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Everything posted by Gesu

  1. Damn, they sound and look bloody great (no pun intended)! Can't wait to see what they come out with next.
  2. Gesu

    I am confident that the Mousou Nikki battle emerged not just as an interesting musical/visual concept, bus as a genuine backlash to delusional "fans" who would sooner say thoughtless things about the musicians they claim to love than show the most basic level of human respect (and let's be real, anyone who's ever been in this fandom has come across people like this at some point or another).
  3. Gesu

    I'm back and my memes are shittier than ever. I might have to take a break before the well really does run dry. ETA: Thank you to @CAT5 for posting that thus/furthermore/henceforth Winnie The Pooh meme in the random thoughts thread. You introduced me to a new meme format and for that, I am eternally grateful.
  4. @Ada Suilen Our first extrovert!
  5. Take the test here if you haven't already: https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test If you want to save your results and take surveys and whatnot, you can create an account after you take the test and it'll keep track of everything for you. I'm an INTP/Logician (INTP-T with the role of Analyst and strategy of Constant Improvement, to be specific), which basically means that I will DESTROY you with FACTS and LOGIC! It also means that I'm creative, intelligent and perceptive and that I go off on tangents a lot... at least, that's what the Logician page says in a nutshell. That sounds a bit flattering if I'm honest, but I'll admit to going off on tangents a lot. My specific results are as follows: 35% Extroverted - 65% Introverted 81% Intuitive - 19% Observant (honestly not too sure about this part; I think I'm too sceptical to be considered 81% intuitive) 53% Thinking - 47% Feeling 49% Judging - 51% Prospecting 42% Assertive - 58% Turbulent (again, not too sure about this one... I don't think I'm that angry? Even if I do have a habit of holding grudges but what are ya gonna do 🤷‍♀️) Even with those parts I wasn't too sure about, the test was pretty accurate overall and I'd say this personality type suits me better than the others.
  6. ...Holy fuck, I love Sugar so much, even if they haven't been around for yonks. I love anything with that jazzy feel to it (and Sizna), and no-one did it better than them. Anyways, I really love their song Antlion, and I'd like the lyrics to it because I want to learn to sing them. I live in a flat, so I have to be quiet so I don't disturb my neighbours, but... I always sing quietly to myself, lol. Besides, singing in Japanese does actually help the words to flow better when I'm speaking them, so it's useful to me even if I can't project. It also helps me to learn new words, so the English translation would also be appreciated, but it's not necessary. I have looked everywhere, but I can't find anything. Anyways, many thanks in advance~!
  7. This is Hitomi. He is forty-one years old today.


    Happy birthday, you infuriatingly beautiful son of a bitch (and I mean that in the nicest way possible).

    1. Nighttime Jae

      Nighttime Jae

      Whoa that's amazing! He looks incredible👌

    2. monkeybanana4


      I still can't believe he's forty-one. I'm almost tempted to believe he secretly doesn't age, lol.

    3. Gesu


      Same here. If you compare pictures of him now with pictures of him about twenty years ago, his facial structure hasn't changed a bit, so there's no way he's had work done. I'm less than half his age and I already want to know his secrets for when I get older!

  8. Gesu

    When my grandmother was about eleven years old, she was reading a book and she read the sentence "she had unsh'd tears in her eyes", so she asked her mother what "unsh'd" meant when it actually said "unshed". She told me that about a year or two ago and I still think about it.
  9. A man with a really pleasant Scottish accent told me I looked very pretty. Also, I was just thinking about on Wednesday when I was talking to a guy I've known for about fourteen years (we didn't speak for a while in the middle of that because we went to different high schools, but we've been at the same college for a year and a half now) and his two friends, I couldn't help but remember how refreshing it was. Not just because they're really nice, fun people, but also because I still get sad about when I fell out with some of my closest friends in July last year. I don't like them, but I still get upset about it because I feel like I've missed out on a lot. Thinking about those three guys I was chatting with and how nice it felt to be around them, it's made me actually value the fact that I lost the bad people in my life because I now hold the good people even dearer to me than I would have before. Being an optimist in general, I tend to see a silver lining on every cloud anyways, but this just seemed really meaningful. That would probably sound trite and twee to a lot of people, but it means a lot to me.
  10. Gesu

    He has a solo project called Umiyuri, but I haven't been able to find any of his music so I can't link anything.
  11. Gesu

    I'm of the belief that, for the most part, there is no such thing as a bad genre, so I always tell myself I should broaden my horizons and try to listen to loads of different types of music. Strangely, whenever I do and I find myself liking something I wouldn't normally, I feel oddly guilty... I wonder why that is? I really like some of Billie Eilish's stuff tbh
  12. Gesu

    Not sure if this counts, but for me, it's when Kamijo fainted like a ragdoll in the middle of Ascendead Master then got back up and finished the song. The sound quality of this video's a bit crap, but this is truly admirable.
  13. Gesu

    Slay me, Sizna The cat pictures all over his Twitter/Instagram are hella cute, but we need more of his charisma, energy and musical talent. If I wasn't too small to even hold a guitar properly, I'd sell my soul to him to teach me how to play.
  14. Gesu

    @platy Too accurate. I love it
  15. Gesu

    More Sizna to bless your ears After careful consideration, I have decided that Sizna is even better than Leda. Yeah, that's right. I said it.
  16. Gesu

    Random flashback to last year at college when this guy Photoshopped Vladimir Putin's face onto Tinky-Winky from Teletubbies then gave him huge moe anime eyes and sexy lips and the picture was named/captioned "Daddy, Please" by a girl in our class
  17. Gesu

    Welcome, and nice to meet you! Hope you have fun here on MH~
  18. Gesu

    I thought I told you guys to stop me. You do realise that if you don't, this entire thread is just gonna become overrun with my memes/shitposts, righ?
  19. Gesu

    Welcome to MH! Hope you have fun here~
  20. Gesu

    @Aferni Everything okay? 😕
  21. Gesu

    I can't actually understand those lyrics because there are no English subs, but even if the lyrics are bad, one song isn't going to prove an ideology for thousands of people. Also... I'm sorry, but I am so confused right now. Should I bail from this thread? I might lurk.
  22. Gesu

    Don't be alarmed, but I think we've found our new SilverEspeon
  23. Should I dye my hair auburn? Whenever I see someone with really nice hair and I think it looks nice, I usually think it looks better when they go auburn but I'm not sure if I should... I might just put it off for ages and not actually do it, but I'm considering it.

    1. yomii


      i think your current dark color looks good, but you should totally try out anything you want! what's youth without experimenting with your looks .w.

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