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Status Updates posted by Himeaimichu

  1. Well I finally escaped my abusive family and am living with my partner. 

  2. Well today is my first day of college. Hope this goes well

    1. Mihenno


      Good luck to you

    2. IGM_Oficial


      It won't, but good luck

    3. colorful人生


      Good luck and have fun! 

      1. The nutjobs/druggies weed themselves after the first semester.
      2. Don't be afraid to ask for help from professors
      3. Show up to class. Show up to class x100 
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  3. Well, fellas, we finally have Due Le Quartz PVs in high quality. All thanks to my friend, Kairu. You might know him has the guitarist of En'Cell Dis'Dein, a neo-Kote band.


  4. Welp, last night was extremely weird. Night terrors, nightmares, and I somehow didn't hear my Alarm go off.

  5. Welp, since MH is closing, I want to ask all the major uploaders if they would be cool with helping me form a download site for rare Vkei. If you're interested, pop in this discord


  6. What was with Visual Kei's obsession with pinch harmonics between 1998 and 2004, and what god damn idiot was the one who decided to stop using them? lmao

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      *the bird noise*

    2. saiko


      Like in which songs?

    3. Himeaimichu


      @saiko My favourite examples would be Schwein no Isu and Zan by Dir en Grey, Kuse by Mist of Rouge, and Schizophrenia by Chateau la Tour

  7. When is Kuroyuri To Kage going to upload that live video to Youtube like Mei said? Was there ever a said date?

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      they never specified a date. im also waiting for it :(

    2. Euronymous


      this live video must be epic...it's been 2 years without any music video

    3. Himeaimichu


      @Takadanobabaalien I hope they haven't forgotten about it, or ditched it.

      @Gichi GichiYeah. Any video involving Kuroyuri is guaranteed to be epic xD

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  8. Which came first? The Omnibus series titled Deep More Deep, or the Vasalla song from 1998 titled Deep (More Deep) Blue?

    1. Himeaimichu


      Ah. Didn't Dir en Grey also use some variation of the name for a tour or something?

    2. Alkaloid


      Not that I know of. It sounds like something they would use though haha


      Edit: they did for a tour in December 2000. "Macabre Deep[-],Deep[-],Deep[-],Deep[er]"

    3. Himeaimichu


      Probaby still Vasalla influenced. Diru and Vasalla were really close friends, so it'd make sense

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  9. Which Vkei song was the first to experiment with rap-metal? The earliest I can think of is Shikkou Yuuyo Sannen from Kagerou, released in 2001. 

    1. Zeus


      i was gonna say MUCC's Kokuin barely counts and that's 2001 too

  10. While I'm excited for Karma's solo project, I hope it will be more than acoustic songs and ballads. I miss AvelCain's heavier stuff. 

  11. Who knew that Gulu Gulu would provide us what some of us wish DEZERT would provide to us? Holy fuck the new mini is awesome. It's not Kuroyuri, it's not Memento Mori, it's its own thing, but in a good way. Hearing Ai's voice again just makes me feel so happy. If my highschool days were filled with me jamming Kuroyuri and DEZERT, my young adult days will be spent jamming to Gulu Gulu and JIGSAW

    1. zombieparadise


      Can't wait to hear it !

    2. ricchubunny


      Super good, right? I love every song, but the ballads got a special place in my heart. 

    3. Himeaimichu


      @ricchubunny Same here! I'm generally not one for ballads but oh boy, these are some amazing ones.

  12. Who the fuck decided that for architecture or design to be "modern", it has to have no curves or intricate decorations, and has to be completely made up of straight lines and right angles?


    Bruh if the future is jut a bunch of squares, I wanna live in the past

    1. reminiscing2004


      Bruh if the future is jut a bunch of squares, I wanna live in the past


    2. Himeaimichu


      I'm mostly just disillusioned by seeing so many old homes being taken down and replaced with really ugly looking ones. Like, I get that cheapness and efficiency is importance, but I wish they would figure out a cheap and efficient style that you can add on, and I wish they would at least keep the artistic vision of the buildings they're replacing. Especially with old Victorian homes. I fucking hate seeing Victorian homes get replaced with bland, gentrified squares.

      My problem with a lot of modern exterior and interior designs is, there is no room for adding on, because they're made in such a specific way that anything added to it would look oddly out of place.


      Take this victorian home for example. I could easily see myself using this as a blank canvas for interpreting my artistic vision on the house. While it's very rooted in English styles, it's neutral enough to where a change in color scheme and the addition of decorations could turn it into any style I want. That's the ethos a lot of colonial architecture in India and Vietnam take. They take a British or French base, and add on traditional elements to their liking. However, if you wanted, you could totally turn this into something modern or even futuristic looking, with the right know-how and artistic vision.


