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Status Updates posted by Himeaimichu

  1. I just realised, the PVs for Cuartet's "Sexuality" and Nightmare's "Gianizm Tsuu" were probably filmed in the same place. Both have the knock-off Cambodian Angkor Wat statues lol

    1. IGM_Oficial


      I wonder why bands don't tell where they shoot their music videos. Because of the retarded fans, probably?

    2. Himeaimichu


      Probably so lol. I imagine some of the more dumber fans would've graffittied "Saki please have my babies!!!" all over the set lol. 


  2. I just realised, Vocaloid (Or Utau for us who are broke) could make a really good writing tool

    1. Aferni


      you mean the tool that zin (Noulla) for composing their songs?

    2. Himeaimichu


      Wait, does he actually do that? That's sorta cool

  3. I just tried Angelo for the first time (I have been really neglecting them, ironically, being a Pierrot fan) and god I've been missing out on some good shit

  4. I just tried out BUK BUK and I fucking love them. I wish I didn't sleep on them for so long

    1. Mamo


      Kinda hard not to sleep on them when all they released is impossible to get live limited cds. Until they finally got uploaded here. Also they aren't that great which is probably why they disbanded. 

    2. Himeaimichu


      I really like what little I've heard so far. But I'm biased because I'll like anything that resembles Kuroyuri to Kage and DEZERT

  5. I just tried out Choke and I love them now

  6. I keep forgetting I'm actually sort of known for making weird, cringey comments on YT as a teenager,

    and so I occasionally have people I have never seen before reply to me "How did you get here?" on certain videos lol

  7. I know that March 8th is probably over in Japan, but Happy America Time Birthday!

    1. sakurakurakura



    2. Himeaimichu


      I love you too, onii-chan!

  8. I like the rerecording of Kiryu's Tsurezureguza, but I hate how they removed the Sitar/Biwa (I assume they were trying to simulate a Biwa, which is a traditional Japanese instrument that sounds like a Sitar, with sitar samples). I know most sitar samples sound fake as shit, and Biwa samples are nonexistent (as it is, the instrument is now only really used to accompany story telling), but if BP Records can afford to have real Taiko drummers during lives, I think they can afford to hire a Biwa-player, or at least buy one of those guitars that sound like Sitars.

    1. Himeaimichu


      This is a Biwa, btw, for those who aren't familiar with Japanese instruments:


    2. Zeus


      i'm more amazed one of the guitarists doesn't own one

  9. I love Tupac as an artist, but I really feel like he's severely misunderstood. Most people treat him like he's some all righteous Jesus figure, when in reality, he was quite an imperfect guy with a lot of flaws, but I think that actually makes his story interesting.


    I mean, for one, he wasn't even originally a gangster. He was a theatre kid from Harlem. He didn't start repping the bloods until Suge waved money in his face, and that's when he really started getting mad with power. I mean, he was literally starting beefs with EVERYONE, even fucking De La Soul of all fucking people. (And contrary to popular misconception, Biggie wasn't a crip, crips weren't a thing in NY at the time, but he did hire crips as bodyguards when he went over to the west coast).


    I think MC Eiht put it best. He went backwards by affiliating himself with gangs, and it's just unfortunate it ended the way it did

  10. I love WW2 games, but I seriously dislike a lot of the people who play them. It seems that every time I play Red Orchestra 2, there is always some ultra-political dude trying to talk about politics in the team chat. Like... THE TEAM CHAT ISN'T FOR THAT. FOCUS ON THE GAME

    1. xBandō


      Guess those games attract certain kind of people. I got into arguments all the time when people ranted ingame about some Nazi soldiers beeing black (COD) because they wouldnt shut the hell up about it.

    2. Gesu


      I guess it makes sense, seeing as war is very political in and of itself. Still, you're right about the fact that the team chat is for the game.

  11. I may upload some Memento Mori stuff in lossless soon. My partner has almost their entire discography (minus their full-length and their demo tape) 

    1. IGM_Oficial


      What? They have a demo tape?

    2. Himeaimichu


      @IGM_Oficial It was called "Nigatsuyouka no Shitsumei" and was released some time in 2012, around the same time as Haikei Haranbanjou Biyori. It's extremely rare, and it never appears on sales or auctions, but it is confirmed to have existed. 

  12. I need more 八十八ヶ所巡礼 in my life. They're an amazing band that I've been neglecting for so long

    1. CAT5


      They should be pretty easy to get a hold of, but lemme know if you need help.

    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      welcome to the party!

    3. sakurakurakura
    4. Show next comments  36 more
  13. I now know where Amano Tonbimaru got his style lol. From Kozi tumblr_okj6kfSWfg1ugsb2do1_500.gif



      i hope you're joking (or can't see difference between school uniform and military cosplay)

    2. Himeaimichu


      Half-Joking. I definitely know the difference, but there are also a lot of similarities between the looks here. Especially the hairstyle, since Amano always had that same hairstyle. 

