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    suji reacted to TetsuAkira in random thoughts thread   
    My kitten is too hyper >.<
    Keeping me up
  2. Like
    suji reacted to PsychoΔelica in random thoughts thread   
    What's the point?
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    suji reacted to Ikna in [Band Battle] Rentrer en Soi VS. Lycaon   
    Lol, the first thing I knew when this thread popped up and saw blackdoll being the OP was that there would be a huge fucking ass discussion about Lycaon.
    Seriously, both bands are different and trying to cherry pick for similiarities is like comparing apples to windows. For there are practically not many things in common. The only thing I see is OP being salty that most people like RES more and admit their negative bias towards Lycaon.
    Seriously blackdoll, how about you just get over other people not sharing your delusional fixation on your fav band. People are biased and have different tastes; others showing their strong dislike of one band is no reason to write huge cryptic posts about it.
    Ah yeah, I also voted for RES. There are a few Lycaon songs from their early era I like, but RES (both eras) does appeal more to me.
  4. Like
    suji reacted to Shaolan974 in [Band Battle] Rentrer en Soi VS. Lycaon   
    A band battle with RENTRER EN SOI and Lycaon ?! I can't understand your goal. Two diferent bands with two different skills.
    RENTRER EN SOI of course ! They are more professional, sincere, skilled and their career is unforgivable. They marked Visual scene. People will forget Lycaon few month after their disbandment.
  5. Like
    suji reacted to Ro plz in [Band Battle] Rentrer en Soi VS. Lycaon   
    Right cuz Rose isn't a Blatant rip off of Lynch's Ambivalent Ideal
    And Mourou isn't a rip off of the GazettE's Chizuru.
    LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO far from upgrade!!!!
    Though I'll admit, both songs do have their moments. 
  6. Like
    suji reacted to hiroki in ex-BLACK CAT Dr.SHINTARO has been arrested & fired   
    i don't think people are blaming the victim as much as pointing out that there are still alot of gaps in what we actually know about the case: was there consent? was there force involved? how much deceit (if any), and on whose part? of course these don't detract from the act being illegal under statutory rape laws (which by the way have attracted their fair share of jurisprudential critique), but depending on the answers to these question the moral tenor of what had happened (as opposed to what we think happened) can be very different.
    i mean... come on, he just got arrested and even the initial allegations haven't been fully verified, much less the "juicy details" that all of us here are scrutinizing with perverse fascination. tanuki is already doing a good job of feeding our imaginations if that's really what we want.
  7. Like
    suji reacted to Alkaloid in NOAH(アヴァンチック(avanchick)) will participate in Lightning Strikes new album   
    アヴァンチック (Avanchick) Vo.NOAH has announced a new project.
    Key.Derek Sherinian (Dream Theater, KISS)
    Mix.Roy Z (Yngwie Malmsteen)
    and others who have not yet been announced.
    They will release a CD in the spring.
    (In case anyone doesn't believe me, understandably, here's NOAH's tweet.)
  8. Like
    suji reacted to vanivani in ex-BLACK CAT Dr.SHINTARO has been arrested & fired   
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    suji reacted to Trombe in ケンツ (Kent) has passed away   
    兼継(kentz) has been discharged from hospital at 2016/01/25 after his surgery

  10. Like
    suji reacted to Alkaloid in ex-BLACK CAT Dr.SHINTARO has been arrested & fired   
    According to this article, he lured these girls with the promise of meeting idol managers or other bands.
    Even if he didn't know they were minors, you can't deny that's gross.
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    suji reacted to beni in ex-BLACK CAT Dr.SHINTARO has been arrested & fired   
    ^ Yeah, hate to say and think it but this has probably happened on too many occassions. Disappointing, I liked how the band sounded when I checked them out a while back. Good luck to the rest of the band.
  13. Like
    suji reacted to herpes in ex-BLACK CAT Dr.SHINTARO has been arrested & fired   
    now sis I said apologising for, not advocating. Don't twist my words. There's posts blaming the victim.
  14. Like
    suji reacted to Zeus in ex-BLACK CAT Dr.SHINTARO has been arrested & fired   
    Moderator Message:

    Posts like these are the kinds of things you should avoid writing. There is no one overtly advocating for child rape so do not stir the pot. On another note, I find it hard to believe that the rest of the band members didn't know what he was doing. They may have not had the whole story but certainly they had bits and pieces. Did one of them turn him in?
  15. Like
    suji reacted to herpes in ex-BLACK CAT Dr.SHINTARO has been arrested & fired   
    how did i know when i clicked this there would be child rape apologists here
  16. Like
    suji got a reaction from pinkmakona in ex-BLACK CAT Dr.SHINTARO has been arrested & fired   
    ^ He was only kind for a certain reason...
  17. Like
    suji reacted to Trombe in ex-BLACK CAT Dr.SHINTARO has been arrested & fired   
    there is rumor that he has lured girls to participate in sexual orgy/promiscuity parties
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    suji reacted to emmny in ex-BLACK CAT Dr.SHINTARO has been arrested & fired   
    when trolling the underage tanuki board goes wrong
  19. Like
    suji reacted to Chi in random thoughts thread   
    i hope in 2016 some band releases an album that will make me go like

  20. Like
    suji reacted to Trombe in ex-BLACK CAT Dr.SHINTARO has been arrested & fired   
    アイヲロスト(aiolost) Dr.SHINTARO(real name: 高田信太朗(takada shintarou), aged 34)(ex-BLACK CAT) has been arrested at 2016/01/25 as he is suspected to have sexual relationship with various high school girl fans, and he has been fired at 2016/01/27

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    suji reacted to emmny in Lustknot. will be indefinitely on hiatus   
    i just got into them yesterday and its a goddamn shame, but given his condition i highly doubt he'll ever be back. just managing his disorder is an insane challenge within itself, so to expect him to handle singing and bandomen life is pretty unrealistic. akane's bipolar/schizophrenia is "easier" to manage with a cocktail of drugs, whereas DID is a much more complicated and less well researched or understood disorder so there really isn't much of a comparison.
    not a psychiatrist/psychologist, just wanted to share what i've read about.
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    suji reacted to Senedjem in VAL+IX+LIA has re-formed   
    woooow even the 'saw them briefly mentioned in a vkdb list once' bands are getting in on the action
  25. Like
    suji reacted to wesjrocker in DuelJewel will disband   
    I usually don't say much but I also agree that they were very underrated.
    I've discovered these guys in 2006 and since then I've been following them, buying their stuff and listening to their music.
    It's difficult to explain but this band brought many good people together from many different countries and we're still in touch even today.
    DuelJewel was influenced by Luna Sea, Hide, Siam Shade. Artists that don't need to be introduced.
    They were the first Jrock/Visual band to play overseas; In 2002 these guys toured USA and made an US official fanclub called RAG.
    In my opinion their whole discography is marvelous, since their demo tapes, but of course that nothing is perfect, there are songs that I usually don't listen or don't like much, just like in every other band, it's very difficult to compose a good song, sometimes it can be an impossible task.
    It may sound strange for some people but I started listen to "visual-kei bands" because of its sound and not because of its image, when I started listening to MUCC and Despairs Ray, I didn't know they had a strong image back then, I didn't had a clue about what was vk until I've watched Fool's Fest '03.
    Sugizo once said that he can't feel the soul in many vk bands nowadays because everyone is doing just to be equal like each other or to be stylish and not to be different. I totally agree with him, even though there are exceptions.
    I'm sure you can feel this soul he's talking about in DuelJewel's music if you care about music in the first place and not only about visual style.
    These guys will surely be missed but as long as we keep listening to their songs, their music will never die.
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