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Manji 卍

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Everything posted by Manji 卍

  1. So,they ended the activities as Dispina to go on as Jigsaw or they will keep both bands? However,I can't see a big difference between both bands,looks like they just wanted to get a fresh restart, I'm excited
  2. Thinking about getting into this band again...
  3. Manji 卍

    The ガゼット era was gold,ok.but the modern the gezette isn't that bad. The only problem is that some of their recent stuff feels kinda artificial,like the album Beautiful Deformity,which Is a record from them that i never visit. "Falling "was a good start,but I don't know if this new album will be truly conceptual or crushing like Dogma.
  4. Manji 卍

    Whenever i listen to the new song i remember traces vol 2 and ask myself why they didn't produced that album with the same quality of "Falling". Seriously,traces vol 2 could be one of their greatest stuff, instead,we got that uninspired/lifeless/robotic production,knowing that they could have done infinite times better than that
  5. I liked, but this is just Dispina.
  6. Manji 卍

    Already?!! '0'
  7. Manji 卍

    Devil's proof was outstanding,no doubts,they really know how to put up a tasty slam/deathcore and i really hope that this single can bring back the filthy atmosphere of PURGE also don't wanna hear Ray on vocals very often,cuz his voice just ruined their brutality (the song DESTINATION for example)
  8. Manji 卍

    i'm glad that they keep the same sound of their early stuff,without adding any unnecessary stuff or cheesy synths on it i expected a bit more,but i think it will grow on me the more i listen to it
  9. that was pretty solid more "Kagerou children" are always welcome
  10. Manji 卍

    DOGMA presented a strong concept,as a beginning of a new the gazette,like the transition from stacked rubbish to DIM.And I think it would be better to keep the "dark age" concept, but taking it to another chapter.So judging by the new MV and the new song as a whole, I can almost say that this new album is going to be a "TOXIC-DIVISION-DEFORMITY" ,with tracks way more attractive, and more memorable than those three albums together.
  11. The MV looks cheap on purpose, that's nice,and that dancing LMAO !!! And...These guys definitely listen to DEZERT,not saying that it's a rip off,but the whole structure,the switches,the breakdown,the whiny chorus,the "mad/filthy" atmosphere.i felt like listening to the song Gokai for one second. But it's all good as expected.
  12. Love their looks, i'm also excited to see the artwork for this record,the last two artwors were absolutely outstanding
  13. Manji 卍

    For sure there's going to be heavy and headbanging tracks on this album,we are talking about the gazette. But honestly I'm more interested in dark-ballads/jazzy/danceable tracks like Redo, dripping Insanity,mayakashi and kago no sanagi than the "HEAVINESS"
  14. Manji 卍

    Sounds like the perfect combination of ballads from DIVISION and the heaviness of DOGMA This is veeery solid,they are not trying to be dark or something like that,everything flows very well and Ruki's clean vocals are absolutely out of this world it's so polished,so hypnotic,i'm in love with this
  15. Manji 卍

    Bring the industrial/occult/deathcore \O/
  16. Manji 卍

    This mini is good,but it would be so much better without any synth. Yoshiatsu's death vocals are so nasty, wished they could suddenly change their name to oboreru sakana and become a pure deathcore band lol
  17. the single is boring in deed,not bcuz they can't make good music,but it feels like you already heard it due to the fact that they release a new single like every week. they should take a break with the releases for like one year.
  18. Manji 卍

    You're so fuckin lucky
  19. Manji 卍

    can't live without alcohol
  20. Manji 卍

    yea,same here. for one second that looked like some of those kpop teasers.they already mentioned that they do apreciate very much the jpop music but,we are talking about tsuzuku,so he just can't come up with some poppy shit.however,it's too soon to form any solide opinion.
  21. Manji 卍

    Would be nice to hear something different from the "MEJIBRAY style" Tsuzuku,this can be your "Sukekiyo".
  22. Felt strong D=OUT vibes on this song. Liked the riffs a lot.
  23. Kiryu would be a nice ninja group for some of the naruto shippuden sagas ._.
  24. Manji 卍

    indeed,a solo project of him would be the best thing in the world something with more singing,traditional japanese instruments,etc but can't imagine him alone,i feel like he needs a band just can't wait any longer for new material.a last album featuring the latest 2 singles with more 4 or 5 new songs would be a nice ending,even though i still can not accept it...
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