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  1. Like
    platy reacted to ArtFart in ArtFart doodles   
    Kinda proud of this sketch I did to help me get back in the flow of things after moving, so I'll share it here!

    Undyne from Undertale.
  2. Like
    platy reacted to hiroki in Purple Stone   
    Purple Stone was on nicobiju at Ikebukuro Parco just now to commemorate the release of Poison chocolate!!
    photos from today

    took some screenshots

    anyone else ordered their new single??
    btw just a heads up: initial stock at Jishuban has run out so you'll need to wait for 2 weeks for the shop to receive and ship the new press (you can still place your order in the meantime!)
  3. Like
    platy reacted to anakuro in The 1st Livehouse attended in Japan?   
    Osaka MUSE to see kannivalism in 2010
    but since I came back and became ~bangya~ (and then quit being bangya lol...) was Zepp Tokyo for baroque but others played too (vistlip/Girugamesh/Sadie/DaizyStriper/Nightmare/wyse)
    As for how people know when to go up it's a lot of random things
    really small bands you can legit DM/message the guys and they will tell you  There's someone who has a contact in some band playing there Peaking under the freaking curtain* based on BGM and/or the sound of their sound check bandmen hinting about it on twitter about playing late or "hurry up" etc etc As long as there is one contact then they can usually get the schedule. If that's the case then once one girl knows you just have to ask the right people and you know the order too. Sometimes it's guess work "we know Lycaon is torimae and everyone else has played so that means Souiumono must be tori" (actual experience)
    *One time when I was in charge because the shikiri was dippin out before the end she told me they didn't know the order at all today and that was what we had to do to check. Thank goodness it was Shibuya REX tbh. Not all curtains are easy to look under.
    I remember one time they got the order wrong and my friend had to run from saizen and was missing a shoe for an entire set because her other boot was left at the rail lollllllll
  4. Like
    platy got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in Synk;yet Gt.俐乃-rino- has been fired   
  5. Like
    platy got a reaction from smilesxchibi in Synk;yet Gt.俐乃-rino- has been fired   
  6. Like
    platy reacted to ShTon in Platy's Stuff   
    Those concept are cute and story is nice~
  7. Like
    platy got a reaction from plastic_rainbow in Platy's Stuff   
    Some background info on what I'm working on for my final project. 
    Everything is still not textured   but I'm working on it 

    - Witch's Beach Hut - 
    Some assets from the house
    Sappho (The witch)
    Sappho's selkie girlfriend
  8. Like
    platy got a reaction from helcchi in Platy's Stuff   
    Some background info on what I'm working on for my final project. 
    Everything is still not textured   but I'm working on it 

    - Witch's Beach Hut - 
    Some assets from the house
    Sappho (The witch)
    Sappho's selkie girlfriend
  9. Like
    platy reacted to Aferni in Platy's Stuff   
    These are really cute! Keep em coming!
  10. Like
    platy got a reaction from emmny in Crazy fans: When is enough enough?   
    These have been my thoughts for a while. The territorial behavior disgusts me and the fact people don't realise what they're doing puts me off even more.
    Fans are not entitled to anything to do with the artist's life or being.
    Look at yourself and think "I am getting possessive of this artist like a rabid dog over a bone? Am I having murderous feelings towards other fans because they dared come to the same live gig like me? Have I been feeding my dog in the past few months or have I just been living, breathing and drinking this thing I'm a fan of?''  Answer yes to any of those and imo you've gone too far. 
    Musical artists aren't sacred entities, they make mistakes, they fuck other people, they get messy when they eat, they have lazy days, they fart and have bad hair days because they're humans.(Yes, that includes those perfect doll-like kpop idols). So fans need to remember that at some point their patience is gonna run out if you keep acting like an animal and you're probably embarassing yourself in the process.
    All cool if you go to a band's gigs every week, you follow them all over the country and socialise when you get the chance. But if people are going as far poisoning someone, beating other fans up /threatening them, sending their bodily fluids or other things that came from their body....bitch, I don't care if this is how you show love. You need help immediately. 
    I just hate fandoms in general. Nowadays any conglomerate of fans become an angry cloud of bees, if anyone dares step out of the fandom's rules that person will be erased (e.g get doxxed, ''cyber-bullied'' to suicide, etc) and that's some really sickly behavior typical of people who can't form their own opinions. It's even come to the point where creators or artists get harassed for not giving fans what they want...but anyway. I'll just watch everything from the back.
  11. Like
    platy got a reaction from -jibakurei- in XAA-XAA (ザアザア)   
    I haven't seen anything official but just stumbled across this on a website.
    Fukou na Meiro (不幸な迷路)
    Album  ·  14 tracks  ·  2017-03-15  ·   Edit  ·   Report
    1. Iriguchi (入口)
    2. Fuki no Hajimari (不幸の始まり)
    3. Guchagucha (ぐちゃぐちゃ)
    4. Haisui Kuchi (排水口)
    5. Kidzuite (気付いて)
    6. Hitogoroshi (人殺し)
    7. Last Dance (ラストダンス)
    8. Otoshiana (落とし穴)
    9. Koubi wo shite yo (交尾をしてよ)
    10. Yumeochi (ユメオチ)
    11. Saigo no uta (最後の歌)
    12. Deguchi (出口)
    13. Koibito gokko (恋人ごっこ)
    14. Yorimichi (寄り道)
    New album in march, plus their new look was revealed today.
    I'm already counting the days 
  12. Like
    platy got a reaction from ShTon in Platy's Stuff   
    Some background info on what I'm working on for my final project. 
    Everything is still not textured   but I'm working on it 

