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Posts posted by emmny

  1. There goes nokubura, hope kazuki takes his talent to a band worth his while


    this drama is wacky as fuck i hope it BLOWS up into some next kisaki tax evasion scandal. here for the conspiracy with masa, but im guessing in cohorts with their label head or some sketchy higher management.

  2. i thought i was gonna off myself but i found this thread and also found my will to live...the will to watch satsuki hit rock bottom over n over again


    also tbh i think people overlook how mediocre RES were in the greater scheme of things, especially considering they were a fkin FREE WILL band but they best they managed was shibuya quattro. I think yukari/whoever at free will really tried to push them hard, but as far as i see it, they were unlikeable outside of their core fanbase. Their music had some good moments, but honestly most of it was sloppy musicianship over some good melodies--satsuki isnt even a good singer, just has a pretty voice. When they were good, they were awesome but when they flopped it was awful lmfao. comparing them to kagerou, DEG, merry etc, RES kind of are a joke.


    That said, I think the band were just an awful fit with poor management. They were more or less assembled by yukari to do his thing, but once they had to make their own image and sound, I dont think any of them (free will mgmt included) really had a good sense of taste or vision. Its not to say they werent talented, considering the amazing work mika and takumi are doing now (tbh the gag is that those are the only talented members they had), but it certainly didn't come across in their music all that often.


    This is coming from someone who used to LOVE RES. I wonder how much satsuki flopping has coloured my thoughts on their music hahaha

  3. europe got shafted that setlist is AWFUL LOL


    guess i just don't really care for any of those remakes, woulda rather heard all of side b of TIW instead lololol (ranunculus can stay though---ew)


  4. 1 hour ago, cvltic said:

    by the way, tanuki has a similar thread.

    here's some of their predictions, for fun:
    Liphlich, DaizyStripper, Kra (possibly next year), Vexent, D=OUT, Blu-Billion

    pretty sure all these bands have long maxed out their popularity lol, they're just sustaining whoever they got around (which might be enough). vexent are a shitshow so LMFAO


    buuuut daizy just went major...guess ppl still wanna see them LOL

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