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Posts posted by emmny

  1. tefutefu is so good its borderline infuriating

    like it makes me DANCE


    as much as i loved DSS for its unrelenting heaviness and abrasion, i love the fabulous sense of rhythm on ARCHE

    its the perfect mix of kaoru's hurdurr heavy -core riffing and die's older visual worship chord work.

    tefutefu is an example of the perfect mix of the two, its dark and foreboding but infectiously catchy and fun.

    /rant over

  2. out of all the bandomen i'd fuck the gazette are so




    low on my list like there is nothing sexy about that 4'11 troll vocal and 76 year old oyaji guitarist like the only remotely attractive member is aoi and i feel like he's pale and scary


  3. i think its to keep them from getting into shit online or on tanuki, if you're screwing the band then i doubt you'd want to be spotted as saizen or something. even if you've done nothing people online will probably find a way to turn drama out of nothing so if you're a high profile fan its easier to obscure ur face and avoid the drama.

    then again this is just my understanding, im not a bangya and anakuro probably has a better answer than me.

  4. I've made every single girlfriend I've ever had watch MM's Bara No Konrei movie with me. Trial by fire. You marry me, you marry into this Visual Kei fandom life.

    *maniacal laughter* this is brilliant


    also +1 on kagerou, welcome ^.^

  5. I wish it was tanuki so that i could say what i really think xD

    Well anyway. Didn't expect they would actually disband because of that, but predicted Porisan might be exposed sooner or later.

    Not the best band he has ever played in, so I can give him a high five xD Finally!

    Just grab Yuina, make a mindbreaking comeback as Blast and you'll be forgiven *crying for the moon*

    Although personally I don't mind at all. Just curious what his next band will be.


    honestly bring back blast or lamiel thats all i want rn

  6. what THE FUCK

    I didnt expect this from iori, i always thought he wouldn't be the type to get involved in silly tanuki drama and i guess he really paid the cost; femme were pretty big too i doubt he'll be part of another band this successful again.

    however, i never really liked femme fatale and thought his talents were totally wasted in the band. kaya was the only reason to follow them, but his voice against mediocre compositions doesnt make for too interesting of a listen.

    hopefully his gya forgive him and continue to follow him, lord knows he's a brilliant composer and im highly looking forward to any other projects he's a part of in the future. he's too good to be blacklisted for a stupid mistake--although im guessing it'll happen. i haven't seen a disbanding this bad for such a big band, usually its the indiefags that pull shit like this.


    also thanks ricchu for the tanuki gossip+scandelous semi-nude that the rest of us likely wont get otherwise^^

  7. howdy,

    looking to buy any kind of merchandise (tshirts, any other clothing, posters, flyers, photocard sets) outside of cds & dvds for these bands. im willing to cough up a bit for tshirts for any of the older bands, i prefer used clothing but i ask the posters/flyers be in decent/good shape.


    • deadman (i'm probably interested in anything deadman related i really dont care; if you have the EU tour shirt i'll give u a limb for it)
    • lynch.
    • amber gris
    • dir en grey
    • 9goats black out
    • rentrer en soi
    • moran
    • emmuree
    • kagerou
    • d'espairay
    • the studs
    • deathgaze
    • gazette
    • sugar
    • gullet, kein, ruvie, fatima, dish, l'eprica, dimmdivision, tgads any other bands tied with the bands on the list i guess (long shots but they why not)

    its a long list but the merch/posters are a bitch to hunt down. thanks:)

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