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Manji 卍

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Everything posted by Manji 卍

  1. They should change their name to DADACLOWN/CLOWNROMA or something like that (Tomo looks awesome,btw)
  2. Manji 卍

    Jesus Christ,they have already released a new look and a new single yesterday. Someone give a break to these guys,they deserve at least half a year of vacation.Cant even speak about my expectations for this single,cuz I feel like there's zero need to release more stuff right now.And poor mahiro...
  3. Manji 卍

    Start again,with a better vocalist
  4. Manji 卍

    Yes. 開花 is perfect.and the B side track completes it.I was really pleased with the production of this single, they've reached such a good guitar tone.Their full album was very well produced and well written but when we talk about brutal stuff and i mean really good brutal stuff,it needs to be a bit "raw" ,imo.And this single brought the rawness needed to make everything more "legit" as mentioned above. Devil's Proof is thick and punchy just like MONSTER from Girugamesh,but at the same time too polished. and those melodic/pop moments in the album kinda blurred the "image" that they've built with the PURGE EP. Devils Proof was something like "Hey,these are all the different things we can do".But with 開花 ,they seem like "with the feet back on the ground" knowing well in what direction they wanna go with their music. 10/10,keep it. (Btw,Seiya and Keisuke listen to Chelsea Grin and they even posted a guitar cover of the song Recreant.And the production of this single reminds a little bit this awesome EP)
  5. Manji 卍

    A New band in the 90's style like Grieva or La'Veil Mizeria would fit so damn well with Mei's deep voice.He can't come up with a crap band...
  6. Manji 卍

    Mei seems to be a close friend or something like that of Reon,vocalist of CHOKE,wich is a rap/rock band so i guess he could possibly get some tips with him about rapping
  7. so,let's see what this new guitarrist is going to bring to the table their concept is my favorite one in the vk scene,and i'm glad that they still alive,but i'm tired of singles.it's time for a solid release.
  8. Kantou Dogeza Kumiai by the Gazette deserved to be re recorded. 

    1. platy


      It wouldn't have anywhere near as much energy as the original, so it should be left alone imo. 

    2. Manji 卍

      Manji 卍

      Perhaps they think the same,so that's why they don't re record any of their old tracks

    3. Himeaimichu


      I wish Sentimental Na Onigokko got the same treatment that it's fellow A and other B sides, Wakaremichi and Akai One Piece got. (Wakaremichi being rerecorded on Spermagarita, and Akai One Piece on the omnibus Kaleidoscope). It deserves better audio quality. 


  9. Manji 卍

    well,i also hope that i don't need to wait till 2019 to get anything new from Mei
  10. amazing look,but it's worthless,since the vocalist has such a bad singing
  11. Manji 卍

    since i listened to child mother,i realized that i can expect anything from Mei,musically already said it 10 times here,but i hope that Kuro is "secretly" preparing his comeback,cuz even if Mei do not sing with him anymore i think everyone would miss a lot his song writting
  12. Manji 卍

    Yeah,I saw that too this morning,and honestly,every post I see the word "studio" in Japanese I get fuckin hyped. Don't even have a clue anymore about what this guy is planning , just realized that when there's still an account on Twitter there's still hope
  13. Manji 卍

    They look very promising,idk why but felt some AvelCain vibe. #hyped (If anyone knows about the voice of the vocalist, please share it)
  14. Actually that album from Abigon was my first "contact" with the band.and i gotta assume that it's not a accessible album at all, you gotta have a kind of "black metal" ear to appreciate that and it will be still hard to dive into. as you mentioned there's some chaotic/apocalyptic tracks,but the guitar tone and the angry on his vocals was what capture my attention thanks for the recommendations,just checked Kriegsmaschine and Szron and i really liked them both i recommend this one,it's a perfect marry between doom/stoner metal,with some thick electric wizard guitars and awesome black metal vocals.really dark/filthy atmosphere this one is for those who've been looking for something similar to Filosofem
  15. Manji 卍

    people say that ruki's death vocals sucks.but he improved a lot for the record of the DOGMA album just like his english improved after VORTEX single
  16. got recently into this album,and the vocals and the riffs are pure evil !!! so good the production reminds me a bit the first darktnrone albums i guess most of you guys already know it.but i had to share it the whole nihilistic and misanthropic concept of these two EP's are so cult and powerful.along with these amazing artworks and lyrics. whenever i listen to this it almost takes me to a state of meditation about me as a human being
  17. Manji 卍

    The look for their last album was very boring, compared to the look for PURGE. This one looks way better so far
  18. I think so. A shot in one take of any other old track would be a better decision. Like they did with shokubeni in the hageshisa single
  19. I don't have nothing in particular to say about 人間を被る,is just a good track. Ash seems to be the highlight of the single,and was a fantastic idea re recording it,just didn't like the change of lyrics and the new chorus,they should have kept it the same (I guess I'll never play utafumi again, seriously)
  20. Jojo's voice is really different and mixed a bit low in all the tracks of KERBEROS...shit,i was so hyped

  21. Feels like we are about to get one more gossip/Mamireta band, idk...but as always, I'm more prepared for the disappointment
  22. Manji 卍

    Well,I said that I wanted to hear something different from the usual MEJIBRAY, but that teaser was "too cute", look like those kpop idols,and I'm afraid that this turned out in boring pop music.but koichi and tzk are great,so I guess I trust in these guys to bring something really refreshing to the table, since they adopted this "starting over" vibe
  23. Horrible band name, horrible music video, terrible vocals and synths
  24. Manji 卍

    well,comparing the period between the album DOGMA and the single UGLY,that was really quick,and i thought that they were "jumping" into a different concept with that,but the single UNDYING came as a kind of "final' chapter of the "DARK AGE" .i personally don't believe that they will drop more songs in the same year after the new album,but who knows,it's visual kei.
  25. Manji 卍

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