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Manji 卍

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Manji 卍 last won the day on April 4 2019

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  1. Just like NETFLIX did to Death Note,the same happened with Lords of Chaos,they took an idea that they knew that it would "sell",but ignored completely what it really is and made it their own way.I felt uncomfortable watching that.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Seelentau


      Haven't watched it yet, but I've been reading up on the scene and am curious how the movie depicts it.

      But it made even Varg say positive stuff about Euronymous, that he died fighting, so I don't expect too much. Oh well, let's find out! :D

    3. platy


      They have a One Piece live action in the making, that should be fun! They've already stated it'll be americanised. 

    4. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      The more time passes the more I appreciate the movie for what it is. It’s not good cinema by any means and does get mired in genre nonsense like Euro’s romance and all that, but making Mayhem into Spinal Tap was exactly what the culture deserves at this point, which is nothing but ridicule. Meanwhile the wolves of the underground live in a realm separate from this one, selling bootlegs nsbm split’s on discog’s for hundreds of euros.

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