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  1. LOLOL
    platy reacted to 少女椿 in random thoughts thread   
    Please ban gackt
  2. LOVE!
    platy reacted to Tokage in sukekiyo   
    for your consideration: kyo x junji ito
  3. I feel ya..
    platy got a reaction from ghost in random thoughts thread   
    *Looks up fritters recipe*
    *Scrolls down for a whole minute before the actual recipe shows up*
    I really dgaf that your husband plays the guitar therefore he squeezes the water out of grated courgettes for you because his grip is oh so strong (?)
    wish websites would simply give us the damn recipe 
  4. Like
    platy got a reaction from Total Saikou in "Where in the World is Yoshiki"   
    I wonder how many people use this. And I wonder how many celebrities have their own credit card. 
  5. Interesting
    platy reacted to Total Saikou in "Where in the World is Yoshiki"   
    Like a normal mastercard, I'm assuming... Oh wow, I found out that there's more than one, actually. 
    There's the Rakuten Mastercard that offers you lots of points and stuff
    There's the Underground Kingdom Visa card that gives you "member only items" (whatever that is... Free Yoshiki Bathwater, maybe?)
    There's also a Mastercard from Underground Kingdom but with Yoshikitty on it
    All 3 give you discounts for X Japan and Yoshiki  related stuff (like merch) from what I can gather. 
  6. LOLOL
    platy got a reaction from Total Saikou in "Where in the World is Yoshiki"   
    eXcuse me, Yoshiki mastercard? How does it work? 
  7. Like
    platy reacted to Bunny-Usagii in "Where in the World is Yoshiki"   
    Found this random pic on Tumblr, idk if this counts

    Hanging out with Kiryu as well
  8. Yikes
    platy reacted to Total Saikou in "Where in the World is Yoshiki"   
    I can't believe a guy who's almost 55 doesn't know that putting whole ass eggs in the microwave makes them explode wtf
  9. Like
    platy reacted to KrumpingChihuahua in "Where in the World is Yoshiki"   
    I can't 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 why does he has to tell us stuff like that 
  10. Like
    platy reacted to KrumpingChihuahua in "Where in the World is Yoshiki"   
    I found someone in the comments who tried the same 🙈
    Well he did some good stuff back in the days.
    Now he reminds me of some girl with too much money that is hot to get a pic with any celeb she mets and calls them all heir friends .... Or so... 
    Oooor maybe its just a never ending midlife crisis  🤷

    Prelayout for their new album 
  11. Like
    platy reacted to nomemorial in The Extremely Official MH J-meme Thread   
    had to give the fans the finale they were begging for
  12. Like
    platy reacted to suji in The Extremely Official MH J-meme Thread   
    basic microphone meme

    template; make of it what u will

  13. Like
    platy reacted to nomemorial in The Extremely Official MH J-meme Thread   
    figured was worth sharing here also 😬
  14. Like
    platy reacted to Gesu in The Extremely Official MH J-meme Thread   
    Back with just one this time

  15. LOLOL
    platy reacted to Gesu in The Extremely Official MH J-meme Thread   
    I'm back and my memes are shittier than ever. I might have to take a break before the well really does run dry.
    ETA: Thank you to @CAT5 for posting that thus/furthermore/henceforth Winnie The Pooh meme in the random thoughts thread. You introduced me to a new meme format and for that, I am eternally grateful.
  16. I feel ya..
    platy got a reaction from Tokage in random thoughts thread   
    *Looks up fritters recipe*
    *Scrolls down for a whole minute before the actual recipe shows up*
    I really dgaf that your husband plays the guitar therefore he squeezes the water out of grated courgettes for you because his grip is oh so strong (?)
    wish websites would simply give us the damn recipe 
  17. Like
    platy reacted to seys in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Final Fantasy XIV. Also just bought FFXII, one of the few mainline FF's I haven't played yet, but I'll wait to play it until my sub for XIV runs out in a month.
  18. Like
    platy got a reaction from Miku70 in Corona-related Livestreams / Concert Videos   
    Mamireta >
    So PUNCH RECORDS are doing shows with a live audience...? :s 
  19. Like
    platy reacted to nodamedame in Greetings and salutations   
    It looks like I've had this account for nearly 10 years and have never said a word. Somewhat impressive, if you ask me. One could also assume that I'm probably old as hell.

    Anyhow, I'm from Finland and my musical taste is quite vast. According to my last.fm (my username being ksms) I've listened to nearly 13,000 artists, so that in itself says something. One of my absolute favourite bands is COALTAR OF THE DEEPERS, who can hop from one genre to the next within the confines of a single song, sometimes several times. I appreciate electronic bleep bloops, massive walls of sound, ethereal reverbs, minimalism, cute things, brutal things, video games, movies and so forth. Anyway, good to meet you all.
  20. Like
    platy reacted to inartistic in NOCTILUCA: interview with Sendai vkei band   
    This week we have an interview with Sendai-based visual kei band NOCTILUCA.
    It’s interesting to get the perspective of a band who’s outside of the usual Tokyo or Osaka. So we hope you enjoy it. Available in English and Japanese.
    ➡ https://vk.gy/blog/an-interview-with-noctiluca/
    We post exclusive vkei interviews every Tuesday at vkgy, so be sure to check back every week. Previous interviews include La’veil MizeriA, Astaroth, and Shuuen no Rasetsu. Check vkgy's interview archive for more.
  21. LOVE!
    platy got a reaction from AnchuAnchor in How many of you are/were in a band or solo artists?   
    When I was  15 me and some friends from school would hire a studio on weekends and jam. I played bass back then and I also performed at the Japanese summer fest at school with another friend who played guitar and this girl who could fluently sing in Japanese. It was all for fun, I'm not one bit musically talented  
  22. Like
  23. Like
    platy reacted to KrumpingChihuahua in Cursed VK Images   
    Not sure if mine are will all accounted as cursed

    TM revolution


  24. LOVE!
    platy reacted to plastic_rainbow in random thoughts thread   
    omg i have not seen this video of aicle before, so adorable
  25. Interesting
    platy reacted to Saishu in What video games are you currently playing?   
    I am absolutely losing my shit at how the story is being told in Final Fantasy VII Remake. But, first of all, I’m soooo glad that they kept Cloud an awkward weirdo like he was in the original instead of the cool badass we got in everything else he was in. The other characters are pretty spot on too, and I honestly was never a big fan of the original game at all. 
    What I don’t like is all the stupid filler stuff they have you do to pass time. At one point I couldn’t make any progress until I played a game of darts. Some of these quests and missions are really dragged out for the sake of adding more length, and it doesn’t always work in the game’s favor. 
    The story though... obviously don’t want to spoil, but uh... I’ll just say sometimes things deviate, and then you’ll get something literally is like “nah, that’s not how it happened” and fixes it. It’s interesting, and I get the feeling that events are going to end up changing a LOT by the time this is over. Which is good. I’m on board with Square-Enix shaking things up. 
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