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Status Updates posted by IGM_Oficial

  1. La'veil mizeria on Starwave YAAAASSSSSS

    1. ChaoticEnding


      WEEEEEE \o/

  2. Lou Vega - Deep, more deep #5


    A little bit of Vrzel in my life
    A little bit of Marco by my side
    A little bit of Miseria is all I need
    A little bit of Divein is what I see
    A little bit of sith. in the sun
    A little bit of Durandal all night long
    A little bit of Chronus, here I am
    A little bit of you makes me your fan

    1. PsychoΔelica



  3. I bought a book about the quadrivium today. Damn, I feel so medieval.

  4. Just saw that "Koe no katachi" is going to be screened here on Brazil (with the title already decided). It's not actually my cup of tea, but we don't have anime in cinemas since a long time. This is the second Japanese "thing" (counting with "Ghost in the shell") that we got this year and I hope it paves a way to more (interesting) Japanese movies here.

    1. Chi


      Too bad we don't have Cinepolis in my city, because I wanted to watch it.

      The GiTS liveaction was bound to get here because it's a western adaptation with Scarlet Johansson. It doesn't even count.

    2. platy


      That's cool, if people support it then more should come. brazil already has a huge japanese influence anyway. I don't know any other country that has so much anime on national free TV.

    3. IGM_Oficial


      @seurong that's why I wrote "'thing'"

  5. What if a visual kei bandman had an account here?

    1. YuyoDrift


      Then they'd see how much you guys rant about how their bands suck.

      Hopefully the members of Mejibray see my postings lol.

    2. Elazmus



    3. xriko


      who care, they don't read english   :evil:

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  6. Why is everyone writing "Momento"?

    1. Elazmus


      You know it's really strange, the correct spelling also looks weird to me now ONLY since using it in the context of this single. I had to think about it a FEW times this week, never happened before.. I'm CERTAIN because I know how often it appears in titles loll

    2. suji


      *gabriel iglesias voice* un momento, por favor

  7. Happy tenth birthday, Monochrome heaven! <3

  8. Today I visited a bookstore that I loved, because it has some RPG shit. So, I saw that the displays were empty and all books were in boxes. I asked the seller why, and he said the store closed. So, I bought a book and cried a lot.

  9. The pre-chorus part of "Kono sekai wa owari da." is hypnotizing.

  10. Went into university vacation... got a fever.


    ~heavily breathing~

  11. What does "SE" stand for?

    1. Biopanda
    2. Licio123


      those annoying 1 min instrumental intros that serve no purpose.

    3. Aeolus


      "Short Enough"

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  12. AMENO



    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Lol! That song is quite creepy! :X'D:

  13. Omfg, omfg, omfg, Hiroto interviewed ToshI and someone put it on the internet, onfg, omfg, omfg

  14. "Ivory trees" is so beautiful omg

  15. Is "In forest" supposed to be a sequel of "Forest" or what?

    1. r...


      it's basically the same song, but with some small changes. For instance; IN FOREST is shorter, snappier and the lyrics are somewhat different. Forest is the better version, tbh.


  17. Oh, God.

    Kalimero's "Nostalgy" is way better than I thought it was.

    They should do an one-day revival live.

  18. When I found out that "akatsuki" isn't "赤月", but actually "暁"



    1. IGM_Oficial


      @Shmilly @Komorebi when I first saw this word, it was written in romaji, so I didn't have any hint on how it is in kanji. So, I used my japanese knowledge and thought "oh, so here we have 'aka' and 'tsuki', so it means 'red moon', right?" I checked it on Google translate, it came up with "daybreak" and I got mindblown.

    2. Shmilly


      Lunar eclipse is 'gesshoku', there's a lot of that about in VK too.

    3. Komorebi


      @IGM_Oficial, it's the natural approach if you don't know the meaning haha can't be blamed.


      Learning japanese is a bitch though, with multiple kanji readings and stuff... 

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  19. I just noticed that I have a single which songs are each one on a different bitrate lol

  20. OH, GAWD. Judging by the two previous albums, I was initially pessimistic about "Karyoubinga", but I just finished listening to it and changed my opinion about it. Now I think it's pretty awesome... the opposite of "Fuujin kaikou" and "Raijin sousei".

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      I agree with you, I think that the harmony between the two singers worked better in Karyoubinga than in those albums (I love Ningyou no ori <3)

  21. I was just checking Vkdb to see some things and realized that there's a random guy in the birthdays section called Sebastiano Serafini...


    1. platy


      sounds like a hairstylist

    2. anadentone


      Didn't he design clothes for some shitty MTV show?

  22. I'm really surprised that the guys from ManaReactor didn't go to new bands. Such a shame ;-;

  23. What's on with these hearts and stars?

    (I have a heart, ow, so cute :3)

    1. Hakari


      For a sec I thought I was the only one who noticed. I love it! Is it a Valentine's Day thing?

    2. IGM_Oficial
  24. Megadeth gray'll

    1. Jigsaw9



    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Iron Maijibray

    3. Licio123


      Alice in Chains. O WAIT

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