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Status Replies posted by platy

  1. Why is Kiryu taking so long to announce a new single

  2. Mamo from R-Shitei now hands out hair and nail clippings at lives.

    He is officially the Belle Delphine of Visual Kei.


  3. Well that DEG concert for Denver (finally) is the same day I leave to visit family in Chicago, and their Chicago concert is on the day I have to return to Denver 😂.


    How the fuck?

  4. do dir en grey and ノクブラ fans deserve rights? be honest

  5. instead of ''eating pussy'' or ''eating ass'' we should all collectively try to ''eat more vegetables''

  6. why yes, i DO believe Slipknot's new album is the best visual kei release of 2019

  7. why yes, i DO believe Slipknot's new album is the best visual kei release of 2019

  8. how do people function with one monitor? I have three and there are times when I could use two more... 

    1. platy


      I used to have a sweet 2 monitor set up, but due to space issues I only have 1 big monitor now (18" - 19" maybe?) . It can be super frustrating when drawing or modelling stuff, but I've managed to work around it by getting an ipad. I don't think I could ever have more than two screens at a time though. That level of multi tasking is probably awful for your brain unless you're a coder or smth. 

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  9. We finally got the Yoshiki announcement we've been waiting for! EBdbmiWU8AIK9v0?format=png&name=900x900

  10. Why many of you guys are refering to male bandmembers as she/her? 

  11. We finally got the Yoshiki announcement we've been waiting for! EBdbmiWU8AIK9v0?format=png&name=900x900

  12. Just bought FFXIV again and haven’t played since Heavensword. Wish me luck xoxo

  13. so,even THOR is going to become a woman now.Doing shit with Muhammad no one dares to.it's just hollywood,ok...but,come on.

  14. I was almost beaten to a pulp last night by a drunk "friend" and if three or four other guys had not intervened I'd be probably badly hurt right now.


    I spoke up about it and I've been harassed for the past 10 hours by people whom I have never seen yet hate me and want me to die.


    I can't imagine how much harder it must be for rape victims to deal with that hate. Now I understand why many don't want to speak up. The cyberbullying could leave marks as deep as the abuse itself.  

  15. which one of you is responsible for this!? EBEHyT4XkAAXSSh?format=jpg&name=medium

  16. which one of you is responsible for this!? EBEHyT4XkAAXSSh?format=jpg&name=medium

  17. Can 13 Reasons Why like fuck off already. One season was enough like it was ONE FUCKING BOOK

  18. Who knew people were so passionate and craving a thread for sex and porn, clearly there's several closeted pervs here. It also looks like I'll win today? 🤔

  19. R. I. P., E-hentai

  20. What is it with adults trying to write a teen movie nowadays. Like seriously, half of us don’t use Snapchat or Instagram all the fucking time. The characters they portray are some of the cringiest portrayal’s of teens I’ve seen and half of it isn’t relatable.


    Like most of our lives isn’t even spent on our phones. Ugh...its so bad. Like make a character actually relatable. Literally Perks Of Being a Wallflower is the only good teen movie that’s relatable to me. The shit they put on Netflix and YouTube is pure cringe. 


    13 Reasons Why is literally the reason I hate movies or shows with Teens nowadays. The show literally is the opposite of what the message is.


  21. I still feel guilty for not watching the latest seasons of Attack on Titan. I really need to catch up 😔.


    Also, any suggestions for new upcoming animes? I’m bored lol

  22. Explosion at Kyoto Animation's head office, and the inside of building seems largely damaged from the subsequent fire.  It was an act of arson by a 40 y.o man. Currently in coma.

    *Now 33 dead, 35 injured 😟




  23. ok,first the ghost hunters, L from death note,then Shun from saint seiya,little mermaid and now this...I honestly hope one day they hire Brie Larson to be the "RAMBA",when they decide to make a Rambo remake. 




  24. laughing at NAZARE following ppl on twitter (they just followed me) fishing for follows. issei we know it's you

  25. laughing at NAZARE following ppl on twitter (they just followed me) fishing for follows. issei we know it's you

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