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Manji 卍

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Everything posted by Manji 卍

  1. I need more MEIDARA stuff, now!!

    1. 123Sandman321


      Right there with ya. It's been a year, since they released something, hasn't it?

    2. Manji 卍

      Manji 卍

      almost...there's 2 live limited tracks released + one single coming

      however,i thought they'd released so much more and way faster

  2. Manji 卍

    What a improvement, finally!! The way this single was mixed really pleases me.They don't need all those effects all over the place,just adding it here and there is enough,like ARCHEMI is used to do, letting the guitars and the drums be heard.
  3. both songs are on spotify already,and they are pretty good ! also loving this drum tone again,cuz reminds me their 2014-2015 era. i''m so fuckin happy with this release
  4. i thought that ROPPU would post the tracks of DAMY - Tomodachigokko .--.

    1. emmny



    2. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      And without faith it is impossible to please Roppu, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

  5. Manji 卍

    got you. personally ,it was very nice to see him wearing different masks on MV's,etc however, he's very good looking with long hair and glasses but this time,it looks terrible.imo
  6. Manji 卍

    what? who said that the masks and the other stuff on his face were because of he was ashamed of his body? that's the first look of him that i didn't like,and i miss the masks
  7. Manji 卍

    since their first full length,i think they've finally found their own (jazzykei) sound. and i knew it would be exactly like this.
  8. Manji 卍

    Ohayo shouldn't even be on the tracklist,that song is boring as hell. As mentioned here before, they've lost their essence.but I'm still very curious, the rest of the track names looks kinda cool
  9. 2018 is the year of the full albums...La'veil MizeriA, you have 5 months left to release yours. lol

  10. The production is always on point,the problem is that...it feels the same.
  11. Manji 卍

    I said that I wanted the production of the last two albums,then you asked if I wanted to hear a bad production. What does it means? To me it was a bad thing. Between the guitar tone of Satsui and Hentai,Satsui was way more enjoyable. But,again...a matter of personal taste.
  12. Manji 卍

    That wasn't bad at all, the first full albums were well produced .if you think so, then it's a matter of personal taste
  13. Manji 卍

    Their names for albums and artworks always had this "whatever" feeling...my only concern is the production,I don't want it to sound like Hentai or the last single, it was way too polished,I want these new tracks with the production of the last two albums. (Edit: SaZ used to have a badass looking,now look at him, man...)
  14. Manji 卍

    I've been waiting for the day when DIMLIM will drop all of their live limited stuff on Spotify!!!
  15. Manji 卍

    They should start to include acoustic versions of their tracks on the B side of the singles or something like that. I can imagine many of their songs with this kind of arrangement
  16. Hope I can feel some Ayabie nostalgia
  17. Manji 卍

    all the heaviness on the last tracks were truly pleasant,but i'm hoping for tracks with clean vocals only cuz his clean voice is enjoyble and it deserves to be more explored with no screams ( 浄土の花 for example)
  18. Manji 卍

    the rise and "fall" were quick
  19. Manji 卍

    I just needed some guitar work on their tracks to be completely satisfied
  20. Thought that MEIDARA would cause a big impact being a fresh version of Kiryu,but...meh

  21. Imo, Utafumi was way more ARCHE-shi and Ningen wo Kaburu sounds like part of a new DeG era,just like Sustain the Untruth
  22. i take the last 4 re recorded tracks as an example for the mood of this album + ningen wo kaburu and it gives a clue about how this album is going to sound like.well...i'm guessing lots of nu metal grooves and those little electronic effects like on SUSTAIN THE UNTRUTH
  23. Manji 卍

    Every Ryuji fan knows that he has a lot of potencial to form a good VK band but feels like he rather stay safe on his own zone doing his underground projects...
  24. Manji 卍

    WHITEHEAD is going to release 2 new EP's titled SCREEN I release 2018.07.04 (Delivery limited) and SCREEN II release 2018.07.14 (¥2,000 Venue limited) LOOK SCREEN I tracklist and artwork (on spotify already) 01. Utopia 02. Tokyo Crack brother 03. NIN 04. ENTER 05. F SCREEN Il tracklist and artwork 01. Vitamin color 02. SWWN 03. SKY MAFIA 04. 目眩しなWednesday 05. end roll
  25. i think codomo dragon is traying to be a "heavy oshare kei" alll this time and sometimes it works...
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