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  1. I feel ya..
    platy reacted to Aferni in DADAROMA new single, "ミスター・テロルマン" (Mr. Terror Man)   
    Then Allow me to jump ship and watch it sail over the horizon cause we went from daddyroma to clownsonaroma real quick
  2. Bitch, excuse me?!
    platy reacted to Ro plz in sukekiyo to release new Blu-ray "LIQUEFACIO" on 2020.2.29   
    This looks like glossed up MID. 
    Even a well crafted and well produced performance can't save this snooze fest of an album 
  3. Like
    platy reacted to sleepy coffee in DIMLIM new album, "MISC." release   
  4. Like
    platy reacted to Total Saikou in Hey Guys!   
    I've known about this site since I became a fan a few years back but I never actually registered... Anyway, I'm finally joining! 
    My name is Dasha, and I've been a VK fan for three years now. I prefer old school kei to new school kei but I try to keep up with my newest favorites. My favorite band is Malice Mizer! They're a huge part of my life, and have helped shape who I am as a person. I've almost collected all the main albums, and have begun getting my hands on some singles. I also run the malice_mizer_ultimate fanpage, if anyone knows me from there. My other favorite bands are LAREINE, Versailles, Buck-Tick, BAISER, and SHAZNA. I have a lot more but listing them is a chore, and there are more that I casually listen to than religiously. 
    Apparently I am Last.fm famous so if the username MetaKnight999 rings a bell, then that is me! You can get a comprehensive look at all the VK bands I listen to in my library 
  5. Daria
  6. Like
    platy got a reaction from ShTon in DADAROMA new single, "ミスター・テロルマン" (Mr. Terror Man)   
    It's always a clown thing. The question is it gonna be a tasteful pierrot or deviantart coulrophilia fuckery?
  7. LOLOL
    platy got a reaction from Xerath in DADAROMA new single, "ミスター・テロルマン" (Mr. Terror Man)   
    It's always a clown thing. The question is it gonna be a tasteful pierrot or deviantart coulrophilia fuckery?
  8. Interesting
    platy reacted to Aferni in random thoughts thread   
    I was right, he does like his sister.l
  9. Like
    platy reacted to ghostpepper in La'Vistier has begun and ended a new era + new unit {mid:night} has formed --> will disband   
    Hello! It was really funny to read all of your posts about our time in La'Vistier and {m:n}. I especially liked the south park kairu (cuttle fish), Our drummer seeming out of place post "hey it's a job!" (pretty much the truth! except replace power metal with regular overseas goth), and the last Maria Cross comment was very funny too haha. thank you for your support and interest, there was so much drama from the La'Vistier craziness leaving us with a self produced event to pay for and no chance to recoup and actually decide what we wanted to do musically. All the songs from {m:n} were basically demos I made for fun (never intended to be released) in 2017, When I was asked to join La'Vistier I did so out of respect for Sakura's history and since I had those demos ready to go I just said "we can use these." After his mental problems came up too many times we had no choice but to continue on with that concept as we had a schedule lined up already. After a year, and though we loved the band, we knew we could not keep on with a concept that we did not originally wish to do completely. If you have any questions feel free to ask!
    As we are disbanding here is the album for free download:
  10. Like
    platy got a reaction from Seimeisen in Kiryu: new single "私 塗レ" (Watashi mamire) release   
    Just listened to the song. 
    Dunno what the hell is going on here, but I'm almost convinced Mahiro retired on the down low and been replaced by an untrained "" "look-alike""" coz this ain't it. He sounds weird af.
  11. I feel ya..
    platy got a reaction from gret in Kiryu: new single "私 塗レ" (Watashi mamire) release   
    After Mahiro's surgery, his face looks different in every single piece of media they've released. Wondering when it'll settle down. 
