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Posts posted by emmny

  1. wtf is up with kein having so many songs they performed on their last live but like 3 singles?????? +1 on reuniting kein to record all their live songs that never made it to the studio

  2. REDEEMER is good and I don't get the hate it gets, but it's still like a lowbudget MIRROR, let's be real.


    i'll chirp you on this cuz i think redeemer and mirror are day and night the same way coll:set and mirror are day and night


    if anything monsters is the bootleg of mirror


  3. who they really are aka a summary of their sound??!?!?

    coll:set tbh

    bc it shows off the catchy stuff in their later career and the goth metal of their indies days 



    my fav is redeemer though but no one likes it lol

  4. Don't even bother. The mods have probably gotten countless reports of her nonsense but they let her run scott free even though its clear she's a problem. If i'm not mistaken, she also got recognized in the MH awards for being one of the top trolls. This just gives her more of an incentive to be a blatant and unnecessary bitch.  Just ignore her and keep it moving. 


    To stay on topic, before a mod deletes my post for being "off topic" again,


    The pic is pretty much standard Dir en grey, coolness. Nothing really special to see here. 

    beb i was sarcastic, i love her trolling a lot actually i was just expressing my saltiness over how she could shade that GODLY photo


    ps nekichi i love u and ur trolling <3 ur my forum troll goals!


    but thx stallion u keep it 3hunna




    AND to stay on topic: i've been thinking about the whole drumming thing but listening to ware yami tote and 95% of all other ballads has me convinced he's amazing, and i think ur right on the practicing thing.

  5. @tim_tronckoe please retire thx, incredibly ugly talent devoid shit

    Kyo looks atmospherically tragic, tho

    Die, Toshiya and Shiniya clearly aren't even there for this bullshit

    thx for having a SSecond of relevance in Belgium tho

    hint: sometimes bands look better without any photoshop at all, just literally invest into some portable extra lighting , "finest Belgium rock photographer".

    im reporting u

  6. deadman - there's nothing i can say to properly explain how brilliant they were. their disbandment was a massive loss to the scene and i still feel the hole today, but at least aie is active in some amazing bands. and i wont speak on my bias for mako because it'll be a long rant long story short he needs to come back (again), his guest appearance at the hollowgram live wont suffice!!!


    RENTRER EN SOI - the band wrote their best material towards the end of their career, so considering they disbanded at what i consider to be their peak is a massive slap to the face


    D'espairsRay - i love despa, never really liked monsters all that much but i still have room for their music in my heart regardless of the direction they would have taken (but if they were to continue making music i dont think it would have ended up very well so im a lil conflicted)


    9GOATS BLACK OUT - ryo's hollowgram is a big bag of shit, uta's work in sukekiyo doesnt touch 9GBO and hati is too good of a bassist to be inactive so theres no choice but to reunite for the greater good of visual kei and mankind




    (not a band but whatever) i wanna see yuina (ex. blast, lamiel) to return to VK


    sugar - they were consistent throughout their career and the interplay between the members was really electric, also their dark nagoya goth sound meets jazz is something that hasn't been replicated


    merry go round - yeah the members are old men rn and hideno is probably nowhere to be found but the pairing of hideno+kazuma made for bizarre and very interesting tunes so i'd like to see them come back because VK needs that kind of energy rn


    cocklobin - phenomenal+consistent, they had quite a few styles in their arsenal and all were executed so well, plus it was iori at his best which is clearly lacking from femme fatale LOL. im also kind of partial to nigu's vocals even if he sounds like a walking caricature of aki's voice

  7. they look as indiefag as it gets im disappointed its like a bootleg lycaon royz mess




    as for the music (boooooring) the preview sounds decent but yuuki sounds rlly mopey?!??!?! otherwise im excited to hear their single hopefully its just as edgy as unsraw just more polished

  8. @umbra


    Since Arche's thematically placed in-between Vulgar and WtD, they will most likely play older songs from that era - and nothing much older than that btw :/


    if theres one place in DEG's discography arche should be put in terms of """""theme"""""" it should be between kisou & macabre

    it has a weird experimental vibe that reminds me of those two

    maybe its just the cover art


    and +140389505 on them playing filth again

  9. Best part of today's show: the setlist.

    Worst part: all those mosher guys that look like they're straight from the soccer teams fighting division. (I don't care what people think, I prefer the Japanese way.)

    EW EW

    arent dir en grey too "pussy/soft" for those types why do they show up

  10. I found Violet's porn on tumblr and tbh I don't see what there is to thirst

    yeah my eyes were burning

    like the skin was awful and her hair looked like fantasia's weave circa her american idol days nooooo

    in here defence she looks a loooooot better now LOL

    she has a pretty big dick though damn


    Do we still need to use the spoiler thing all the time? This thread is looking weird. lol I think most people are caught up (or don't even care) at this point. Anyone that's late should just be aware that there's going to be spoilers here.


    Anyway, seems like Katya was a huge favorite during the reunion recording from what I've heard. She'll probably end up being the most popular from this season in the long run if we disregard the white gays thirsty for Violet and out-of-drag Pearl. Ginger winning would be glorious and I'm here for all the bullshit that would come right after the results.

    ginger's going to win, she can't do wrong in the judges eyes; there's no way violet and pearl can win. if it happens im rioting

    we all know they're sickening but they're lopsided in their talents.


    100% Pearl should have been gone a long time ago. I enjoyed Kennedy and Katya so much more. They're putting WAY too much emphasis on fashion/runway this season. The top queens need to be well rounded. Haven't seen the last ep but so disappointed at this point I don't care about spoilers lol.

    honest to god i warmed up to kennedy so much even though i hated her for a good 3-4 weeks. she was so funny and a pretty amazing actress, i never liked the pageant queens but she reminds me of alyssa which is awesome. the top three should have been the most WELL ROUNDED queens AKA kennedy, ginger and katya so i totally agree with you. 

  11. diaura are so inconsistent for me, and this is another mediocre phase of theirs. horizon and silent majority were awesome but the rest of triangle was boring as hell and this single continues the trend. meh they've put out some amazing singles before so i have faith but not today satan, not today.


    on a bright note kei's purple wig look is FLAWLESS

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