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Status Updates posted by Himeaimichu

  1. Ok, who approved of this PV? And is there a version without all the acting?

    Also, LITERALLY one of the gayest things to come from the 90's xD


  2. Otsuka Headlock by DEZERT is so catchy. I gets me in weird mood where I want to both headbang, and dance. 

    Dancing to Metal should be a legitimate thing. If Hardcore Punk has hardcore dancing, who says I can groove out to something metal? xD

    Well, we already kind of have that thing in Vkei, if you count the small dances Kyo from Dir En Grey used to do for the song Myaku, or Karma from AvelCain does to Gesshoku

    1. Elazmus


      it's one of my favorites of theirs!!

    2. Himeaimichu


      Same! It's also one of the first songs that got me into them like 2 days ago xD

  3. Question for La'Mule experts:

    Do the demo tape versions of Mind Control and Fantasy differ from their respective CD releases? If so, how? 

  4. Remember kids, everything on Tanuki is 100% true and is a good primary source. Yes, kids, that's right. And remember, ever Vkei guy is gay, married to a woman, married to a guy, homophobic, and single, all at the same time!

    Also, according to Fox News, CNN and MSNBC (Who we all know are also 100% True) recommend the best way to achieve longevity is to drink this substance called Cyanide!

    1. Himeaimichu


      @KomorebiI usually take what they say with a grain of salt and some skepticism. However, I feel as if going out of their way to get into Vkei guy's personal business, or leaking nudes is just utterly wrong and needs to stop. 

    2. Komorebi


      We all enjoy the gossip, no matter how wrong it may be lol

    3. Himeaimichu


      Oh yeah, don't get me wrong. The gossip can get quite funny too. Even though me and my friends end up roasting Vkei guys over simple rumors, it's just all fun xD

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  5. Remember the time Nightmare did the Vkei equivalent of "Bbr bbr deng"?


  6. RIP Hide. A true inspiration you are, helping start the Vkei movement with Saver Tiger, challenging Japan's conservative society, and inspiring many to begin playing guitar and singing. 

    May you be playing guitar wherever you ended up. You were a true gift

  7. Satsui by Dezert, but every time Chiaki says "Satsui", Furanfuran by Kuroyuri to Kage plays, but every time K slaps his bass, Dead End Kids by Inugami Circus Dan plays, but every time Kyouko trills an R, Shinagawa Shinjuu by Ningen Isu plays, but every time the Taishogoto is played, the whole thing repeats itself. 

    Wait, this would literally go on for infinity, because it would just keep repeating from the beginning

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Oh God, the strangest song of the music history! I wouldn't never sleep with such a melody in my mind

  8. Seeing that lyric analysis makes me realise how much I miss Kagerou. I mean, there won't be another band like them. The only one that comes close is GossiP, but GossiP focuses on a main concept. Kagerou wasn't afraid to explore while still maintaining their signature style and sound. 

    RIP Daisuke. 

    1. SadMoomin


      Me too... :( I miss Daisuke so bad it feel surreal it's going to be 7 years already since he passed away

  9. Serbian folk music sounds way more Middle Eastern than I expected lol. Makes sense though, knowing the historical influence from the Greeks and Ottomans.


  10. Since I'm at a place with a computer that has a DVD drive, I may rip my copy of Memento Mori's last live DVD and upload it to Mega and YT. 

    But I'm not sure. 

  11. Since there is a vocaloid based on GackT, I wonder what a vocaloid based on Mana would be like. OH WAIT.

    I know what it'd sound like: *Silence*

  12. So far, I gotta say, I like the forum update. 

    The reacts are pretty cool. I was a bit iffy on them at first, but then I saw the Shibe react and was sold xD.

    The clubs are a cool thing too. They're easy to figure out. They are potentially very convenient. 

    Overall, I think the staff did a great job. There are also a bunch of minor improvements I didn't notice, but won't go into detail about. Keep up the good work!

  13. So Fox News, AKA the hotbed of fear mongering propaganda, decides to be music hipsters and accuse Radiohead of copying Coldplay....

