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Manji 卍

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Everything posted by Manji 卍

  1.  仮病 (kebyou )  is heavy as fuck, and i can't have their stuff,what a waste

    1. Himeaimichu


      Didn't they abandon the traditional Japanese theme though?

    2. Manji 卍

      Manji 卍

      I don't follow them on Twitter so I'm not updated with their looks, but I recently watched again their previews on the official YouTube channel and sounds like those crazy super heavy vocaloid albums lol

  2. now we can listen their albums on spotify,seems they finally thought about spreading their music to the world it's so good to hear Ryuji's voice again
  3. I come to this topic like 5 times a day to see any preview of the single Shit
  4. Manji 卍

    waiting for the oboreru sakana part 2
  5. Does anyone know if the vocalist of Awoi came back in a new band and i didn't notice,or he still out of the scene since the disbandment?

    1. Manji 卍

      Manji 卍

      well,a possiblle comeback is never that impossible,right...thanks,bro!

    2. helcchi


      @Mamoeveryone except otogi is in for severe addicts only, and they're releasing a new single


    3. xriko


      @helcchieveryone except otogi and shou

      no news from them since the last live.

      ryo say'd once that OTG was ok


      OTG never gived a clue about a possible coming back, but not also about retirement.

      let the time tell us

    4. Show next comments  75 more
  6. these Kaoru's face painting are always horrible anyway,i hope for fun stuff
  7. Hey can someone introduce me this "kyotaro" with videos of his previous bands and stuff like that,I'm interested.
  8. Manji 卍

    Was watching the mode of kisou DVD on YouTube this morning,and God!!the songs sounds so much better live,how I wished that the whole kisou was re recorded,cuz the entire album has absolutely great songs but the production is very messed up in songs like pink killer and zomboid,and mushi is outstanding,but you can't barely hear kyo's voice in some points of the song
  9. First interesting "new band" topic of 2018
  10. Unsraw is amazing !!

    1. Mamo


      Correct. First time listener?

    2. Manji 卍

      Manji 卍

      It's been just two weeks since I've got into this band.didnt know what I was missing.glad that yuuki is back at it exactly when I got into Unsraw.also DOAK was pretty good, that band should have lasted way more

    3. Mamo


      UnsraW is literally one of my all time favorites.

  11. Manji 卍

    Got recently into this band to replace the "Grieva space",and i kinda like the "rawness" of their production,but I feel like they need a better label,and a full album.
  12. Manji 卍

    Please just give me that same "Vulgar" guitar tone from the last three re records,fuck utafumi production.
  13. Sounds like Gossip with a MUCC chorus, nice
  14. Manji 卍

    This is terribly messed up Can we have at least one good new band
  15. Manji 卍

    liked,just bcuz his voice reminds me Karma
  16. Manji 卍

    What was that, seriously...
  17. Manji 卍

    I'm sure that NINTH will be as good as DOGMA,but at the same time i feel like I won't be surprised with the new tracks. Different than dir en grey's upcoming album, which I have no idea about how the whole thing is going to sound like until ningen kaburu give us some clue
  18. i liked zange,but most of their late stuff sounds too polished for my taste am i the only who miss the "rawness" of ningen shikakku and nihonchinbotsu?
  19. Manji 卍

    seriously,don't waste your time quoting stupid comments like that. this animal is just trying to get attention,even non the gazette fans could easily admit that they are a solid live band.
  20. Manji 卍

    Didn't expect such news about Mei. I wonder what's going one with each member...if Kuro still composing something,btw
  21. Manji 卍

    Yes,please I was looking for a mp3 version,I thought it was included in some of their first singles,but I didn't see
  22. Manji 卍

    could someone,please,give me the link to download the first version of the song "Karma" can't find it. thx ! (i didn't make a new topic for it in the request section,cuz i felt like it's a very simple request)
  23. Manji 卍

    The first seconds were good,but the chorus ruined it all
  24. Manji 卍

    YES!! Now that "about to disband" feeling is gone!!!!
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