  12. Like
    platy reacted to CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
    ahaha, you ALREADY know! There's a lot that could be said here, but I'll try to keep things concise:
    Essentially, I agree with what the author is trying to say. This new-age, "positive vibes only" / positive psychology nonsense is simply not functional. I see this type of stuff parroted in so many different ways on social media and people are just eating it up. It's like sure, it's good to be positive, but you also have to be sober-minded. Being positive does not mean you should just ignore the negative. No, not at all. Being positive is about being able to recognize, assess, and deal with the negative and still be able to move forward and grow inspite of it. In fact, if you can't do that, then you're not really being positive at all. You're just deceiving yourself.
    In order to heal, you must first correctly diagnose the ill. And if you're reaping bad fruit in your life, you have to go back and look at the seeds that were planted.
    Doing this takes honesty, humility, bravery, and compassion. You have to be honest enough with yourself to even recognize and admit that you've reaped bad fruit in your life. You have to be humble enough enough to take on the responsibility of dealing with that bad fruit (instead of pridefully claiming victimhood). You have to be brave enough to take on the daunting task of searching for and plucking up all of the roots that bore this bad fruit (cuz it can be painful and hella uncomfortable). And you have to be compassionate enough with yourself to realize that this is not an overnight process, and not beat yourself up for it.
    But the people who have allowed themselves to be possessed by this "positive only" stuff are doing themselves and others a huge disservice because they negate everything i just mentioned in the last paragraph. As a result, these people are usually the opposite of honest, humble, brave, and compassionate. How can they be honest with you when they can't be honest with themselves? How can they be compassionate towards you when they can't be compassionate towards themselves? If they can't deal with the discomfort of dealing with their own selves, what's gonna happen when you come along and inevitably make them uncomfortable simply by being human? --> These are the same kinds of insecure, feeble-minded, and bitch-hearted people that will cut you off just for having a difference of opinion or a different perspective than they do. The kinds of ppl that get anxiety attacks when you tell them the truth about themselves.
    So yeah, that whole positive-only nonsense disarms people from being able to competently deal with negativity, or rather things that make them feel negative or uncomfortable. Which is really just disarming ppl from dealing with reality in general. It doesn't help that this bitch-made attitude is being increasingly supported here in western culture. It's like so many people are trying to make the world into one big "safe space", but there's way more of the world than there are any of us individually, so the more functional idea would be to simply get comfortable being uncomfortable.
    That wasn't necessarily concise
  13. Interesting
    platy reacted to Karma’s Hat in random thoughts thread   
    ˆ I think we've been through that already 
    Each to their own, you either buy it or don't. As a forum I don't think we have to collectively white knight for some high school dropout's rockstar dreams in 2020 when the amazon is burning and shit. If h00mans can't find a more sustainable way to produce and distribute music other than by manufacturing rows upon rows of plastic junk to sell for idiotic prices to fund all the parasitic middle men of that entire process who have nothing to do with the music anyway, then I don't mind if we just nuke the entire culture and go back to playing drums in circles.
  14. Like
    platy got a reaction from lichtlune in Kiryu: new single "私 塗レ" (Watashi mamire) release   
    After Mahiro's surgery, his face looks different in every single piece of media they've released. Wondering when it'll settle down. 
  15. Like
    platy got a reaction from Reikatsumi in Kiryu: new single "私 塗レ" (Watashi mamire) release   
    After Mahiro's surgery, his face looks different in every single piece of media they've released. Wondering when it'll settle down. 
  16. Like
  17. Like
    platy reacted to Jun_ in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
    Nossa, gente. Eu tô tão feliz que o Ryu (ex-MoNoLith) voltou com uma banda. A vida tava uma merda, mas parece que ouvir ele de novo me fez ficar momentaneamente feliz ghfjghfjghf ;~;
  18. LOVE!
    platy got a reaction from CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
    @CAT5 I thought you might find this interesting. 
  19. Like
    platy got a reaction from Anne Claire in What are you listening to 2?   
    His fucking mind...
  20. Like
    platy reacted to nullmoon in DIR EN GREY TOUR 2019: THIS WAY TO SELF DESTRUCTION   
    If anyone needed the info, London had Kodou in the encore. The crowd went nuts for both this and Merciless Cult. Although the tracks from TIW were definitely more preferable live than on the album, the WTD tracks had so much more punch in comparison. The World of Mercy was incredible live. 