    ... I hate Television

    1. IGM_Oficial


      I wonder what they would say about visual kei

    2. Himeaimichu


      Knowing they've called an Autistic Kid a snowflake just because he playfully joked around with Mike Pence, I wouldn't want to know what cringey things they'd say about vkei lol. 

      They'll probably be like "It's destroying Japanese society. These people do way too much drugs and are all transsexuals. It's disgusting"

  14. So I decided to give some GazettE stuff made after 2007 (specifically DIM) a 2nd try (mostly because I was desperate for something similar to Memento Mori), and I gotta say, I like the songs Leech and Nakigahara from DIM. Leech is just very high energy and aggressive, which is my thing lol. And I think Nakigahara actually directly influenced Memento Mori, since it uses the Koto, and Memento Mori was known for it's use of traditional Japanese instruments.

    Though most of the album is still ehh for me, I have more respect for them than I used to.


    1. yakihiko


      I don't remember that, but I would totally be for it. Both versions from 別れ道 are seriously wonderful, to have a 3rd one with their newest music style would be interesting.


      No idea, besides their fabulous look for their recent lives, I haven't check videos or whatever they are doing for it. I prefer to wait until they formally drop it, previews and spots didn't work for me lol :D

    2. platy


      They haven't dropped any previews for their next release. Also that look that's similar to "cockroach" was just for a Halloween special. But it did give me hope for their upcoming album! 

    3. Nagisa


      泣ヶ原  is hands down my favorite GazettE song. So many gems in DIM. 

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  15. So I made this meme/audio edit/experiment, where I took Kurui Dorei, but kept it in minor key (at least I think I did), since the original song switches from minor to major a lot. I at first did it to see if it would make the song any heavier. It actually fits well together. Thank gods Kuroyume were able to really play on time, or a normal listener could tell the audio was edited. 


  16. So I tried DEZERT's new album, and I don't really plan to go back to it. I think it's a small step in the right direction, but it still doesn't hold up compared to their first two albums.

    For one, I think the metal songs are holding back way too much on what they could be. There are no harsh vocals, for one, and while I get that not every metal song needs harsh vocals, these songs could definitely benefit from some screaming parts.

    As well, Chiaki's voice just sounds weird. IDK if he just sounds like that now, or if they increased the throat-length setting on the Autotune in order to make him sound "manlier".

    IDK what's holding them back, whether it be Danger Crue, or Chiaki himself. Either way, I like it better than TODAY, but I also think it could be much better.


    At least those are my opinions, all I can do is hope the next album is better

    1. Himeaimichu


      I do like how funky some of the songs are though. I think if DEZERT combined older sounding songs with newer sounding songs on one of their albums, they could benefit from satisfying both sides of their fanbase, without having to sacrifice anything.

    2. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Yeah the first albums were top-notch for sure! But I found to appreciate Black Hole more than expected, it appeared definitely more solid than Today, which was good too.

  17. So I was reading around the forum post about AvelCain's disbandment, and I noticed a lot of people saying if they reformed, they should sign to Ains. 

    While Ains definitely is better than Shimizuya, knowing Yukika's history with controlling bands and all, I don't think Ains would be the best for Karma and Zen. 

    I mean, Grieva's early years were pretty much under 75% Yukika's control, a lot of their early discography being Diru covers. Of course, they seem to have more creative freedom now. 

    But Karma and Zen (And any band for that matter) deserve as much creative freedom as they can get. 

    They also deserve what I call "band security" (kind of like job security, if you know what I mean) that Ains definitely can't provide. Yukika is known for abandoning his less successful bands. 

    I'd recommend the ex AvelCain members either form their own label, join a label owned by a band who knows the struggle with limited creativity, or be completely indie

  18. So Kyo was once featured in a Vasalla Song:


    1. Himeaimichu


      I remember Sin was in Syndrome too, wasn't he? I know Ruiza was. 