      Don't take it all too seriously, it's just a simple observation.



      ahh it's ok if it so! i just like them both and can't understand why someone noticed similiar details..w

  14. I pulled out my old 3DS and began playing Pokemon X for the first time in a long time. I'm thinking of getting the virtual download of Yellow, and possibly buying a cartridge of Alpha Ruby/Omega Sapphire

  15. I really slept on Zig Zag. They're pretty cool

    1. Shmilly


      Their old stuff is excellent, their new stuff is excellent, and everything in-between is hit-or-miss. Hasn't been shared anywhere yet as far as I know but their latest live-dist is great (appare chindouchuu).

    2. Elazmus


      I'm right with you, just like a week ago I started really checking them out and they are so interesting and unexpected!

  16. I seriously hate seeing vintage buildings being torn down and replaced with generic looking churches. This entire town is just erasing it's history

    1. Lestat


      One thing we are very bad at nowadays is architecture. I cannot understand how we went from creating amazingly complex gothic cathedrals to just dumping cubic concrete buildings with absolutely no heart everywhere. 

  17. I seriously wish AIKA didn't retire from the Vkei scene after Triggah. Does anyone know what he's even doing now? Last I heard, he still attended events relating to Dual Core Sound, but I believe Dual Core Sound isn't around anymore

    1. Zeus


      probably farming avocados

  18. I sinned and put the rerecording of Kiryu's 月ノ姫 to the original PV, and I want to upload it... but I'm afraid it'll get taken down for copyright

    1. Himeaimichu


      And it only processed in 720p. Well, my shitty screen can't tell the difference but my TV will

  19. I still can't determine whether I think the new Kiryu single is a nice throwback to their earlier history, 
    or I think that it's a sign that they're starting to run out of ideas. 

  20. I sure hope Gulu Gulu opens a fanclub, because I'd definitely would join it.

  21. I swear I've heard the Koto melody in the beginning of Rui by Kiryu somewhere. I think in a Michio Miyagi piece?

  22. I used to think that one R-Shitei song where Mamo's autotune has the throat length setting made to make him sound like a girl was pretty cool...
    ...but now it just feels creepy to me

    1. Bunny-Usagii


      Oml, I literally just found this band yesterday lol
      Now I'm curious heheh

      I listened to "帝都に死す", do they have more songs like that one?

    2. Himeaimichu
    3. Himeaimichu


      @Bunny-Usagii They have quite a few of them scattered through their discography

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  23. I want a pair of those large, round lense vintage glasses, but IDK if they'd make me look like a vintage cutie, or an Emo Chinaman xD

    1. IGM_Oficial
    2. Himeaimichu


      Yeah, basically

    3. IGM_Oficial


      Hm. I think it's cute on girls.

  24. I want to know what kind of things Grieva and GossiP are saying in their songs, if they warrant a parental advisory, but Kuroyuri doesn't xD

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      Grieva often sing about murder and suicide, Gossip have a lot of topics about nationalism/anti nationalism etc.  But yes, Kuroyuri have similar topics so they should have that parental advisory as well I guess :P

    2. Himeaimichu


      It could be that Grieva and GossiP are more blunt with their lyrics. I mean, Mei tends to put LOTS of hidden metaphors in his lyrics and such, though I'm sure Kyouki and Saku do too. 

      Or it could be the way Mei sings, since he sings in a more archaic way, using weird Kanji readings, and occasionally using obsolete phonemes such as "ye", "we" and "wi". But then again, so does Kyouki. Saku seems to sing in a slightly more modern way compared to Kyouki and Mei, but still somewhat Archaic. I have heard from a lot of people who try to translate Kuroyuri songs that Kuroyuri's lyrics tend to be really hard to understand due to Mei's grammar, because Mei is known for using the fluidity of Japanese grammar. Also, it's worth mentioning Mei slurs his vowels in different ways a LOT.  I've also heard Kyouki's lyrics are a little harder to understand, but I don't have much info on Saku's lyrics, since not a lot of GossiP's songs have translations. 

      (If only I actually spoke Japanese xD. I could tell you all about the language theory and the archaic forms of the language, but I can't even speak it xD)

      But the most likely reason is probably something so simple as "Kuroyuri doesn't use any English cursing" xD. We'll never know, probably. 

    3. Himeaimichu


      Update: I just realised only 2 GossiP releases have parental advisory, and only 2 of Grieva's. IDK what this means, but it's probably useful somehow in finding out this honestly arbitrary thing I just thought xD

  25. I want to make a post in the disabilities thread, but I'm like 90%sure my last response there was attention whoring at worst, and at best, me just being misinformed about what's actually wrong with me and I'm too afraid to look lol. Recently, I've been able to actually get diagnosed with wtf is wrong with me, and we haven't found out everything yet, not nearly, but we already know I'm bad enough to where I couldn't work a job. 

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