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Everything posted by itsukoii

  1. itsukoii

  2. itsukoii

    dang... i'm not surprised in the slightest, but. DANG
  3. itsukoii

    ^ damn you i was in the middle of replying to sei....... unfortunately i know none of your songs or listen to any of those bands :< Re:dis - birth. DIR EN GREY - Uroko ∀NTI FEMINISM - Nashi deadman - imp Despite from Greed - トリカゴ Lycaon - Dark Night D'espairsRay - 「浮遊した理想」 GxSxD - Requiem Desecravity - The Serpent of Ishtar Gate Purple Stone - 絵空事 was gonna go with Re:dis but man... lycaon hit so close to home... especially since camera obscura was one of my first albums when i was getting into vk
  4. idk what mother nature is on but there is currently snow on the ground and she needs to get off of it NOW

    1. itsukoii


      global warming? i don't know her

    2. Biopanda


      We got snow here in Albuquerque during the last week of April. I don't even know what the fuck.

    3. orange~


      ya I second dispo's photo! It was a fucking icestorm here D:


      Pretty weird it's happening all around tho,,

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  5. itsukoii

    CATFIST's entire disco..... they give me these weirdly nostalgic vibes that make me happy and remind me of summer? CRY:RELOAD gives me the most summery feels but it isn't on youtube ://
  6. itsukoii

    another question: can you get rings right from the get-go? and how do they differ from studs in terms of tooth and gum damage?
  7. itsukoii

    dear people with lip piercings (specifically labrets and snake bites): how badly do these piercings really affect your teeth and gums? i've been doing a lot of research but i wanna get some info first hand. i'm dying to get these piercings once i get my braces off but i don't want them to fuck up my brand new straight teeth :S *to stay on topic: i have my navel and ear lobes pierced, lol*
  8. itsukoii

    TOP 10 ANIME BATTLES..........
  9. itsukoii

    maaaaan i want these guys back
  10. can somebody please tell me roughly what these tweets say ;^;




    1. suji


      They basically said they're pausing activities as they're working on their first album. They also got a new guitarist,  so they wanna record the album with a 5 member lineup. 

    2. itsukoii


      @sheepprincessgaragod bless you 🙏i thought "pausing activities" meant a hiatus or disbandment, i was so worried

  11. itsukoii

    i can't stop coughing i've literally coughed myself into having the voice of a man. my throat is so raw. can this end. update: yesterday was man voice. today? NO VOICE AT ALL
  12. itsukoii

    been laying in bed sick for nearly the past 24 hours :< i rarely get sick, so when i do, it hits hard and my body doesn't know how to cope. this sucks so much ass
  13. itsukoii

    great seller, quick replies and easy to deal with. however, 3 out of the 4 CDs* sent to me were cracked upon arrival, and they weren't in the photos sent to me before they were shipped. i realize it's the mail carrier's fault, but the CDs were sent in a floppy envelope with little protection... :< *CD cases, not the discs. discs were in perfect condition
  14. sorry, i would've sent it sooner but i've been having some troubles with my card ;o; still trying to figure out a few things, but i'll definitely contact you within the next week :>
  15. itsukoii

    please reform as an official band ;(((
  16. itsukoii

    i used to have really bad anxiety, and even tho it sucked ass, it at least kept me motivated enough to finish assignments and other things. now i don't have anxiety, which is good-- but on the downside, i rarely finish anything, and i don't care about my tasks. i can't fuckin win
  17. itsukoii

    here we go again
  18. i'm enjoying playing bass, even if i'm not good. this is a major thing for me, being a perfectionist who gives up on most hobbies because i'm not good at them first try. i haven't enjoyed a hobby/had any productive interests in at least half a year. i'm just too damn hard on myself. but with bass, i'm just letting go and having a great time. great decision on my part for wanting to play this instrument. plus, i'll be getting lessons sometime this week, so who knows? maybe one day i'll actually be good at this instrument and enjoy it even more.
  19. itsukoii

    since i guess this is becoming an unpopular opinion: -gossip are good -gossip are better than grieva
  20. itsukoii

    oh this is AWESOME, can't wait for my copy to arrive!!
  21. omg this can't be real count me interested! ♡ i'll shoot you a PM in a little while!
  22. omg libras! my brethren!! i rarely see any of us, i feel like we're forgotten. which is weird, because we're supposed to be "extroverted/outgoing", "flirty" and "articulate, charming, charismatic"... not that i'm any of those things LOL. i don't really believe in horoscopes, they've never proved to be really accurate for me. but i still find them fun.
  23. BLACK SUGAR & CIGARETTE by ゴシップ has to be my new favourite song


    swing/jazz-kei is ALIVE

  24. itsukoii

  25. not to be like that but i'm gonna have to stop you right there buddy
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