved hair bow and I having been together, it has finally broken. I will have to buy a new one, and until then, I will wear a hat (I just like to have something on my head). Hats don't suit me that well, though :( #VisualKeiProblems

  7. Last night, I dreamt that I was living at the family house again (as I always do, which is really odd, because I haven't lived there in over two years and I don't want to, either) and my mother and I were stood in the back garden. She was staring at something with her mouth agape. Like, she looked stunned. When I asked her what was up, she silently pointed to an area of the garden which looked... strange, to say the least. There was some sort of mass - at least six feet long, probably about six and a half - and it was covered in branches and cobwebs and God-knows-what-else. It took me a little while to ascertain what it was, but I eventually recognised it as a human body. I started to walk back inside, then I noticed its foot twitch, so I said "Mum, I don't think he's dead". She stayed silent and kept walking back inside with me, but I saw his head move much more noticeably, so I said, "no, Mum, I really don't think he's dead", then he got up and staggered towards me with his arms hanging in front of him like a zombie, or a gorilla, or a zombie gorilla. I then produced a knife out of absolutely bloody nowhere and stabbed him in the abdomen, which earned me a rather out-of-place cheer from my mum and my brother. Like, they just saw me stab a guy to death and their reaction was to shout "yay!".
  8. I'm writing something at the moment, and one of the main themes is gossip and rumours. Personally, I choose to distance myself from rumour mills, but the concept of them has always fascinated me. Now, if you've been in the J-rock community/fandom for a certain amount of time, you'll know that, regardless of whether you love or hate them, rumours are quite a large part of it. As I said before, I don't personally involve myself in the rumour side of things, mainly because I almost never believe them and because I think some of them can be... weird, so to speak. Still, I'd like to know what it is about them that interests people about them. Is it basically the opposite end of the spectrum I'm on (i.e. because people do believe them and because they don't find them weird), or is it something else?
  9. Gesu

    I'm usually pretty frugal and I manage to keep a fair amount of money at all times, but in case of an emergency, I do sometimes spend a lot. For example, my laptop carked it not so long ago, so I had to buy a new, better one yesterday. It's important that I have one because I'm still in college and I need something to help me with my studies, and it'd be inconvenient to keep going to the library... at least, that's what I tell people. I mostly just play otome visual novels and go on YouTube, but shh. I do splurge occasionally, but times like that are few and far between. I'm more of a saver than a spender.
  10. I turned eighteen in September and I'm still in that "omg I'm so old" phase, but then when I see people's birthdays on this site and literally all of them are in their twenties/thirties, I think "Jebus Christo, I'm a fuckin' babby 😳"

    1. platy


      Soon you'll be in the oldies club, enjoy while you can :D


    2. Elazmus


      I'm always so happy to be reminded that there are those older than me on here, it's a fast-paced fandom lmao

  11. Going to the anime and gaming convention in my city tomorrow~ I've never been to a con before, so this'll be new ^_^

  12. He sort of reminds me of D13 from Leetspeak Monsters, but based on the guy's voice/musical style, I'm 100% certain it's not him. I just think they look vaguely similar. I dunno, mayhaps it's just me seeing that.
  13. Better than Adolfism, but not as good as Koufuku Ron. That one set the bar quite high for me. In any case, I feel like there's something missing, but I don't quite know what it is. Maybe they just need to make their sound a bit smoother? I can't help but think it generally feels somewhat rushed.
  14. One of my dreams came true today! A cute male friend let me do his makeup. I have always wanted to do a cute boy's makeup! I'm really bad at doing other people's makeup, as it turns out, which is odd, because I'm really good at doing people's nails. 💄

  15. I haven't written anything in too long... I was thinking of posting some things in the art showcase (I guess you could post writing there?) but I have no idea what to write. Any ideas from you all? I'd kinda prefer it if it wasn't fanfic (not that I have anything against it). I used to write that, but I don't really anymore. I'll give you credit if I end up writing something you suggest/request, but I can be a little slow sometimes >.<

    1. 123Sandman321


      Fair enough, spin me a story about an unrequited love of a coffee mug towards the family cat. I'll write a poem in return to sweeten the deal :D

    2. Gesu


      Deal! I'll do it tomorrow as it's late where I am and I have to be at college tomorrow.

    3. platy


      Write something about your journey with visual kei. From discovery to today. 

    4. Show next comments  144 more
  16. ...Hmm. I liked Koufuku Ron, but this was... not for me. Whatever. Kind of irrelevant, but I like Issei's new hairstyle.
  17. I... actually didn't mind that. I was kinda "eh" at the start, but the chorus (and the bit right before) hooked me. I'm impressed.
  18. Gesu

    Jasmine You (rest in peace) was always so beautiful, imo. He could look attractive and fashionable in and out of drag.
  19. Gesu

    People aren't upset over the fact that he's doing oshare/pop music. I think they're more upset over the fact that he's doing it to sell out, which is evident from the fact that the other band members seem to lack musical talent overall but have a lot of popularity. Hell, you said it yourself; all MEJIBRAY even was for him was a foothold. Like I said before in this thread, no matter what he does, he's selling out.
  20. Happy spoop day! Doot doot. 💀

    1. suji


      happy spoopy day to u too! 🎃

  21. Say you were in an LDR (like, a REALLY long distance) and you really did care about each other. It's unlikely that you'd meet in the near future, but who knows? If you saved up enough money, you could surely go see each other. Anyways, let's say you met someone else in person and, even though you still really like the LDR, you kinda liked the other person as well. What would you do? For me, it's difficult, because I'd never, ever, ever cheat on anyone. If I didn't want to be with someone, I would be honest and tell them, even if we'd never met in person, but it's tricky when you like two people at the same time, one of whom you're already with (albeit long-distance). There's a part of me that thinks I should probably just give up on love because a. even though I would want to stay with someone forever, I probably wouldn't stay with someone for a long time, given my current (and past) situation, and b. I actually met someone a while ago whom I loved a lot (he rejected me, but my feelings were very strong and didn't really change), and I every time I start liking someone, as awful as it may be, I can't help but think that I would probably leave them for the guy from a while ago if we ever crossed paths again. I don't want to give up on love, but I also don't want to put myself through any more of this. I remember someone telling me some time ago that having feelings doesn't make me a bad person, even if those feelings change, and I agreed with him, but if I'm aware of how frequently they change and I don't do anything about it, doesn't that at least make me irresponsible and naive? So, yeah. Your thoughts?
  22. Gesu

    iT's CaLlEd ViSuAl KeI In all seriousness, though, I liked this. They sound like a cross between UNiTE and someone else, but I can't think who.
  23. Oh, definitely. Every time Chalmers makes a criticism, Skinner (with Issei's face) just flies off the handle at him.
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