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sleepy coffee

Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Status Updates posted by sleepy coffee

  1. So where that kizu mv be at tho 

    1. Enki


      Same place where deviloof's consecutive single releases are

  2. the gazette show was cool and fun from an experience perspective but it also made me realize that i dont really care for that much of their discog. hopefully diru makes a return someday or one of the newer generation of vk bands become big enough to tour here 

    1. reminiscing2004


      Kind of glad I didn't buy a ticket now that I see the setlist is all new material

  3. does anyone have the editing skills to take that band photo kizu has for heisei look but to change the color scheme to look like what they had going on in the music video 

    1. helcchi


      You mean just changing it to grayscale?



  4. just placed my order for May music. really small compared to previous months but combination of lack of music i wanna buy and also being broke causes this but still hella excited to peep Virge, Kebyo, and gulu gulu releases 

    1. Mihenno


      SO excited for Virge ❤️ 

  5. maybe its partially due to the mini album not being readily available but man no one paid any attention to the Muzzle's debut


    hopefully theyre not a super short lived thing 

    1. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      the name of the band already reeks enough to dispel any interest tbh

  6. Kizu having a hologram concert, this has to be a first for visual kei right 

    1. IGM_Oficial


      Munou na lucid did it before it was cool x

  7. I bought Type A so idk if my opinion is gonna change much if I have the whole package but I think Human Error is my new favorite Kizu release

    1. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      And yes, theyve gone back to pre Heisei production and audio quality 

  8. anyone who uses an android phone and occasionally purchases music from the playstore, is there a way for that purchased music to show up on other 3rd party music apps cause frankly the official playmusic app sucks donkey nuts 

    1. secret_no_03


      Download to your device via the Google music app and they should show up. I've used black player and currently use pulsar and my SiCX stuff works just fine.

  9. some random ass single from lay about world is available on digital platforms worldwide but their first mini album isnt and i bet their upcoming full length wont be either,. these vk bands or their labels are random af with what they want available or not 

    1. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      with that being said im probably using a proxy service for the upcoming full length cause that recent music video slaps hard 

  10. I ended up not caring much for the full album but wasnt deviloof supposed to have a 3rd look and mv 🤔🤔🤔

    1. IGM_Oficial


      Yes, but they couldn't do it

  11. More dimlim merch purchases 🥴🥴🥴🥴 that's gotta be over 500 bucks I've sunked into this band by now 🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒

    1. Paraph


      make it rain

  12. Take a shot for every D.I.D. song with the word die in it

    1. Himeaimichu


      If you do that, you will die of alcohol poisoning

  13. just a bunch of photos and cheki from that glamscure x la'veil mizeria collab, so excited 

    1. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      just bought* fuck me 

  14. To whoever it may concern, yuuki (ex. UnsraW) is posting instagram stories with instruments and recording tech and it looks like hes putting down some vocals right now. you guys reckon something will actually come out of this or more false hope 

    1. Elazmus


      I was also seeing it and didn't want to bring it up for the same reason, I hope though!!

  15. fucking hell Otogi also composed everything in Awoi? what a fucking shame hes retired/vanished 

    1. xriko


      I agree it's a shame that he "left" the scene.

      On 90 songs, he have the lyric credit for 86 track alone, 1 is a duo with shou and the 2 others track are credited for shou. So about +96% are his lyrics. About the sound composing he has credit for 54 track alone + 1 duo with shou. avg 60,5%

      He was the real spirit of awoi until 2011.


      real math boi

  16. cdjapan published their top 100 cd's of 2019 and dir en grey was the only metal/vk-ish band to make it on there lol 

    1. nekkichi


      I literally CAN'T @ madonnas washed out ass outselling our entire beloved scene

  17. The biggest glowup in vk so far for 2020 is RAKUGAKI dropping the "x" from their name

    1. Himeaimichu


      It should be RakuLGaki, because they took an L when they signed to Ains. 


      I died inside making this shitty pun

  18. My best friend literally dislikes my music tastes more than anyone I know 99.99% of the time and I showed them the new dimlim mv and they gave it a 7/10, I'm shook 

    1. nekkichi


      j/w what do they typically listen to 👀

  19. kizu and dimlim have been an absolute blessing 

  20. If anyone is in japan and is doing proxy shopping for bands like kizu, dadaroma, razor, munou na lucid and maybe others I'd glad give a hearty extra payment for you to buy stuff at lives and ship it to me lol

  21. havent had a chance to buy verxina's 2nd single but that upcoming full length has the potential to shoot them up to being one of my current faves for sure 

  22. if anyone attends RAZOR lives id really appreciate if you could do proxy shopping for me, id pay a pretty penny for it lol 

  23. Razor needs to drop a full length this year pls...

  24. someone make kizu world famous already so i dont have to go to japan to see them live 

  25. im really about to cop this 12000 yen RAZOR live dvd....as long as it puts food on the table for my boys....

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