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sleepy coffee

Reincarnated Really Hot People
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  4. LOVE!
    sleepy coffee got a reaction from Pikachu in 仮病 (kebyo) new single, "眠。" release   
    that was fast
  5. Like
    sleepy coffee got a reaction from ambivalentideal in Choose one band to listen to for the rest of your life   
    Band: 12012
    Album: CHEDOARA by DIMLIM 
    Song: 0 by キズ
  6. LOVE!
    sleepy coffee got a reaction from zetork in 仮病 (kebyo) new single, "眠。" release   
    本能 is fucking awesome  I'm so glad I came across this band because of this forum because I've never seen anyone ever talk about them outside of here. Every song has been a treat and I'm glad to support something like this
  7. LOVE!
    sleepy coffee got a reaction from zetork in 仮病 (kebyo) new single, "眠。" release   
    1 week away and still no preorders from cdj ;~;
  8. Daria
    sleepy coffee reacted to suji in GOEMON RECORDS new band "あにまるばんど" (animal band) --> MOTHER (マザー) has formed   
    GOEMON RECORDS new band "あにまるばんど" (animal band) has formed...? It appears to be a joke at the moment, but since this is vk, it may actually turn out to be a real band soon enough...
  9. Like
    sleepy coffee got a reaction from suji in 仮病 (kebyo) new single, "眠。" release   
    本能 is fucking awesome  I'm so glad I came across this band because of this forum because I've never seen anyone ever talk about them outside of here. Every song has been a treat and I'm glad to support something like this
  10. Like
    sleepy coffee reacted to suji in Unpopular Opinion   
    dragon ball super sucks, fight me
  11. Like
    sleepy coffee got a reaction from spockitty in Choose one band to listen to for the rest of your life   
    Band: 12012
    Album: CHEDOARA by DIMLIM 
    Song: 0 by キズ
  12. Like
    sleepy coffee reacted to CAT5 in Unpopular Opinion   
    I actually agree with you to an extent. Truth and truth seeking will never make you popular, and it has never been popular since the beginning of time. Ultimately, we're all invested in deception and our own self-deceptions, and the truth can shatter all of that in an instant. And that's not a comfortable feeling. Similar to that Peterson quote, the truth is like fire - it fucking burns. And who wants to get burnt? The beautiful thing tho is that fire also purifies. But I digress.
    I can relate to you in a sense. Ever since I started speaking and relaying what I perceive to be "truth" - it's costed me both online and offline.  In fact, there are people on this very forum - people I considered good friends, whom I shared good laughs with an even opened up to on a deeply personal level - who have cut me off simply over sharing thoughts that I perceived to be true. Nowadays, these very same ppl that I used to kick it with don't hesitate to talk shit about me behind my back. It is what it is.
    But here's what I've learned in my pursuit of truth. The truth does not need a spokesperson. It simply is. Whether ppl want to recognize it or not - that's up to them.  We all have free will, so trying to debate, convince, or beat people over the head with what we perceive to be the "truth" is an absolute waste of time. The best way to speak your truth is to simply live it. To embody it. Those with eyes to see, will see it. Those with ears to hear, will hear it. It'll reach who it needs to.
    Perfect example: The people I just mentioned that cut me off - did so because of thoughts i've been sharing on social media, and probably because I started posting increasingly biblical things there. It's never my intent to be controversial, adversarial, or contrary for the sake of being contrary, so I was surprised at how some ppl responded. I mean, I've even been accused of being a homophobe (which makes perfect sense with me being the admin of a VK forum, right? 🙄) and lord knows what else.
    But guess what? No matter what these people say about me - NOT ONE of them can say that I've ever done anything wrong to them, or that i've treated them like shit, or anything like that. In fact, quite the opposite. And to my knowledge, if I ever did offend anyone - I ALWAYS apologized and tried to make amends/work things out.
    So lemme ask you. What's the weightier matter? What's most important? My thoughts on feminism??? on politics???, or the fact that I treat you with respect and love as a fellow human being???
    You see, I ALWAYS show love, and I ain't NEVER been a hater. Shit, ask around. The only reason I'm admin here is because ppl trust me and know i'm a cool-ass dude, and they know I've put a ton of time and love into this community. They know my character.
    So the fact that those ppl cut me off and continue talk shit about me, lets me know that those ppl are not truly seeing me. Rather, they're seeing some imaginary character that they've constructed in their minds based off my opinions on abstract ideologies. So instead of looking right in front of them, and saying "wait, CAT is a cool dude. He's always been kind and reasonable with me. Let me try to understand where he's coming from before judging him or jumping to conclusions" - they  just jump straight to "CAT disagrees with feminism? WOW. HOW DARE HE. HE'S A FUCKING MONSTER. I'LL NEVER TO TALK TO HIM AGAIN!!!"
