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Posts posted by Ruri

  1. i put google auto-translate on so the whole board shows in japanese, and then i have one of my many japanese twink harem slaves read the posts aloud to me while i sit in my throne and decide which beloved band will be disbanding today


    (i have a desktop with some mid-tier pc speakers but i mostly use my headphones, ATH-M50s, so as not to annoy my roommates. when i'm out on walks i just use generic earbuds and my phone)

  2. i think there's been a decrease, compared to like early-mid 2010s when it seemed like they were constant. which is quite unusual because the rise of social media has caused a boom in most genres, easier distribution etc. in fact most genres now have the problem of there being *too much* music, it's hard to know what's good if you don't have infinite time to sift through all the random copycat shit. but i guess visual kei isn't fully onto the whole streaming wave yet

  3. noah fence but i think this whole like "sO mYsTeRiOuS" cloaks-and-shadows thing where its supposed to keep everyone guessing and be a big exciting reveal, doesn't really work when it's bandmen nobody would recognise anyway. was i really supposed to guess the guitarist from 失墜とアサナギ and the support bassist from SARRMATH?


    still the song is okay imo so ill follow them bc why not


    3 hours ago, Avalon_vkei said:

    Wasn't the drummer in Guernica? (I think that's the name of the band) or am I mistaking?


    you are mistaken


    REVINE → ARCHEMI. (アルケミ) support → SLIVER. support , MISAKI support , GzNDLH support , RGDY (ラガディ) support , Astaroth

  4. so this band is a vocalist, guitarist and.. film director. alrighty then


    21 minutes ago, Xerath said:

    I want to know who is responsible for the name and what the purpose is
    or someone can teach the shallow mind of mine of a supercool mystic definition/origin of this very hitchcock I am unaware of 
    BE CAU SE  I have to picture the B99 character and I really do not want to draw that connection if possible

    BTW I am fond of that look xd 


    id assume it's named after the director but i also immediately thought of the b99 character tbh


    new band Scully~スカリ~ has formed

  5. 2 hours ago, heffalump-eater said:

    My favorite vk bands are [...] Shu~Furuma~Ju

    i gotta say i never thought i'd read that


    i see you mentioned breakcore/lolicore. i make that stuff (/・ω・)/ although not very well


    i also see your guro-ass profile pic. we would pronbably be very good friends

  6. oh hey vk used to get me thru my tough living situation too (and it still helps immensely with my mental condition) so we have that in common. although i don't play any instrument, but i want to learn piano soon. maybe some day i'll come out with some killer X JAPAN piano covers, who knows

    On 12/8/2019 at 7:44 PM, coffeencoke said:

    i'm still mourning over MEJIBRAY's disbandment

    saaaaaaame. i also can't get into 8P-SB though... just makes me want mejibray back

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