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Manji 卍

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Everything posted by Manji 卍

  1. @AimiGen7 what do you think about these guys
  2. Manji 卍

    @deadman thank you so much After reading such explanation everything makes sense now.i was very confused,cuz I did like the album,but the fact that I'm a huge fan of their old stuff just conflicted with my acceptance,so I couldn't just listen to those tracks and pretend that I was listening to the same DEZERT. It's almost impossible to imagine that a well succeed musician can go through the same things as you (a common person ). I've been in the same situation, facing insomnia, don't wanna talk to people, lost my objective in life, and still trying to figure out who I am and what I'm supposed to do in this life. Now I can see the album from a completely different perspective ,and whenever i visit this record, I'm sure that I'll enjoy it all. Wish the best for Chiaki,and hope he can find motivation enough to keep going with his music.
  3. Can't find MERRY GO ROUND's discography anywhere,can someone help? thx

    1. Kiyoharu is God

      Kiyoharu is God

      There are a few albums in flac in the lossless section. About 4 of them if I recall correctly.

    2. Manji 卍

      Manji 卍

      Thank you so much, guys

      That list is complete or there's more stuff?

    3. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      It seems all is there except maybe demo tapes or live limited, but the discog list is on vk wiki.

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  4. Manji 卍

    Is this new vocalist "Mio" a new face like Sho was or he's already known? As long as the drums does not sound the same shit like on VARIOUS,I'm digging it
  5. Manji 卍

    we just need more DeG songs as anime themes
  6. CHISA from ACME should be singing for a serious metalcore band like DIMLIM,instead of being a male idol

  7. Manji 卍

    back at the mixing topic,if there's a DeG album that deserved to be remixed/re recorded it is MOAB . the riffs are catchy,but i didn't like the guitar tone choosed and Kyo's voice sounds lower and the scream parts are very unpleasant,feels like he's tearing his own throat
  8. Manji 卍

    Just listened the whole album on spotify,and it wouldn't be a bad album at all if that was released by a different band,but coming from DEZERT,you don't recognize them anymore. they always had one or two,maybe 3 poppy tracks on their releases,however THIS time feels like Chiaki said in the studio "oh,i think i don't wanna scream that much on this album" You can only be glad that their old stuff lasted time enough to influenciate bands like Mamireta and DAMY,cuz like it or not, they're kinda keeping that "mad" shit alive
  9. I felt strangely spellbound listening to GROTESQUE and Malformation on CHEDOARA.took me to my "emo" past,when metalcore was my addiction

  10. Manji 卍

    No complaints about this album, just the absolutely pointless SE tracks that contributes nothing for the mood of the album,is just a pause.i do like SE tracks,and they are meant to create some kind of atmosphere while gives a break between completely different tracks. KISOU and DIM by DeG and Gazette for example...the SE tracks there are pretty cool and used wisely. So that was the only negative thing on CHEDOARA. I give 8/10
  11. I've been following these guys,bcuz their music reminds me a lot when I got into vk stuff when I was 14 years old in 2010 and simply fell in love with those jazzy tracks from early R-shitei and early the gazette. nostalgic sound
  12. Europe and the wave of fake refugees...is like watching a South Park episode. wtf

  13. Manji 卍

    I'm sure there will be a lot of heavy stuff but I want some diversity as well. A good ballad, something like "Avalon" (mejibray) , would be nice
  14. Count down to CHE DO A RA shows up here...

    1. -NOVA-


      same... im anxiously waiting 

    2. Wakarimashita


      I will be ordering it with JILUKA's album in september, so hopefully someone will be uploading it earlier 😕


  15. Manji 卍

    The emo version of LM.C is out.
  16. Yeah,I thought the same. Feels like the label have been trying desperately to promote them or something like that. If so,it worked,cuz they've grown really fast
  17. Manji 卍

    Feels like will be hard to get used to at the first listening,But the "rawness" is kinda cool
  18. depression will always be a taboo.

    1. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      So long as we're not dead we're still winning. Can't let bullshit win, keep up the fight.

    2. Manji 卍

      Manji 卍

      Thank you all for the attention,guys

      And sorry for typing such stuff here. I've deleted all my other social media,so this is the only place I can express myself from time to time

    3. platy


      It's okay, plenty of people have used the forum for support.

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  19. And then 2 or 3 months later they release a compilation album again. However,can't deny that I'm super excited to hear that all. Hoping for more solid tracks as well, and a serious ballad too (That look made me cringe)
  20. Manji 卍

    The song writting of these twins will be deeply missed. High hopes on Mei tho,glad that he will continue,vk doesn't make sense to me without him
  21. Manji 卍

    PLUTO was a flawless release, I'm sure this one is going to be on the same level. And a full length in December or January could be possible,who knows...
  22. can't believe that Kigan will be finally re recorded. and i think it would be more intelligent if they had released a mini album with all the remake tracks like the unraveling mini was,these songs are very similiar to each other,it would feel way more complete, for exemple: 1 ningen wo kaburu 2 ash 3 beautiful dirt 4 The IIID EMPIRE 5 the Deeper Vileness 6 Fukai the Deeper Vileness was such a bad choice for a "B side surprise" on this new album. why didn't they think about bringing back to life "GARDEN"or a Doom metal version of mazohyst of decadence?
  23. Please, stop with the MACABRE and DEUX reactions,for fucks sake 

    1. platy


      @Disposable today's not a good day, huh?

    2. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat



      check out the dadaroma thread and it won't be good for you either 

    3. platy


      @Disposable if you can't beat 'em, make fun of them.

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