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Posts posted by platy

  1. 2 hours ago, togz said:

    AYYYYE you playing ffxiv? ALSO IS THAT HOBERT I SEE? we stan the same man whats good i love you hi.


    I play xiv. Which server are you on? Have we talked about this?


    And also, welcome! Nice to see you here~

  2. Japanese vocal talent is not subpar, but there does seem to be a preference for artists who don't really have outstanding characteristics. For example, DAOKO's popularity when all she does is cry on the microphone, etc. (I still listen to her sometimes)


    Does technique matter within visual kei? I wouldn't think so. The focus is style and charisma in some cases. There are a lot of unmemorable or subpar vocalist that get carried by the band. 


    For every other j-music movement/genre I'd say it's different, apart from idol groups. Anyone who can make noises gets accepted even if they can't sing to save their lives.


    The reason Kyo and Ruki get brought up is because Kyo, especially nowadays, does a lot of vocal acrobatics that others fail to replicate. Try his band sukekiyo. As for Ruki, he was one of the most memorable vk vocalist level-ups. There was one point in Gazette's career where everyone just went 'Yup, Ruki is spending good coin on singing lessons'. You can clearly divide gazette's discography as pre-vocal-coaching Ruki and post-vocal-coaching Ruki.


    Don't forget to check out DIMLIM for another memorable vocalist





    I would also recommend 9GOATS BLACK OUT. 

  3. I'm not sure if this style has a name but it's a more of a thing in Japan than the west. Baggy, long and straight cut (not really accentuating any body curves) is how I tend to dress myself. It's an easy style to make more feminine or masculine or more formal/casual depending on the occasion.Most importantly it's super comfortable at all times.

  4. LoU2 - I can't believe the amount of people calling Abby a man just because she's jacked. Gamers are so used to questionable design choices fo female characters with bazooka tits that anyone who doesn't fit that stereotype is automatically a man? I'm butt hurt cuz muscly women deserve more love and also Abby is not only eye candy, I just really enjoyed her character. 

  5. I think a little bit could be okay, but that 'little bit' will probably explode given the right amount of attention. I think it does stem from insecurities often within the person themselves that they're too afraid/unwilling to face or communicate to their partner. I've seen it give way to too many toxic things in a relationship and I also I come from a culture where jealousy and its bffs (paranoia, control and abuse) are heavily normalised as 'it just shows your partner cares' so I'm strongly repulsed by it :emo: 


      If you are in a relationship where communication is open and healthy I don't think jealousy will show up and if it does it wouldn't get in the way of anything.  If I were to argue pro-jealousy... well, in healthy doses it can keep people on their toes e.g 'I'll do my best to be a good partner so that we can keep our love alive and my partner won't feel the need to look for something outside the relationship'.


    Communication goes a long way in feeling secure in a relationship (feeling secure = little to no room for jealousy)


    TL;DR it's a deal breaker for me 

  6. As you get older you change and so do the things you like. Once upon a time I used to watch harem/ecchi anime and listen to the gazette after. Now there’s one of those things I wouldn’t touch if my life depended on it. So I think it’s only normal for people to let go of something they got into as teenagers. I also think that being unwillingly to explore other music will make you go off vk faster.


    In my later teen years I went off vk completely for about a year or two, I was just too busy to be involved with the scene, even after I came back to it I still had a year where I went in a deep search to expand my musical horizons. Now things have levelled off and I can move between western music, pop, Kpop, Vkei and everything in between. Another factor that makes people drop off: this scene requires time investment and the older you get the harder it is to make that investment. As your favourite bands die, the only way to keep interest going is by discovering new things in the scene, be it older bands you didn’t know or newer bands. Don’t forget, nowadays the average teen’s attention span is less than a goldfish’s so they’ll move to the next thing that makes them horny without a second thought and considering kpop merch is not only cheaper, but constantly being pumped out and more readily available than vk chekkis will ever be I can’t blame people for not sticking with vk for long. Kpop community is more active and widespread which does a lot to stimulate the senses.


    What keeps me coming back to vkei is the angst and artistic side of it all. You just can’t find it anywhere else, even if it is fake lol. I don’t know if I’ll ever let go of it completely, like Dispo said I’m in it for the long haul.



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