    The band played incredible well with only a few screw ups during solos etc. Kyo was a beast; he seemed to replace a lot of the higher screams with the kind of whistley scream he used at the end of Reiketsu Nariseba which was super cool. As was his repetition of 'London' before the last song which drove everyone wild XD 
    Best of all was the complete absence of some lame opening act 👍 Also, big thanks to the couple who barged in front of me mid-set and didn't even bop to the music. You suck. 
    I can't wait to see the band again though! I last saw them when they spent two days in London for the Arche tour so they were definitely worth the wait. I had a great time with the wonderful @TheZigzagoon so we'll have to meet up for the next one! 😊
  21. Like
    platy reacted to CAT5 in 2020 Japanese Music Ratings   
    updated: 02/06/2020
    (stuff that I TRULY enjoy listening to, and that truly moves me. the question here would be "which tracks DON'T stand out?".)
    ★★★★★★★★★★ ---> ★★★★★★★★★★

    downy - 砂上、燃ユ。残像
    single | 2020.02.05
    This is not the greatest downy track in existence, but dayum, this band's sound just speaks to my very soul! It's almost like it gets better with each listen. The remix is dope too. Looking forward to the album next month!
    (stuff that I consider listenable, but not particularly compelling. may have potential to grow on me. could have a few of standout tracks)
    ★★★★★★★★★★ ---> ★★★★★★★★★★

    album | 2020.01.28
    I had very high hopes for this after hearing "what's up", but those hopes were quickly dashed. I honestly can't decide if I want to file this one under "Decent" or "bad". "What's up" is still a great track, and I like "For the future", too. And there are some nice ideas here and there, but everything about this album was handled in such a tacky fashion that it's almost embarrassing.
    sleepy.ab - fractal
    album | 2020.01.29
    Stellar production and beautiful soundscapes that are, unfortunately, restrained by boring songwriting. Given their last few albums, I expected this turnout tho. Despite the snoozefest, there are a few wonderfully written tracks here that are well worth it.
    tricot - 真っ黒
    album | 2020.01.29
    I haven't really been into tricot since their early, EARLY material, so I was pleasantly surprised at just how listenable this album is. In fact, this is definitely the best stuff I've heard from them in ages, plus their musicianship is has grown exponentially. Still, they're just missing something. Maybe this one will grow on me?
    envy - The Fallen Crimson
    album | 2020.02.05
    I'm a sucker for envy's sound in general, but the excessive, airy post-rock elements here just get really old really quickly. It's like they were playing straight from the post-rock handbook on some songs. That said, I do appreciate the more hardcore moments on the album. "Fingerprint mark" in particular is amazing. Shoutout to Achico for being featured on track 4!!!
    羊文学 - ざわめき
    ep | 2020.02.05
    Typical, run-of-the-mill indie-rock with female vocals. Pleasant, but completely lacking in character.
    (stuff that doesn't do a thing for me/stuff that I have no desire to listen to again. may have one or two  standout tracks, but is irredeemable otherwise.)
    ★★★★★★★★★★ ---> ★★★★★★★★★★

  22. Like
    platy reacted to Karma’s Hat in Is it just me or we are getting new bands more rarely?   
    There's one guy making these top PV videos on youtube on a monthly basis and when you get through one of them you'll think "I never heard of any of these fucking bands" and they sometimes actually look like they got money behind them as well. 
    fantastic resource to see what's going on the scene as long as you know what you're getting into. of course most of the bands sound "generic" because the amount of bands is absurdly high and that's how this music always sounds like anyway with slight variations. 
  23. Like
    platy reacted to sangan in What are you listening to 2?   
    Some old school vk
  24. Like
    platy got a reaction from colorful人生 in What are you listening to 2?   
    His fucking mind...
  25. Interesting
    platy reacted to Zeus in random thoughts thread   
    The fact y'all have to go through so much to buy a fuckin CD blows my mind. Perspective is one hell of a drug.
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