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Status Updates posted by platy

  1. November 1st is Final Fantasy XV month.

    I'mma get all my assignments done as much as possible before release day.

    Christmas? What Christmas? There will be only Nova Crystallis shenanigans in my life after I get this game.


    1. Mihenno


      Literally same

  2. Nyango star documentary on HBO! 



  3. One of 2017's resolutions: 

    Organising all my music. 

    I have duplicates across 4 different hard drives/ memory sticks and so many things that I haven't even listened to it yet. (probably most disbanded by now).

    One band's folder down. 9999k  left to go.

    1. IGM_Oficial


      Holy shit, good luck

    2. reminiscing2004


      My goal too! I finally got a 3TB drive, so I'll be able to aggregate stuff from my old computer and current one. Best of luck. Out of curiosity, what music player do you use?

      I'm struggling to decide what to do, because .wav's dont save metadata, but some media players (like iTunes blegh) can save it within the program. So, do I try to get everything in iTunes, or convert all the .wav's to alac/flac.

    3. platy


      @reminiscing2004i'm no music/tech expert, i'm also struggling.  I'm actually transitioning from itunes to spotify for listening to music and using itunes only for audiobooks. itunes always pissed me off and I found out spotify does the job without annoying updates, plays most file types (as far as I'm aware), nicer interface and i can connect it to last.fm too. 


      I also wanted to burn all my music to CDs because I don't trust drives, they can break at any given point. So I'll start looking for suitable discs soon. 


      good luck to you too :) 

  4. Only 4 days until I may or may not get a PS4.  

    Hoping for some 90% off discounts otherwise I'll be eating grass until January 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. platy


      @YuyoDriftI've wanted a psvita for a while, I love handhelds so in the future (with tons of spare money) I might get one. It seems worth it. Needless to say Playstation offers a lot more reason to be with them whereas microsoft barely tries lol

    3. Aeolus


      @Platy they have stolen money from me a few times thanks to needing ps+ just to put save data a new hard drive and by taking away downloads that I bought.


      @YuyoDrift it's not free if you have to pay for them. You even lose access to the games until you renew your membership.

    4. YuyoDrift


      I think once you sign up for PS+/XBL, it's a ball and chain devil's deal.

      You're in for life lol

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  5. Only 5 hours until XV arrives at my house. 


    Thought it get here early so I got up at 8am 

  6. Opening a help line for anyone who lost their shit after the latest ep of Attack On Titan.


    Let's screech together. 

    1. CAT5


      I gotta catch up. Started season 3, but trailed off.

    2. platy


      @CAT5 it's been slow, but man... It fucking paid off. Hands down best ep of AOT ever aired. 

    3. CAT5


      I thought Season 2 was fantastic, and a huge improvement over season 1 - in just about every regard. I even started to warm up to some of the characters, whom I previously considered 1-dimensional as hell. Season 3 def. seemed slow from the outset, but i'm glad to know things picked up.

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  7. People's thoughts on THE GALLO? 


    I was a sucker for The Skull Fuck Revolvers, so it's nice to hear jojo again.


    They will become a favourite i think.

    1. Visutox


      I like their music! @Jigsaw9 introduced me to them a year ago or so, and I really enjoyed all their albums. 

    2. Komorebi


      They are creepy af yet very talented.

    3. Jigsaw9


      Didn't like Skull Fuck Revolvers back in the day at all, but THE GALLO are great! Catchy songs, killer sound, the works. 8) 

  8. REIGN are good live! Also look how they reign in the money as soon as they come on stage :o 



    1. plastic_rainbow


      i just watched grimoire's performance and it seemed like the vocalist was really starting to lose his voice at the end. i did see them live once during one trip but don't remember it being that bad. i'll watch reign's portion when i get the chance~ don't really know the other band lol

    2. platy


      @plastic_rainbow first time I saw GRIMOIRE live they were good. Rynk was having a very obvious bad throat day in this livestream, he even cleared his throat on the mic at one point just before a song lol I just wanted to give him a warm drink. The last band is sick²'s alter ego. I wonder what the vocalist talks about, because he sure loves talking. 

    3. plastic_rainbow


      yeah, i wasn't really digging that performance... :( ah, i'm not too familiar with sick², haha.

  9. Remember when everyone was willing to pay hundreds for mamireta's sold out singles? That was only a year ago.


    Things sure changed quickly. 

    1. 123Sandman321


      @tetsu_sama69oh, I'm not surprised at all, I just never liked the concept. Also, could you cut the patronising, oh ancient one? :D 

    2. Doesn'tEvenGoHere


      They've only been around for 2 years, so a year ago is half of their career. I  do feel like people are too hard on them though. They're still technically a baby band but because they started off strong, people expect masterpieces from them even though they've only been around a short  while and this is their first band (except Karu). 

    3. 123Sandman321


      2 years is already well past the average VK band life expectancy. They should be collectiong pension and feeding ducks by the pond, by now.

