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Posts posted by emmny

  1. I wish I could like sukekiyo more, especially given how happy I was back when I heard my favorite RENTRER EN SOI members were coming back, but their music is just dull for me at this point. :| i tried listening to both of their albums and while there were a few songs I did enjoy, most of them just came off as pointless. still better than anything Satsuki has been trying to do though

    my sukekiyo whining summed up in 1 concise post THANK YOU.

    pointless is perfect for how i feel, imo most songs go nowhere, and it burns bad considering ex-RES+9GBO is a literal dream come true.

    i'll still follow them, i just feel like my fav members can do much better on their own; sukekiyo have so many cool ideas but their songs are just messy

  2. mia sux but there's no one who can take his place. the leda/hizaki worship has gotten insanely stale and the 1/3/5/0 progression he does in 60% of his songs is boring me to tears. there's nothing he really brings to the table in terms of his technique outside of rehashing other peoples' styles. it doesn't change the fact he's pretty proficient with his playing, it just has no life to me. im sick of people gassing him when he can shred some cool stuff and chuga chug and really not do much else. no one can take his place because its mejibray's signature sound, i'd have no clue how they'd sound without him. in all honesty i dont mind the prince look, it suits him and it looks good on him at least its better than tsuzuku's messy looks

    this also isn't to say mia doesnt write good songs, he's written some amazing music and brilliant guitar lines (karma/killing me/sabato hEEElllo!!) but more often than not its not exceptional.

    miyako (DEZERT), haru (xaa-xaa), roku+haru (grieva) and kaede (AvelCain) are all far more interesting "new" guitarists, but then again its just my personal taste.

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