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Posts posted by 123Sandman321

  1. 11 hours ago, Danie_93 said:

    Exactly! He has a very colorful voice, and he show it here again. I think it's fancy to talk shit about kiryu, but why they u listen to them, if they don't like them? Btw I don't see too much difference between kiryu's and other vk band's music's variety. I mean they have a style, as others, and they are producing things between the style's borders, just like other bands. It's just so fckin cool to say bad thing about them, and it's really boring. There is a lot of band's who realize new thing's as often as kiryu. Actually I don't like this look, really bad, but don't really care. I love their music for almost 10 years, and I think it's better and better, with a high quality.

    On 6/29/2018 at 1:04 PM, Reikatsumi said:

    your whining every time when they release something is getting boring

    I don't see any change in their style through years, their music is still high quality

    don't you really see how amazing are vocals in Muku? Mahiro is doing his best and he's doing well


    I never said their music was inherently bad, far, far away from it (same with Mahiro's vocals), I've always quite enjoyed every release they have put out. But listen to Hyakki Yakou, for example, and tell me, if you can tell the songs apart. Their B-sides are growing more and more unimaginative, with a few exceptions of course, but with the amount of music they are putting out, it's not nearly enough, just filler. It just comes off as throwing shit at the wall, seeing what sticks...a problem all the BPR bands share, with a difference that others aren't bound by their traditional aesthetic, so their songs are given a bit more space to breathe. There is also the increasingly annoying usage of synths over the years, completely overshadowing the guitars. The songs stay the same, only the album cover changes. 


    Considering the song, it's good, certainly an improvement over Harushigure and Jou no Ka and it has an actual solo, not the embarassing 6 second guitar wank that Irodori had.

  2. On 5/5/2018 at 7:38 PM, 123Sandman321 said:

    Well, since AI kinda branched out with his solo album, I suppose that there might be something remotely fresh, sprinkled inbetween BLOOD re-recorded 8 times. :D and even though he is the king of consistency, I am hopeful.

    ...oookay, they still have 9 more attempts to surprise me



    and even though  I gave shit to Kiryu for the same thing, I like it

  3. 1 hour ago, pawzord said:



    they'll never release something as good as this. 



    They managed way more than to just do something as good with this one.



    There is only so many variations of one type of song, you can make. They just seem oblivious to the fact, that they hit the bearable cap years ago. Well, so long as that ¥¥¥ keep rolling for BPR

  4. This was one of the strongest E3s, by far. I actually stayed up for the live presentations, which I never used to do. All the major conferences were superb, so many fresh and exciting looking titles. The Last of Us II, Sekiro, Ghost of Tsushima, Kingdom Hearts III, RE2 remake, Fallout 76, Rage 2, new Wolfenstein, DMC 5 and of course, Cyberpunk 2077. And hell, even new AC looks really cool, the new RPG direction is what I like to see. Also, Control looks so intriguing, I'm expecting interesting things from that game. 


    ...I reaaaaally need a PS4...not even accounting for the extensive backlog I have


    Though, needless to say, Square Enix really disappointed me. They got some new IPs, nice I guess, but they completely failed to grip me in any way. Not even a mention of FF XVs 2nd DLC season and above all, FF VII remake.


    But the coolest little surprises were the announcements of Yakuza series coming to PC, I was always hoping to play those. (here's to a smooth port) and the new Life is Strange, wonder how that one's gonna play out.

  5. The transitions are kinda janky, just all over the place, but it's still an amazing song nonetheless. But I feel like the preview still leaves something to be desired, since the breakdown isn't all that groundbreaking.


    Also...nearly 2 years in and the drums still sound like shit :D

  6. Their ballads, with the exception of the Dark Age ones, have just grown too formulaic, and this is the example. Definitely not a bad song by any means (it would even be great if I didn't hear this kind of a ballad 100 times before), but it's just forgettable.


    I dunno, it seems like it was thrown in just to shut up people who were bitching about no ballads in DOGMA. But we'll see when the full album releases...

  7. 18 minutes ago, lichtlune said:

    We already established that its not their song. Read guys! 

    I've read this whole topic attentively and how does it matter for any of our posts wheter it's their or not? I actually had that piece of info in parentheses in my reply before I deleted it, but it doesn't change my statement in any other way.


    Btw, the cover is somewhat indicative of what they are gonna play, if they are gonna go on with this.

  8. The main problem here, is MiA joining a generic radio rock "band" with a few YouTubers doing this as a publicity stunt, seemingly. The music in question is passable at best, though it doesn't deserve the flak it's getting, as nobody would give a jack shit about them here, were Mr. Nose-job not involved. 


    I can only guess their purpose, though I doubt they want or even can make it "big". Just some quick cash, merch line, gather new "fans", in essence, just growing their separate brands and be done with it. Which I kinda hope will happen, cause I still wanna hear MiA in some neo-classical project.

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