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Status Updates posted by platy

  1. Don't wanna support NAZARE but their bassist is a fucking fashion icon 

    1. platy


      he has very short fingers for a bassist though tf

    2. BrenGun


      why not want to support?

  2. アルルカン's Shohei is a snack.



    1. saiko


      God, what a hunk he is.


      This is the first time I got this aroused by a bandoman's attributes...

    2. platy


      A HUNK indeed. Their drummer is pretty nice as well tbh, but not featured in the video.

  3. Which jrocker should I give a 'karen' haircut? Post a picture below and I'll do my best.

    1. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      karen from dollis marry 

      ( sorry on mobile and in a hurry 2 link )

    2. platy


      @Disposable provide pic when possible

  4. I stopped following 己龍 for a few years and found irodori downloaded on my computer. I hate this saying but...IT GAVE ME LIFE. Now I look into them and they're playing at Budokan twice in less than a year?? Wtf when did this happen??????? Time to listen to new album

    1. IGM_Oficial


      It's worthwhile.

  5. 2017: The year where I'm still not over the break up of 9GOATS BLACK OUT 

    1. emmny


      3017: the year where we will STILL not be over the break up of 9GOATS BLACK OUT 

  6. November 1st is Final Fantasy XV month.

    I'mma get all my assignments done as much as possible before release day.

    Christmas? What Christmas? There will be only Nova Crystallis shenanigans in my life after I get this game.


    1. Mihenno


      Literally same

  7. The only reason I gave Arlequin a chance was because of the vocalist's stupid hair.

    I listened to QUALIA non-stop and my favorite song is 「私」と“理解”

    can't bothered to try their other releases.

    1. IGM_Oficial


      "Douke no hana" is simply beautiful.

  8. turns out avanchick is really good!


    I just listened to ' 明日もし世界が終わっても'. any more recommendations?

    1. Komorebi


      Well... the first like seven songs on the album are all their singles, and the b-sides weren't that impressive imo, but you can always try those.

  9. WOah I now  have a yellow name and title. What does this mean??

    What are my cool new powers?

    1. saishuu


      exactly none



  10. Is it okay to play P5 without playing the previous games? 

    1. Duwang


      If by P5 you mean Persona 5 then yes.  Each game has its own story. 

      I do recommend playing the other games though because they're all great (except P1)

  11. CDJapan Help Required!!

    When does the money get taken out for pre-order items?

    1. itsukoii


      when it's shipped. the amount of money is just held on your card until then

  12. Happy birthday 🎂! 

    1. Hohchicano96


      Thank you for the virtual cake! :tw_grin:


    1. chemicalpictures




      como eu nunca tinha visto isso antes?


      mas muito obrigado, de verdade! :tw_blush:

  14. "this gazette dvd is a lot cheaper than their usual price. wow!" 

    *pays a ridiculous amount of custom tax fees*

    Never mind. 

  15. Happy birthday! :D

    1. WhirlingBlack


      Thanks! I'm glad you cared!

  16. platy

    Happy birthday almighty one 🎈🎉

  17. Happy birthday, hope you had a good day! 🎉🍰

    1. colorful人生


      Thank You! Happy -belated yourself :D!

  18. platy

    Happy birthday ! I've said it before and I'll say it again, really glad to see you so active in the forum  *hug emoji*


    Hope many blessings come your way. :yay:

    1. CAT5


      Thanks, platy! Much love! :D 

  19. I got a vanilla 9-5 job :') yayyy but also attending all the gigs I've got tix for in the next few months will leave me drained and half dead. Yolo, I guess. 

    1. CAT5


      Congrats, sis! Stack dat paper!



  20. platy

    Happy Birthday, Great One. May you achieve many great things in the coming year :)


  21. vk is dead. There is no hope. This is the end. #RiPLimďim

  22. Dezert's new album gets better with every listen. It's going in my top albums of 2019. What a come back. 


    (I'll definitely miss Chiaki screaming tho :() 

    1. ricchubunny


      I'm  on the same boat

  23. Parabains atrasado 🥰

    1. chemicalpictures


      yaaayy muito obrigado! 🥳

  24. The sun hits the back of my monitor in the afternoon. Will it damage my monitor eventually and should I switch it to another location?

  25. LIQUEFACIO is lit. Infinitum sounds even better live 😭 trust sukekiyo to be able to make their blip-bloop, synth filled work sound great out of a studio. 

    1. platy


      PS still hate dorothy

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