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Posts posted by emmny

  1. idc what u have against caitlyn and the kardashians, push your transphobia aside and refer to her by her chosen name and pronouns cuz thats disgusting.


    anyway onto less prejudicial subjects...

    is anyone missing the long songs on arche? when it was announced i felt they were gonna go crazy prog and do a bunch of long songs but when the tracklist was announced i was kinda disappointed (unless they were gonna make a double album--cough no). i've been a fan of all of DEG's long songs and i think they do them all very well, but i dont think many other fans share this view. tbh i just wanted an arche-style diabolos..but ok :(

  2. @Pretsy 


    ummmm #breaking_at_12 - finland has hizaki on grocery store cover mag shelves, while north america gets bruce jenner on the "people" cover, and it's heralded as a victory for kweer people representation or something.

    *caitlyn jenner

    and wtf does hizaki have to do with anything lol

  3. Im honestly just excited to see how they stretch out their last song on the last live because shizumu taion from fatima's last live is one of the best VK live performances ever tbh and i think morans last live is going to be even more emotional HOW EXCITING IM READY TO FUCKIN CRY

  4. That's one of the few good things I can honestly say about MOAB...until I'm reminded about what they did to CLEVER SLEAZOID at the end and then I want nothing to do with the album again.



    srsly i think clever sleazoid would have been great with japanese lyrics lol the engrish is so godawful


    also i dont think MOTB is as bad as i initially thought, it has some rocking songs. the ballads are all great too especially the pledge ugh i love that song.

  5. OR more importantly we can discuss how flawless toshiya's hair is

    short long curly straight its flawless i love my DAD

    i doubt it'll change much


    i can see shinya going darker soon bc its too much effort to keep up the ashy light brown so his hair stylist will probably give up when it gets too fried


    no one cares about kaoru or die's hair


    kyo's going hot pink in the near future called it

  6. yo pretzels u just dragged shinya within an inch of his life let him live and enjoy drinking with his bandomen friends smfh #leaveSHINYAalone

  7. Hints with shoes, sure xD


    The last photo he posted were sandals, what does it tell you for the direction of the album ? except from the fact that he likes to wear "comfortable" shoes / when he is tired or whatever, it clearly doesn't tell you anything, 


    Stop trying to find hints or whatever you want in pics of shoes, the album is released in 2 months from now, they will probably release some new teaser soon which will tell us more than pics

    UM the relaxed sandals imply that THE BAND IS SLIDING INTO A COMFORTABLE SOUND





    im so tired of "fake-fans" that clearly dont understand the subliminal nature of ruki-san's art.

  8. 911 Jmusic experts i need y'all advice


    i love DIMMDIVISION. and tokyo shoegazer and im looking for similar japanese shoegaze bands with a pronounced post-rock influence or just pretty twinkly guitars

    i'm not a fan of much japanese shoegaze as i find it sounds a lil shallow and monotonous, but i might just be listening to the wrong bands

    please bless me with ur knowledge, thank you~~~~

  9. ugh i just watched the uroko live footage and i agree with y'all i that its not a good live track since its so layered on the studio recording and i think it was just a bad video but toshi playing the bass over the solo section didnt make up for much of anything :((

    my fav part is the yura yura part and its so understated in the live but tbh idgaf when i hear it live i'll probably go bonkers

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