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Manji 卍

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Everything posted by Manji 卍

  1. To me ,every single track they've made so far are exactly on the same level of enjoyment. We must consider that they still a very young band,the development will come release by release.Just hope they don't lose their essence when go major like happened to DEZERT.
  2. Manji 卍

    Actually I just hope they mix JoJo's voice the way it was used to be on NERO and DIAVOLO,cuz his voice really disappointed on the last single
  3. Manji 卍

    I really like their music style,the way they always are dressed in black,and hazuki's voice is simply out of this world...but there's something in their last 3 albums that makes you feel like "you're kind of listening to the same thing over and over", which makes it hard to even remember most part of the tracks,imo. I hope I can really dive into this new upcoming album
  4. 85% of  the western deathcore bands should listen to DEVILOOF and learn how to make tasteful Deathcore,instead of these stale shit.

    1. 123Sandman321


      Would be great, but I think that the western deathcore fanbase is the bigger problem. Too unforgiving and terrified or any kind of evolution.

    2. Elazmus


      "western deathcore" ...... "learn" ..... "tasteful"...



  5. Manji 卍

    Ah, então contando com a outra tecladista que tem canal também é realmente uma banda Youtuber Kei
  6. Manji 卍

    Por acaso esse vocalista já tinha alguma relevância no Japão?
  7. Manji 卍

    After this awful thing,I started to be really suspicious about the Tzk and Koichi new project/band.they can't be shit like this.Also Meto is probably coming back sooner or later and I hope he don't disappoint.
  8. Manji 卍

    the vocalist being non japanese is weird,ok.but i'm talking about every single thing on this.simply doesn't make sense I never liked MiA anyway,but c'mon man,don't waste your fucking talent in this shit,i thought he would come up with a killer band
  9. Manji 卍

    His voice is soo good,love them just like I love ARCHEMI. Looking forward this one and those 2 songs released before
  10. Visual Kei needs a new good punk band



      no one can replace sex-android...

    2. Manji 卍

      Manji 卍

      they're good but i don't like much his voice.would be nice and refreshing to have

      a new one in the same style

  11. I want ryohei instead of yumehito
  12. Yeah, strong avelcain vibes on it. this arrangement with fit perfectly with Karma's voice
  13. The instrumental sounds pretty solid so far,such a nice piano.hope his voice doesn't sound like crap
  14. Speaking about atmospheric black metal, there's a thin line between spellbinding riffs and boring repetition.

  15. got your point.well,at least they make albums ARCHEMI is one of my favorite bands and i've been waiting for their first album since 2016.
  16. Manji 卍

    somehow i really liked this new look,feels like some old school thing.
  17. Is there any need for an album when they release 4 new songs every 3 months?!
  18. I know,this is obvious.but i feel exactly like when i first listened to one of those old DEZERT mini albums.fuckin awesome
  19. Boku wa nani ka ni korosaretta ????
  20. Manji 卍

    God,this look is so cool,they really look like characters from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure right now,love it!
  21. DEATHGAZE Just needed better death vocals to be an amazing band.

  22. Manji 卍

    Not just the production but something kinda changed on their music after 「おはよう」(Ohayo) was released And since Mamireta started to do "God's work' putting up stuff following the title nashi era,i kinda lost my 'hunger" for more DEZERT stuff but,anyway,bring it! they are an awesome band.
  23. Seems like some youtubers React to Dir en Grey and Maximum the Hormone to get some views quickly.

    1. Himeaimichu


      It's so annoying and makes it hard to find actual music from the bands

    2. suji


      here's a tip; just type in "dir en grey -reaction" & it'll take off the reaction vids ;)

  24. Manji 卍

    Agree with everything said above. Also,I started to notice the natural talent of Seiya, all of them are really talented,but speaking about Seiya,I just realized that he's having fun writing these tracks, and his talent for this genre of metal is real, he's not just one more guy playing there. Release by release he's developing his own style of composition,till the point you can close your eyes and listen to some new track by them and say "yeah,this is definitely Deviloof".
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