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  10. Saw Rina Sawayama live yesterday! Short, but awesome performance. She does some dancing and incredible singing with two back up dancers (who brought LIFE to the stage)


    Three outfit changes and three new songs later, I sure hope she gets the recognition she deserves :D


  11. Seeing a 'Evolution of SuG' video of youtube from the last ten years hit me in the feels hard.

    When I think I've had enough of them, my inner fangirl comes crawling back.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I haven't really paid attention to them in quite some time since they're not my thing, but when I mentally envision them they're still at "Love Scream Party" for me haha

    2. platy


      @Peace Heavy mk II haha the good old  oshare times, you could definitely say they grew up.  They tried releasing some more 'adult' music but currently seem to be stuck in the 'angsty teen' music. 

  12. Setting myself a challenge:

    Waking up at 7AM the latest the next two weeks so I can stop being behind on university stuff and play final fantasy XV IN PEACE.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. platy


      @PsychoΔelicaIt's a university course so I get a degree at the end and if I want I can study a masters degree on it :-P

      Some people don't know it but studying how to make video games and about the video game industry is a legit area of study and we have to work harder than most people on our campus lol

    3. PsychoΔelica


      I didn't really do any research about it, (or hear about similar studies here) so no, I didn't ^^; :P Well I hope it comes handy to you :)

    4. platy


      @PsychoΔelicaIt sure will. Many Game studios around the world to work at!!

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  13. Switching all the interest I have left in Pentagon over to アルルカン. 


    A lot of their songs are meh, but I find myself listening to them on repeat a lot lately. 




    1. platy


      And to think I only gave Arlequin any attention because I thought Aki's hair looked stupid as fuck :lol:

    2. Elazmus


      Aki's hair is really stupid but it would kill me if he stopped doing that D:

    3. platy


      @ElazmusI saw a video where his hair was deflated and it was absolutely horrible to look at, so I'm actually okay with his horn/cat ear/?? hairstyle now.

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  14. The last music Trade-Off of the year is happening right now. Don't forget to sign up :hyper:



  15. The only reason I gave Arlequin a chance was because of the vocalist's stupid hair.

    I listened to QUALIA non-stop and my favorite song is 「私」と“理解”

    can't bothered to try their other releases.

    1. IGM_Oficial


      "Douke no hana" is simply beautiful.

  16. This is the closest we'll ever get to Tsuzuku growling again.


    Track 5 "down".



    1. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      Did anyone say dickland yet

    2. ricchubunny


      I actually enjoy this album lol

    3. Aferni


      I want to DIE listening to this.

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  17. This thread needs a serious update :lol: 



    1. Tokage


      the new update is ''friendship with both kizu & dimlim is ended. now gulu gulu is my new best friend''

    2. platy


      And in a few months gulugulu will be discarded just like its predecessors

  18. Throwback to 200X

    √eight was a decent group


    1. platy


      It's a good album but even so, I listened to it once today to remember good times and now deleting it aurrevoir Veight

    2. Hakoniwa


      Are they still active? It was really good indeed, I -almost- added them to my mixtape... then decided against it. lol

    3. Zeus


      no they broke up a long time ago

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  19. Time for my daily dose of SICK. 'rain'


    20 times per day, that's my goal

  20. Today Bandcamp is giving their share of sales directly to artists!!


    Please support an artist if you can. Some albums go for as low as $1 and there's so much good music to discover.



  21. tokyo jihen are uploading a buckload of live songs on their channel



  22. Tomorrow I'm going to my local cinema for the FF XV premier and to hopefully win some freebies too. 

    Can't wait to watch Kingsglaive on a big screen.  Don't think my eyes are ready. 

  23. turns out avanchick is really good!


    I just listened to ' 明日もし世界が終わっても'. any more recommendations?

    1. Komorebi


      Well... the first like seven songs on the album are all their singles, and the b-sides weren't that impressive imo, but you can always try those.

  24. Upper moon 1 arc...oof...


    All I can say is that if ufotable keeps doing their thing, this is gonna be too painful to handle.

    1. platy


      I'm on a 180 I think. Tanj just

      came back to life



      although I think

      just a theory, I think Tanj is dead, the only thing moving him is like...the slayer spirit. Once Muzzy boy dies Tanj is gonna go too


      sigh, Nezuko arrives and burns away the evil poison so all the hashiras get a +1 life revival sighhh


      You're well ahead of me lol so no point dishing out these theories, I just don't know anyone else who reads the manga ;_;

    2. platy


      Ok I’m caught up and IM TIRED! 

    3. Aferni



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  25. What's your favorite song on DOGMA? 


    (I scrubbed my pc and ipod from all gosan releases and have filled it with dogma and other gazette stuff to get ready for their live in June) 

    1. Wakarimashita


      Unlucky europeans yes we are :D

    2. platy


      @YuyoDrift yes, but it doesn't feel far away at all since the year flew by :D



      And um... Since you've dropped by please reply with your favourite dogma track

    3. YuyoDrift


      Well considering that my initial thoughts on the album weren't all too favorable, I'd have to break down my favorite by performance and atmosphere.


      Performance: DEUX

      Atmosphere: GRUDGE


      and of course nothing in this album with a 40 foot pole is gonna come remotely close to touching OMINOUS because it is an unreal song and a beautiful farce that we all fell for.

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