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Everything posted by platy

  1. platy

    @ghost I watched this lecture about a concept, especially present in today's world, where people are looking for something, find it, but end up settling for less so that 1. They avoid the disappointment/hurt of that thing not being what they've always dreamed of 2. So that they can continue dreaming about the perfect thing (and sort of victimise themselves for never attaining said thing) Unfortunately the lecture is in Portuguese and I can't find it anymore. But your experience reminded me of that. It's very frustrating I can imagine. You seem like a guy who's serious about his goals and who will work towards tangible things in life and I guess that scares people. They have this idea that they're looking for something serious, but when they find someone who is *actually* serious about a relationship then it's quite scary to them and even though you guys hit it off and have chemistry, it's just too real to solidify a relationship and easier to get swept away by a lesser option or just life. That's how I interpret their behavior, but take my word with a grain of salt. Some people are just flaky as shit and/or don't understand their feelings, some just like attention. The excitement of meeting someone new wears off after sometime and it becomes a chore to keep talking to that individual. Then it's time to leave dating apps... Until you get cravings for that hit of dopamine that comes with the possibilities of a new person.
  2. Interesting... Why would Meto choose this band out of every other option to make his "comeback"?
  3. platy

    I'd rather a 1:30 track than something that descends into annoying beep boop madness to fill up space. Veredict is: 8psb only in micro doses. There's a couple of genuinely catchy tracks in... Richardland... But they don't make up for the rest of what resembles a [redbull addict] 15 year old gcse music student's portfolio
  4. This is the closest we'll ever get to Tsuzuku growling again.


    Track 5 "down".



    1. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      Did anyone say dickland yet

    2. ricchubunny


      I actually enjoy this album lol

    3. Aferni


      I want to DIE listening to this.

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  5. platy

    It was bound to happen. A friendly break up is rarer than a unicorn. Block, cut ties and save yourself a lot of headache and pain. She's not gonna cater her social media/words to you mate, she's made it obvious from the start your feelings come in second place even when you were together.
  6. platy

    This is so good. Also happens to be my favourite song in the album. Edit: it's like a peek into an alternative dimension dezert
  7. platy

    I'm a SuG and Takeru fan too ✨
  8. platy

    what a journey
  9. Monthly reminder: wow I can't believe 9GBO are gone 😔

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Neither I... at the least Ryo and Uta are still around 🙂

    2. zombieparadise


      A short but sweet existence

  10. platy

    So hyped for their album
  11. Re-listening to DIM, I'm taking it out of my top gazette albums.

    1. colorful人生


      Always remembered it as the "ice cube" album. I didn't know why I remembered the album cover so well, not having listened to the album for many years. I realized I only would listen to it for "Guren", then hop back over to NIL (the only two gazette albums on my iPod before I grabbed their discog sometime after TOXIC released.)

    2. Zeus


      @platy did I change your mind any?

    3. platy


      @Zeus I only skimmed through your blurb, so  you prompted me to listen to it again before writing mine. And yeah, it sounded sour.

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  12. platy

    An underrated epic
  13. Nobody could have guessed that my artist of the decade is will.i.am



  14. platy

    I'll second you here, Leprechaun is definitely underrated as a dark comedy (wouldn't go as far as to call it horror). You made me want to watch it again
  15. platy

    What do they talk about?
  16. I can't think of anyone whose voice would fit this style of music. I don't think "a good vocalist" would really work, so I just learned to accept this vocally challenged man baby. edit: omg the growling in this song...
  17. Not a fan of the song itself, I expected something heavier. But the PV has strong energy pouring out of it. If only it could've ended on a shot of Kazuki's runny make up 😤
  18. platy

    Still watching: Dr Stone — really pleased with this one. I had to stop taking the science seriously after they made refined sugar without any machinery. The anime doesn't take itself seriously at all and it's so much fun. Finally a protagonist I actually like, and the 2nd half hit me in the feels. Kimetsu no Yaiba — man, this is some good shit. No fillers, cool character design, incredible music, good use of CG. I need to praise the studio for this. They use CG in order to keep the 2D animation as high quality as possible, rather than doing like other studios where they use ugly, blatant CG AND have crap 2D animation (sorry artists, I know it isn't your fault). The CG here is integrated as smoothly as it can be into scenes as not to disturb the viewer's immersion. 👌🏼I have a strong love-hate relationship with Zenitsu. Fire Force — I'm probably dropping this. The concept is so cool, but I'm too old to be able to enjoy this dumb ass type of fanservice. The story telling is... And the characters... Well, you can tell it's for a much younger audience. Huuuge props to the team for the beautiful fire animation every single time. Recently finished Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card Arc — I can't give much love to this soulless cash grab. It was pointless, ugly, dragged out and the characters were washed out of their personalities for some mysterious reason. Some things should stay in the past.
  19. platy

    remember when this picture left the community in an uproar. Like "woah, this is the most overtly rebelious act we've seen in VK. A massive fuck you to the label. We cannot wait to see what they'll do" This is what we get.
  20. platy

    Welp I suppose if you've got this bible excerpt tattooed on you, you might as well milk it for all its worth.
  21. platy

    Mejibray feels like a distant dream now
  22. Welcome Nice to see another zonbi fan. They're perfect for when you fancy something fun that's slightly heavier but with no screaming or satanic chants. If you want to make a fortune on your next convention, just draw Demon Slayer fanart.
  23. platy

    Maybe we're taking them too seriously. That's probably just koichi's next tattoo
  24. platy

    This song was crumpled in Utada's bin and this girl happened to be walking past... As for myself I'm still on a Shiina binge and very happy to see Aya x Mikey in this MV. Hopefully there'll be an Aya x Tokyo Gegegay collab in the future
  25. platy

    So many questions. Will definitely listen and probably unironically like it
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