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Posts posted by 123Sandman321

  1. Thing is, their A-side game is spot on, but the rest is generally lacking, nothing wrong with that, since they are marketed as singles, but I don't think that they could put out a quality album, which requires a coherent concept and can't really be built around a one song. Which I don't think they are able to do, at least within their current schedule. The way things are, my estimate is that it'd take them a year at minimum, for the album to not feel like a singles collection with some bullshit sprinkled inbetween the strong tracks. Right now, if we put their maxi singles together, as a full record, it would be insanely inconsistent.


    Looking back at 0, which was thinned down to two songs, it was perfect, can't say the same about their previous ones and Heisei, the b-sides I recall from those releases could be counted on a leper's one hand. I'd rather have only two strong songs, compared to an album or a shitton of singles of half-baked songs.

  2. 4 hours ago, Gesu said:

    Sometimes when people walk past my door (I live in a flat), I turn my music down/pause it even though it's not that loud because I don't want anyone to hear some of the stuff I listen to. Tbh, I don't think anyone who lives here even gives that much of a shite, but I still get self-conscious, especially when I'm listening to an OST or something jazzy. I love jazz, but I worry that people will judge me for that. I'm also very hesitant to tell people I like VK/J-rock, so whenever someone asks me what kind of music I listen to, I say "if I told you, you would run away" and I only tell them if they press the issue. I dunno why, but that's how I've always been.


    4 hours ago, yomii said:

    same here ._. when i lived with my roommates  i never listened to my music, maybe only sometimes on low volume and not vk but something more "socially acceptable". being shy sucks ._.


    46 minutes ago, monkeybanana4 said:

    More so VK in my case. I know people who listen to anime songs and/or J-rock, but VK? Not really. So, I always had to listen to VK music with headphones on or not listen to it at all😔 I also remember somewhat hiding my computer screen whenever I watched VK music videos or lives whenever my roommates were around.

    #MyMusicScaresPeople :D


    Blast that shit, don't be ashamed of what you like. There are only two outcomes, either people won't give a damn or you'll get an interesting topic for conversation.

  3. Just have many iterations of the same shitty b-sides are they going to make? Always the same ballad, always the same "party" song. Ugh.


    Add.: I'd like them to make a concept full album, without any previously released songs. They stopped challenging themselves like 3 years ago (eh, if ever, they just seemed fresh, before). Their b-sides used to be enjoyable, before, but they've come to put out the same shit for years, now.  Sure, they have some amazing songs even furher down the line and I really enjoyed dadaism #4, but this, this really ain't it.

  4. On 3/22/2019 at 9:46 AM, Duwang said:






    Amazing performance, tho I'm quite staggered that no one seemed to give a shit, except those 10-something people in the front. Was this a regular metal show?

  5. 56 minutes ago, Komorebi said:

    It's 2019 and women have careers, u know?

    If you are willing to sacrifice the well-being of your child for your career, you shouldn't have your own children in the first place. My point is that if either of the parents isn't ready for the commitment, they shouldn't go through with it. 

  6. I would call this anything but generic (and I listen to a metric fuckton of -core music). Each instrument in each part of the song is expertly layered in the mix and they complement each other perfectly. No repetitive drumming patterns, outstanding guitarwork with some nice tones, a little bit of ambiance here and there, with a competent vocalist on top of it all. The only thing missing is just a little bit more grit in the vocals, maybe some screams, but it's still an amazing song anyway. I'm really excited to hear more.

  7. I like what I hear, so far.


    And considering this seems like a chorus, the heavy might still be hidden somewhere (Even MUCC release the occasional heavy track and they have every shade of DEZERT lipstick on their dick), tho I wouldn't hold my breath, considering the first few notes transitioning into the chorus.




    But still...




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