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Manji 卍

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Everything posted by Manji 卍

  1. Serious artwork,new MV ,non live-limited... all good,but I simply don't like this goofy side of them,I want serious tracks, cuz the vocalist is pretty good.
  2. Life Is Not Worth Living.

    1. reminiscing2004


      sometimes. but it can be


      focus means everything


      never give up, but if you do, it's okay


      with time, you will be always be able to try again

  3. they've been killing it with these classic japanesque looks uuff
  4. it feels like listening to their previous album. imo
  5. Manji 卍

    They've been watching too much Jojo's Bizarre Adventures
  6. Both albums were okay,and not as memorable as all of their first singles. If I ever get to listen both songs,hope they can capture my total attention and excitement again.
  7. Manji 卍

    i just wanna open this forum and see the news "MEJIBRAY announces end of hiatus and new single release"
  8. i'm thinking that utafumi wont be included cuz it was already added to the disc 3 of vestiges of scratches however,if they dont include it on the main tracklist,it probably will be present on the disc 2 with a new mix,as said above
  9. NINTH is groovy,flawless production,etc.but i simply don't care about this album.it annoys me so much...

  10. This is dir en grey,I know that it's gonna be good,but the singles utafumi and kaburu are songs that I never play,so sometimes I doubt if I'm going to love it (And I don't think utafumi is going to be included)
  11. Manji 卍

    LOL my dream is seeing Ruki forming a R&B project,his clean vocals are divine
  12. Manji 卍

    same here ruki seems to have established a standard for the "Gazette music style"
  13. Manji 卍

    No,Tsuzuku... not you...
  14. Honestly I wanted a title in Kanji... Great news tho
  15. Manji 卍

    Sho had said in an interview that Kyo is his main inspiration.and you can see it all the time but in the DIMLIM way....The chaotic vocals all over the place with a bombastic and big chorus that creates some kind of atmosphere. Call me crazy,but since Silent Song came out, there's something that keeps reminding me the Ouroboros concept. 10/10 And this is his first band... unbelievable,a legit genius!!!
  16. When i listen to Kodou by DeG while walking on the streets...

    what a feel...

    1. YuyoDrift


      I love playing Kodou on a brisk night during the fall.

      There's an atmosphere that this song has that DEG has yet to ever reproduce.


    2. zombieparadise


      Hands down my favorite DEG song, even after all these years. It has this bittersweet 'ending' and 'beginning' feel for me.

    3. Manji 卍

      Manji 卍

      For me is the same with Embryo too...

  17. Manji 卍

    He absolutely needs to improve his screams,it always sounds exactly the same. Kyo,Ruki,Satoshi (girugamesh),and others,all of these singers has improved it's capacity with time,but Aí keeps stucked.
  18. Manji 卍

    Wait,I thought I'd see samples of the upcoming single
  19. the whole PLUTO single is so so good.i'm proud to see these guys keeping the same sound since the first album

  20. Where's the depression thread?

  21. Manji 卍

    Glad to see that they are always making MV's for their releases and the production is getting better and better,not those cheap MV's from their past albums Also his voice is back in this one. KEEP IT!
  22. Manji 卍

    In total there's fuckin 6 tracks released before the upcoming album and no sign of them anywhere,man And I was expecting for the future a "less messy" version of Ahawareta,but I guess it was written by issei and he's not part of the band anymore (luckily). So I don't think they're going to re record it...which's sad cuz that song is the shit,Sho seems to be studying hard to come up with these chorus to die for
  23. Manji 卍

    That kagerou vibes
  24. These new vk bands and projects are too colorful,too cute.give me some really dark and macabre shit

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