    - Witch's Beach Hut - 
    Some assets from the house
    Sappho (The witch)
    Sappho's selkie girlfriend
  13. Like
    platy got a reaction from ShTon in Crazy fans: When is enough enough?   
    These have been my thoughts for a while. The territorial behavior disgusts me and the fact people don't realise what they're doing puts me off even more.
    Fans are not entitled to anything to do with the artist's life or being.
    Look at yourself and think "I am getting possessive of this artist like a rabid dog over a bone? Am I having murderous feelings towards other fans because they dared come to the same live gig like me? Have I been feeding my dog in the past few months or have I just been living, breathing and drinking this thing I'm a fan of?''  Answer yes to any of those and imo you've gone too far. 
    Musical artists aren't sacred entities, they make mistakes, they fuck other people, they get messy when they eat, they have lazy days, they fart and have bad hair days because they're humans.(Yes, that includes those perfect doll-like kpop idols). So fans need to remember that at some point their patience is gonna run out if you keep acting like an animal and you're probably embarassing yourself in the process.
    All cool if you go to a band's gigs every week, you follow them all over the country and socialise when you get the chance. But if people are going as far poisoning someone, beating other fans up /threatening them, sending their bodily fluids or other things that came from their body....bitch, I don't care if this is how you show love. You need help immediately. 
    I just hate fandoms in general. Nowadays any conglomerate of fans become an angry cloud of bees, if anyone dares step out of the fandom's rules that person will be erased (e.g get doxxed, ''cyber-bullied'' to suicide, etc) and that's some really sickly behavior typical of people who can't form their own opinions. It's even come to the point where creators or artists get harassed for not giving fans what they want...but anyway. I'll just watch everything from the back.
  14. Like
    platy reacted to orange~ in happy paintings   
  15. Like
    platy reacted to helcchi in helcchi's band drawings   
    A few of last year's looks and releases