      Hopefully the vocalist is still into music and doesn't mind coming back for one more collab. And I think Kyo secretly wants to go back to doing 90's style Vkei, since a lot of Sukekiyo's stuff has that 90's Vkei gothic rock influence. Also, there are some pics of modern Kyo wearing 90's makeup, and he still looks good in it. In fact, I can sort of feel as if he likes wearing it still

    2. For my dears

      For my dears

      Yeah I think only Kisaki wasn't in D haha
      Hmm their singer Hideki re-recorded some songs on their 2010 ep Rise of Insanity, did you check it that out? I think he still sings okay. ^^ Wow I never thought Kyo would go back to vk looks. I remember when his pics were of he shirtless with sunglasses and without any makeup lol When i saw that I thought dir en grey started to hate vk and would never go back to their roots

    3. Himeaimichu


      I'll have to check out that EP~

      Also, I think the only reason why Dir En Grey said they weren't Vkei was because they were trying to expand onto an American audience, which expects masculinity and Brootality. I think that's why Kyo formed Sukekiyo, so he can live out the old days. I mean, his first idol was Kiyoharu from Kuroyume, which we all know Kuroyume for their mix of Alt. Metal, Thrash Metal and Gothic Rock. 

      I think Dir En Grey's transition into Nu Metal in the 2000's though was natural, since Nu Metal is a derivative of Alternative Metal. Hence why it still felt natural. The Deathcore stuff... felt unnatural. And the fact it's progressive means that it's kind of a dead end, because now people expect brootality and shredding. 

      I wonder what would happen if Kisaki stayed in Diru. Would they be as big as they are today? Would they still be Vkei? What would they sound like? 

      I guess that's why I loved Phantasmagoria. They were like the prog version of a Kote-Kei band xD. I notice a lot of former 90's Vkei musicians tend to kind of keep the old elements in their new bands, like Kon did for Cell. Even though Cell was Metalcore, it still felt 90's-ish

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  19. So Vasalla is on the "Metal Archives". I thought the two people who ran it didn't accept Vkei bands because they're all "faggots" and "not true metal". I mean, Vasalla may play speed metal, but they ain't free from the crossdressing. 

    But I thought "fag metal" was "pseudo metal", according to them.

    Ah whatever. They're hypocrites

    1. suji


      i see a lot of vk bands on that site all the time...

    2. Mamo


      Yeah they're on their sometimes. The site is incredibly ambiguous about what is metal. Dir en grey still is for some fucking reason, but Kyo from deg is dafuq?

    3. Himeaimichu


      Honestly, if you look at the discussion about Dir En Grey on that site, it's cringey. It's all a bunch of homophobia and "core isn't really metal"

  20. Someone needs to deepfake the faces of the members of GossiP onto this (At least Saku's face on Yukika) and put in the 100x better GossiP cover of this song


  21. Someone should make a compilation of all the times an indie Vkei ad-lib scream sounded like "reereroro"


  22. Someone should PM to Saki Tobiori-Kun/Jigsaw's twitter link and be like "What's this? What did you do with DiSPiNA? When is XII-Destructive Agent of Jap gonna release something new?"

    Odds are, he has no idea

  23. Started listening to this band again, just for old time's sake. The first Vkei band I ever got into  

    Still salty over Kurona basically abandoning this. 

  24. Still can't get over the fact Hakuei claimed that only Japanese people can be Vkei because according to him, you have to have a very specific set of facial features. 

    Guess any Japanese person who doesn't look like Hakuei can't be Vkei. Sorry guys, must be Ainu or Ryukyuan or something lmao. Like, I'm no anthropologist, but according to Hakuei, having a sharp jaw is a Japanese trait. 

    1. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      fuck cops and fuck any line of thinking that has some fantastic construction of people as the sole owners of this that or the other ( especially land )



    2. Naaaaani


      Hakuei >>>>> any western weaboo kei band


    3. Himeaimichu


      @Naaaaani In the musical department, of course. Hakuei beats them all.

      In the opinions department however, they're all *Danny Devito voice* TRAESH

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  25. Tbh, for me, Kimi Wa Surudoku was a disappointment. You have so much potential, being it's the vocalists from Delta Ark and Gill'e Cadith, and yet it sounds like neither and in the decade and more they've existed, they've put out so little and now Karuna is retired. 


    That isn't to say I didn't enjoy some of their stuff. I did enjoy their work, although it is a bit poppy for my taste to listen to on the daily, and I do like that one song they released as Kegare. But man it could've been so much better. 

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