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Everything posted by platy

  1. platy

    I think we're pretty much the only active VK community. You can try Facebook groups (I can't recommend since I don't use FB for vk stuff), but the community can be insufferable.
  2. No disappointment from them so far, best 2019 newcomer imo. I'm loving 神様の創り方 and S.NO.S
  3. I can't stomach the chorus Did they mean under a girl's feet as a slave or a slave girl who has topped her master?
  4. Nothing mind blowing, but I can get down to this. Some light spooky feels and a vibe that would go down well live. To top it off, the vocalist and guitarist are cute.
  5. platy

    I really miss the old summoner class (ff14). There was no time to even think about being bored since there was so much it could do. Now it's just a lame DPS class (which is still one of my mains). I understand why scholar went under the same revamp I guess, but I still miss how busy it used to be.
  6. That concept is really disturbing. Listening to the full track, I actually like it.
  7. platy

    - songs with guru guru / mawaru -Requiem and its variations - songs about eating something, taberu and its variations - "akai" - Neverland - Alice/ Arisu - Pierot no uta or any song with Pierot in title - [insert color] 月 - Songs where the vocalist stops to talk really fast and it sounds like it's coming out of a public service announcement speaker (basically 90% of gosan's discography)
  8. platy

    @nekkichi I've been tested for iron deficiency among other things. I think my issues are more stress related (or the consequences of a stressful period of time) and my hair is in need of a little boost to get get back to its former self. Thanks for the heads up, I'll look into the shiseido shampoo 👌🏼
  9. platy

    @plastic_rainbow I really appreciate your comments in this thread. I bought two products you mentioned previously, the Secret Key Tea Tree Refresh Calming Toner and SoonJung 10-Free Moist Emulsion. They did wonders for my skin after years of not knowing how to manage it. The next step is finding a sunscreen that isn't gonna clog my pores and make me look like a greasy pig, so I'll try the one you mentioned above. I'll try out the scalp tonic you mentioned above, especially in colder weather, mine gets super dry. But as a contribution to this thread, Kaminomoto hair growth serum turned out to be a miracle cure for my dry and itchy scalp, though I didn't see much progress in hair growth.
  10. platy

    I learned by now to not judge their releases before listening to the whole thing. Once this mini comes out, I'll release the DDRM review I've been working on for a year lol
  11. platy

    Ahh the perfect gift to represent the fandom. Tbh I've been shopping around for a trash can for my kitchen and this is one of the cheapest I've come across. The toy cars are just a joke to show they can put whatever they want out there and the fans will buy.
  12. Oh yeah for sure. Rijin solidified it for me. This new kizu is cute, I'm not angry.
  13. platy

    With a name like that, they could've gone all out with a rain concept 😔 missed opportunity
  14. Happy quarter life crisis today! 🍻

  15. platy

    Don't suffer because of something that will probably never come out.
  16. platy

    I listened to X Japan for the first time. The only song that stands out is Xclamation. Otherwise they're just a subpar glam rock band with a god-awful vocalist
  17. platy

    But more importantly who made that illustration? They're the real star of the whole project ✨
  18. platy

    I feel this deep in my soul. The fact that I'll probably die under this work culture before anything changes is an almost unbearable reality.
  19. Hey, you. Yes, you!! Come join the trade-off 👻🍃


    We're gonna be getting some very interesting mixes this month.  



  20. I managed to get front row seats for the Nier Automata concert in February 😭. I think dir en grey's live will be a couple of days after this show, so I'll unenthusiastically check if there are any tix left on the day. #SecondChoice #Meh #WouldOnlyGoToMeetMHPeeps

    1. YuyoDrift


      Fuuuuuuuck I think it’s sold out for Chicago :( 

    2. YuyoDrift


      You see this is what happens when you no longer live there lol

    3. platy


      @YuyoDrift if people cry out enough they'll add a second date!! 

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  21. platy

    i hate that huawei have their own earphone jack. Now my only huawei compatible earphones are broken and I have to invest into a jack adaptor dumb
  22. マチルダ's  kiseki ni iru is a straight up "tribute" to gazette's WIFE

    1. Himeaimichu


      Ironic, knowing Wife was originally a tribute to Myaku by Dir en Grey

    2. platy


      and the cycle goes on

  23. platy

    Cow or rabbit shit would be the least worst to look at
  24. Keep tabs of your favourite ugly cover art. At the end of the year we might put together a thread of the best ones.
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