  16. Like
    platy reacted to emmny in Crazy fans: When is enough enough?   
    i think visual kei fans should be institutionalized... but thats a topic for another day!
    while i like visual kei, i cant stand most of the scene surrounding it and find the fans pathetic. i feel the same towards kpop fans, idol fans and anyone who devotes incredible amounts of money and time towards musicians. i get it, its your time and you can enjoy your leisure however you want but it doesn't change how pointless of a hobby it is. a lot of ex-gya realize this, but between me and you, their attention-seeking personalities latch onto something equally stimulating for this purpose, whether it be hosts or other musical groups. why else do you see girls leaving bands once they become popular? because they no longer get the attention they seek from those dudes, as they're now busy with other things and can't prioritize their old fans like they could when they debuted. imma keep the rest of this to myself *kermit emoji*. This happens a lot among jp fans, thank god they acknowledge how sleezy the scene is...people in foreign fandom dont. In the case of vk, the mechanisms that allow for bandmen to become idolized regardless of relevance are quite different from say, a popular boyband's mob of fans but its the same in that case. its alright to be a fan of something and enjoy it, but if you think really hard about it, what does following a band or artist do for you? more importantly, what does it say about you? there's a reason gya are looked down upon, even by their fellow countrymen. the fact that westerns aspire to that is even worse, like you live in a country where women are slightly more empowered so that they dont feel their best accomplishment is that of following a band of crossdressers traveling the country to rehash slipknot songs YET you still want to do it? lmfao. NOW, this is all incredibly pointed but where it pisses me off is these same loony girls trying to come here and enforce that same shit they do in japan...bitch go hold your fucking president accountable for those damn nukes and leave our shows the way they are. until then, you can be crazy but its not my culture so i can observe u from a distance acting crazy...just dont bring that here and expect people to deal with it because you are amazing jouren no bitch u r a dollar bill for the band. keep in mind this isnt the majority of the people here, as we all like to observe from a distance while tossing some dollaz here and there....as for the minority of you crackheads this does apply to....god will find u at the heavenly gates and see how much ticket stubs you have left over at home and make a SWIFT decision.
    tl;dr: stop following bands and read a book, get an education, read up about politics, empower yourself because there are better things to do with your time. im a hypocrite...but only a bit
  17. Like
    platy reacted to Lestat in Crazy fans: When is enough enough?   
    From the many musical domains I have set foot on, I have personally experienced Visual Kei (or the Japanese fanbase in general) as being the very worst when it comes to its 'fans'. I absolutely do not wish to attack anyone by saying this, but the sheer amount of 'crazy fans' is just completely overwhelming and unhealthy, and regrettably the genre is one of those that is somehow attractive to those who often struggle in life or suffer from mental disabilities (myself included). It shows in the influence a fanbase has on bands and artists, take for instance last year's case of Femme Fatale; a bandmember supposedly cheated on his wife, and it was the fans' desire to see him punished — the man left the band and is never heard of again. I cannot wrap myself around the mindset so very present in the Visual Kei sphere; who are you —as a fan— to dictate a musician's life and decisions? Why is everyone so busy with others when they first have themselves to look out for? It is highly likely that in a person's general surroundings of family and friends, people take pleasure in debauchery, or maybe the fan himself or herself has made general mistakes in life. Do you turn your back on everyone who does differently? Why chastise another human being who is by default prone to make mistakes? Any 'scandal' in Japan leads to disaster and can completely ruin an artist's reputation, and sadly this showcase of completely berating artists over their personal lives has become popular with non-Japanese fans as well. As is said above, Koreans take it even a step further.
    As the name implies, Visual Kei is unfortunately less about the music, and moreso about the participants themselves, and the genre has therefore grown into an uncomfortable, defensive business where it is mandatory to display a certain territorial behaviour over musicians, or a complete disdain toward others. There exists an extreme concept of bandwagonism where people are unaware of their own behaviour and merely portray themselves as such because this is the norm. For when you stray from this norm, you are chastized and abhorred, and disliked for your difference in opinions. It is therefore very attractive to jump on board and do as others do as to not be targeted, which blows this phenomena up even larger. I have experienced violent behaviour during concerts which was absolutely unnecessary, purely because some people believe they are the only ones priviliged enough to see their favourite artists live. Hair being pulled, being kicked, scratched and even bitten, pieces of clothing being torn from artists their outfits, etc. I can imagine this behaviour would have taken place during a Michael Jackson concert, but to display it during every small concert where there is plenty opportunity to share a word with the band afterwards, it is even more unacceptable. 
    Truthfully, I cannot recall any such behaviour in other musical genres in which I wandered and as soon as I walked through the curtain into this world, I became confused. I cannot remember people wanting to see Axl Rose removed from this planet because he, say for example, slept with four girls at once, if anything, people'd give him a nod of approval. If any Japanese or Korean artist's sex-life is exposed, expect hell to be unleashed on earth, and expect them to never touch music again because of how awfully influential their fanbases are and how easily these 'fans' turn on these artists and make sure their lives are ruined. Surely, a band or artist thrives on their fans and they are a neccessary component in the industry — but to let things come this far is just unheard of. I do however recall telling other fans that I am uninterested in the personal lives of musicians, and they'd look at me as if I'd grown three extra heads. Why? Isn't it completely normal that you do not concern yourself with a stranger's private business? In the end, I am glad that an artist addressed the erratic and elitistic behaviour of these alleged fans and makes sure that international fans are just as welcome to share the experience of attending Japanese concerts.
  18. Like
    platy reacted to Biopanda in random thoughts thread   
    It's about time.
  19. Like
    platy got a reaction from -NOVA- in Avanchick will disband   
    ''make all of our next gigs sell out and we won't disband''
  20. Like
    platy reacted to suji in Avanchick will disband   
  21. Like
    platy got a reaction from jon_jonz in New band "BABOO" has formed   
    If we're going down that route of grown man pretending to be a baby who has imaginary friends I'm gonna stick to GRIMOIRE. 
  22. Like
    platy reacted to suji in New band "BABOO" has formed   
    why would his parents leave a baby alone in the house????????
    ok but srsly i'm done
  23. Like
    platy got a reaction from suji in New band "BABOO" has formed   
    If we're going down that route of grown man pretending to be a baby who has imaginary friends I'm gonna stick to GRIMOIRE. 
  24. Like
    platy reacted to Licio123 in [HELP] Download Section disappeared   
    The Download section disbanded at 2016/11/09 because of political differences =(
  25. I feel ya..
    platy got a reaction from Total Saikou in Mamo from R-shitei being homophobic   
    Seems like he deleted those comments and posted some kind of apology (correct me if i'm wrong)? 
    If you can't hold onto your edge, don't bother posting it coward lol
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