      But then you have houses like this, which you can't really do much to without it looking weird. I can't add any "old world" decorations to it because it would look massively out of place. The style is kind of forced to me minimalistic.


      And yes, I get that with buildings, function matters more over aesthetics, but I do feel like there should be a balance between efficiency and artistic design. And I would at least like to see some curves and shapes that aren't rectangles. I mean, not every house can have a completely flat roof, that just doesn't fit for the climate of every place lol.

    3. Himeaimichu


      Plus, one thing I've noticed, ironically, this this new "cheap" style of architecture, is actually mainly a thing of the rich. Most of the towns I see with old-school architecture, are often the poorer parts of town (I mean, I am poor so I have lots of experience in those places lol).

      But then you go to where the rich people live, and you see these people paying out the fucking ass for buildings that look so... square. So while theoretically it may be cheaper to build, the people commissioning them can afford to actually have some artistic taste.


      I actually find that poor people who save up to add on to their old houses, put more effort in making it look tasteful than the rich people who just plop a fucking square anywhere, even if it looks out-of-place.


      And look, if I were rich enough, I would just have my own house built in whatever architectural style I want, but sadly, I'm not. I'm disabled and lower class, so if I ever do get lucky enough to own a home, I have to work with what's given to me. All I ask is for a neutral style that I can actually work with lol. One that I could make as minimalist or as maximalist as I want.

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  13. Why can't Tanuki do something useful, like leak samples of songs before they're released? Like, I want to see a preview of Kuroyuri's new single, I don't care about Kisaki's damn chode! xD

    1. Komorebi


      Does that make it less entretaining?

      Shows on Netflix are fake, but I still like to watch them XD

    2. Himeaimichu


      Yeah, but a lot of people think it's real, like how a lot of people think the stuff on Fox News is real. 

    3. Komorebi


      And stuff on blogs and social media is real... the stupidity of the readers is not the responsability of the ones who post XD

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  14. Wow. I usually shit on Yukika's singing ability (or lack thereof) but he actually sounds somewhat decent in his two solo projects. 

  15. Wow... YouTube is now showing ads giving really misogynistic and downright rapey dating advice.

    If you get an ad for "the desire system", that's the one. 


    Isn't it funny how content creators have to follow these super specific guidelines just to get advertising, but the ads can literally flat out go "How to control women's minds!" And just.... wow...

    Just watch this video


    1. Himeaimichu


      @suji Oh it's more than that. She's basically become a political pundit like her brother and her entire fanbase is just Ben Shapiro fans who want to fuck her lmao

    2. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      Hime has it down. My biggest gripe is that she says stuff like "If you don't wear modest clothing, don't expect men to not objectify you or treat you as an equal" yet she wears modest clothes and people objectify her as nothing but a MASSIVE (and I mean massive) rack all the time. 

    3. suji


      At least her youtube is a refresher from all these other Youtubers who try to look like Kim Kardashian.

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  16. Wtf is with all the MTH reaction videos? Who is responsible for this so I know who to be angry at for filling my feed up with clones of the same video?

    1. Himeaimichu


      Oh my god this shit is golden

      "I like the pop punky chorus"
      Yup this dude is a basic bitch confirmed. 

      And the reaction to "What's up people"...

      One, your audio is out of sync. This ain't 2007.

      Two, "This riff makes you want to stab your neck", how funny because looking at you makes me want to do that to you. 

      And the Alien reaction... I want to call 911 because it looks like he's having a seizure, but then that'd prevent natural selection from taking place. 

      This guy definitely has a stable income and is living in a very nice home in the hills and has a job that doesn't involve leeching off a family member. 


      Also, why do all these guys look like they came out of a Richard Spencer rally about how the fat bald Jew-Turk-Tatars are taking over the pure land? I guess if your video ideas aren't original, your parents probably took the same amount of work and originality into making all of you

    2. Himeaimichu


      I feel like this is the kind of guy who thinks Wagakki Band is the most innovative and heaviest thing ever. 

      Some of these bands would probably use a mic as a buttplug and he'd complement how deep it sounds (pun intended)

    3. platy


      I was watching his reaction to Sukekiyo and what he had to say was "drums are punchy"... Hey you know that, at least I know how to review music for the MH trade-offs now. 

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  17. Youtube videos be titled "Best handpicked selection of traditional Chinese music!" and it's all Derek and Brandon Fietcher and any other new age producer who thinks they're spiritual by interpolating the "Oriental Riff"

  18. Yuki from Archemi now looks like Hatsune Miku lol. When are we gonna get that Vkei cover of Heart Sutra Pop? 

    1. ahnchc


      Ok why am I laughing so fucking much at this

    2. IGM_Oficial


      Hyped, can't wait

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