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Posts posted by emmny

  1. I just want to say that yuuki's pink hair onnagata s&m russian hooker wub wub dubstep whip cracking phase was easily the sexiest thing any bandomen has done in recent memory

  2. This is so true it hurts. Satsuki's solo career at his best can't compare to Rentrer en Soi at their best, although at his best he's much better than whatever the self-titled is.

    yeah i hate to admit it but he has some [very sparse] good moments and i also despise the S/T


    add the S/T rentrer en soi album to the disappointing albums list, i can barely listen to it minus a few songs without wanting to bash my head in. it also doesnt help that its in between 2 AMAZING albums.


    time to google translate tanuki threads in an attempt to find out why he got kicked out left

    i see no reason for DEZERT to move on tbh, kira is/was essential to their revival sound and without that they sound like any other band :(

  4. i didn't think i'd want to put coll:set BUUUUUUT looking at my library, its honestly classic--more so than gazette or dir en grey. so +3 on that,  if theres one metal derivative that is a must listen--its that.

    1.) D'espairsRay - [coll:set]

    2.) emmurée - Love Letter-dark mania+-

    3.) MALICE MIZER - Merveilles


    kinda random, but out of my whole library these are essential stand-alone works.


    amber gris - pomander
    cocklobin - iris
    deadman - in the direction of sunrise and night light
    DIR EN GREY - Gauze
    蜉蝣 - 黒旗
    MALICE MIZER - 薔薇の聖堂
    merry go round - merry go round is dead (yeah its a best of, shut up)
    Moran - jen:ga
    Sugar - Sweetest
    9GOATS BLACK OUT - Thanatos (honestly 4th place)

  5. i guess the PV gave it away

    no dark eyeliner = happy sunshine fun tunes

    bring BACK the eyeliner 4 moody music plz


    srsly though actually watching the PV i think die's voice is pleasant and the next releases gotta bring it out more, but listening to it for the second time was even worse than the first this is so sad

  6. I don't think his music is bad; just nothing Visual Kei in what he offers and not my type of music.


    I don't agree with the statement that Visual Kei can only be performed by Japanese people. Remember the gaijin who plays(ed) with Kyouka (from the glorious band Aliene Ma'riage)?

    Visual Kei is not ethnicity; it is a way of expression.

    off topic but WHAT???? waa this covered on the site??? when did a westerner play with kyouka LOL i cant believe i've never heard of that

  7. ^lol like what bands?

    honestly if i found a japanese artist making that same edm pop whatever he is ass music, i'd be suspiciousif they found themselves within that label of visual kei. even for all the talentless musicians, i doubt there's any that sound as bad as him on his level. the indiefags play with the indiefags, but this is someone who clearly should be on that scale but is getting attention typical of """better"""" bands because his daddy bought his weeb connections. just my thoughts~

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