    It's pretty juvenile, but it shows you just how willing people are to invest in their own self-deceptions, instead of looking at reality/the truth. People will destroy whole relationships over inconsequential ideological differences instead of looking at the reality of what really matters. We saw a lot of this in the last election with ppl going "Unfriend me if you voted for Trump", and ppl do this all the time in other ways. Hell, people are often wiling to hurt others and even kill over these differences. Which is crazy.
    I would call this a religious inclination...but I think it's merely an ignorant human inclination...because this tendency to want to divide and antagonize ppl based on their beliefs happens in pretty much every sphere of human interaction - not just in religion. In fact, often times, the ppl who behave like this claim to be the most open-minded, liberal, and non-religious. It's completely schizoid.
    So this is why I advocate "embodying" and living your truth - because words are abstract. Actions are concrete. Ppl can take your words and twist them, and interpret your opinions in a million different ways, but the best way to see what someone believes is to look at their actions. People can believe what they want to, but actions don't lie.
    And I always try to act out of love. I don't always get it right, and I fuck up just like anyone else, but I always continue to make that attempt. So to me, how you act and treat other people is more "true" than any abstract ideological or intellectual concepts....or anything you can "say".  Cuz I can go to anyone with all of the proof and empirical evidence of whatever you wanna talk about, but if i'm an asshole about it....if I do it without compassion, understanding, and love - then it's most likely not going to be received - so what good is it?
    Anyways, i'm just rambling at this point.
  13. Like
    sleepy coffee got a reaction from NekoHime in 午前零時。(Gozenreiji) new look and new single "6月のゴキブリ" release   
    tbh i actually found this release to be their best one (only good one if im being honest) yet 
  14. Like
    sleepy coffee got a reaction from spockitty in DIERRY CALL changes to new band "エンヴィル (ENVYL)"   
    They released 2 random singles on every digital platform u can think of if anyone cares 
  15. Like
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    sleepy coffee reacted to Zeus in YOSHIKI important announcement   
    you know what i'm so pissed about this announcement that i am not going to give him the benefit of exposure. this topic will sink in stygian like his career
  17. Like
    sleepy coffee reacted to nekkichi in Unpopular Opinion   
    let them have The Measles x

  18. Like
    sleepy coffee reacted to God in Unpopular Opinion   
    imagine thinking queer people are pushing their beliefs on you bc they’re asking for basic respect and to be left alone about it.
  19. Like
    sleepy coffee reacted to God in Unpopular Opinion   
    okay, so idk if this is necessarily unpopular, but from what i see around online it’s definitely polarizing.  but, why bother someone with some dumb shit if they’re not actually hurting anyone?  this can pertain to a lot of things, from liking comic book movies and not comic books, being really fuckin’ into anime, or other such things.  it can also be more serious (that’s probably not the right word since these things aren’t really a big deal anyway) things like being lgbt, specifically that whole rhetoric about there only being two genders (which tbh i’m not sure if people who say that are specifically referring to non-binary people, or trans folk as a whole most of the time).  even if that’s true (and i’m not saying it is), who cares?  aren’t there like, real problems to deal with?  i mean, i’m sure there’s smth more important going on than someone switching what pronouns they use depending on how they feel on any given day, or someone who likes the deadman wonderland anime but doesn’t really care to read the manga even though it’s basically a different story.  none of that stuff is super pressing.
  20. Yikes
    sleepy coffee reacted to secret_no_03 in Unpopular Opinion   
    Everything you said is true, except for the LGBT identitarions and them going nuts if you say that there are two genders, don't give them what they want whether it's calling them by whatever pronoun they want or what they identify as. It's funny how people so anti-free speech are so fascist when it comes to pushing their believes on others. I'm sorry, but I don't have to adhere to your crazy doctrine because you have body dysmorphia or some other personal problem. 🙄
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    sleepy coffee reacted to saishuu in Crazed, creepy, and downright annoying fans?   
  23. Like
    sleepy coffee reacted to saishuu in ラク×ガキ (Rakuxgaki) first mini-album release, 「カミサマノツクリカタ」(Kamisama no tsukurikata)   
    keep it coming!
    also we can officially call them rack x gaki now I guess? considering the name on the CD cover
  24. Like
    sleepy coffee reacted to JRD in ラク×ガキ (Rakuxgaki) first mini-album release, 「カミサマノツクリカタ」(Kamisama no tsukurikata)   
    Awesome news, btw you can stream their latest single if you didn't buy a physical copy yet
    I love that they're on top of the digital game and since I ship all my physicals in one go.
  25. Like
    sleepy coffee reacted to 123Sandman321 in Unpopular Opinion   
    Fair enough, but my issue is not with those singular examples, on that we can both agree, that they are completely irrational. My issue is that both you and Suji are prepared to completely single out a huge amount of people for the flaws of a couple.
    These last few years have seen a huge increase in the acceptance of things never before perceived as normal. Definitely, you're gonna have individuals trying to exploit it, but you can't have progress without a few hiccups.
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