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Everything posted by itsukoii

  1. itsukoii

    behold my first ever rarezhut haul <3333 I'M SO HAPPY I'M CRYING tBH
  2. itsukoii

    i'm very exited for 「MASTURBATION.」 but so far could care less about the other songs :// but lmao knowing me, i'll eventually warm up to them, because i usually do
  3. itsukoii

    in 24 hours i'll be on my flight back home :< my vacation was awesome and i'm so grateful for the experiences but ughhhh i just don't want it to end
  4. anything by dir en grey is pretty easy. there are a bunch of tabs on songsterr
  5. itsukoii

    finally got a chance to listen to this and it's PERFECT shin's clean vocals are so much more tolerable (and even enjoyable) now, such an improvement from lucien. god they were terrible back then & everything else is GREAT i'll be keeping up with these guys for sure
  6. itsukoii

    what is it??? the full song??? the video is private so i can't tell :((
  7. Nobody understand he but i ever loves him

    1. emmny


      Nobody understand he but i ever loves him

  8. i doubt there'll be any influences of deviloof in this band because ryuya didn't really partake in the composition/creation of their songs as far as i'm aware...... & he left deviloof?? so why would he bring their sound to another band if he didn't like it? ([unfortunately]. i'm all for deviloof influences but it won't happen LOL, good for y'all i guess. but either way i have high hopes, i don't think they'll sound bad)
  9. brb crying (happily) over dimlim for the next 5 years

    1. itsukoii


      @saishuu i'm sure you can teach me a whole lotta bout that

    2. saishuu


      LMAOOOOOOO you got me

    3. nekkichi


      no t no shade, but they won't last that long tbh (and also fuck Issei's treacherous ways.) 

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  10. YES MY BABY!!!!!!! THAT'S MY BABY..... go, my baby........ i'm so happy i'm also excited to see the rest of the lineup 👀
  11. that feeling when ur fave joins a new band after departing from another & has been quiet for 4 months 🙏🙏🙏

  12. itsukoii

    OH YES this is good news, very very good news, i'm already excited
  13. only day 3 of my vacation and my face is burnt and blistered. haha wear sunscreen kids

  14. itsukoii

    sitting in the airport now, waiting for my flight to florida. oh boy am i ready for a vacation
  15. itsukoii

    as long as ur shipping responsibly and not obsessively and not getting deep in the bandoman's business by tweeting him constantly/DMing him and/or his "husbando" , i think it's a-ok. go have fun, kids ,,,but not too much fun
  16. itsukoii

    ok so like, if visual kei could stop existing and i could stop wasting all of my money on it, that'd be fantastic
  17. Did I just have sex with my guitar?




    1. Aferni


      scrolled down to something unpleasannnntttt

    2. orange~


      clickbait status update D:

    3. Komorebi


      "did the guitar cum, if not then it doesn't count"

      Best response ever.

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  18. itsukoii

    i've never really been into tbs but HOLY SHIT that is cool
  19. itsukoii

    i'd like to introduce my new son
  20. itsukoii

    the intro gets me every damn time
  21. itsukoii

    omg, i had no idea this guy was still around. this makes me happy. good for him!! also, @patientZERO, where's the info on that??? it sounds awesome :0
  22. itsukoii

    i'm really hoping i'll stick with bass. with guitar, i found myself really not getting into it. and i don't think the reasoning behind that was because of my super-intense perfectionism (usually if i don't get something quickly, i give up, lol). i actually think it was because i honestly don't care for the sound of a guitar unless it's drop tuned and hebi hebi br00tal metal \m/, and since i only have a very shitty 6-string guitar with floppy spaghetti for strings (that is clearly built for old rock and nothing heavier), i wasn't happy with the sounds i was creating (i realize i'm not a good player, but seriously. how about you try dropping 10 gauge strings to drop A and see how good of a sound it makes) whereas, with bass, i love the sound, regardless of the tuning or genre it's being played in. i love how it can switch from smooth n groovy to your-ass-will-fall-out low n heavy real easily. i love the sort of freedom it gives, and how it always manages to sound good to my ears. guitar didn't have that 'click' with me. so, i think i'll stick with it! (i don't actually have a bass yet, but i've been watching tutorials on it all day and reading a ton and getting that education. i haven't lost interest once). i also plan on getting lessons which'll really help keep me motivated and not so lost all the time. oh yeah, i did actually go bass shopping the other day, and got to hold a bass. it felt so much nicer than my guitar (and it was a lot prettier...), so i'm really excited to get my own.
  23. itsukoii

    i don't really care for this so far but.... kyoooooooma!!!
  24. itsukoii

    ooo i like, sounds good so far, + those masks are cool, i hope they're not just some graphic thing and that the band uses them irl
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