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Posts posted by emmny

  1. no, i dont mean emo as in my chemical romance, tokio hotel, post-hardcore as in a day to remember or screamo as in bring me the horizon, alesana. for the sake of this thread, exclude those types of bands because im sure there are other threads dedicated to them and their respective genres.

    outside of visual kei, there's really not much i listen to except for emo/post-hardcore/screamo (+shoegaze/post-rock/black/doom/sad indie rock but thats a discussion for another thread)

    i used to be a fan of scene-kid style post hardcore (warped tour stuff) when i was like 12 and fast forward 6 years later im a fan of similar stuff thats just more to true to the genre guidelines and isnt shitty scene kid stuff.  i got into screamo entirely because of envy and they're hands down my fav scramz band; i also love midwest emo alot.

    im currently obsessed with thursday, mineral, funeral diner, the appleseed cast, daitro, city of caterpillar, christie front drive, envy, sunny day real estate, american football, empire! empire!, gospel, pianos become the teeth, suis la lune, touche amore

    comment below with any of ur current favs within the genre, if there's an awesome underground bandcamp band you'd like to share with the rest of us and recommend+ask for recommendations!

  2. lmfao this was genuinely surprising

    i guess being attached to hizaki at the hip for so long gets boring

    until peace's comment i forgot how much of a guitar fuckfest jupiter was, +1 on not wanting to play second fiddle to hizaki+teru

    im curious to see what their (imminent) new band will sound like and what other great musicians they'll recruit. also im curious to see who hizaki+teru will recruit for jupiter.

  3. i agree with a lot of the viewpoints in the topic

    i find japan lives seem really rigid and thats not my personal taste for a show, but at the same time western lives are too loose, with the odd drunk singing off key behind ur ear ruining the song and people fucking crowd surfing unnecissarily and doing another annoying shit and overall just not being conscious of others

    the phone thing is annoying though, im trying to have fun and dance around not worry about ur fucking footage bro like a pic or short clip is fine but put it down after a while plz or just go to the back.

  4. Definitely before Coll:set.


    I'd say 2005/06-ish. Perhaps around Gemini/Born


    The right side of the photo says "PYRAMID OF THE MOON Co. LTD." - after some digging around I found them connected to D'espairsRay (on account of photo shoots) around 2005, particularly the Murder Day DVD which was released in that year. So yeah, I'd say around 2005-ish (there's a date next to the "PYRAMID..." sign, but it's hard to read, could be anything from 2003 to 2006).

    thanks yall

    so could it be a possible promotional pic for murder's day or (more likely) gemini? its not born, im familar with the promo pics/look they used,

  5. howdy kind weebs of MH, Im watching some old youtube despa fan footage and i'd like to think im familiar with older d'espairsray looks, but i saw this picture at the begining of this video (0:01-0:030 and i have no clue as to when they came out with this as i've never seen it before. it looks to be between born and coll:set, likely closer to coll:set but i got no clue. i kind of shit my pants because so many of kira's looks were hella similar to karyu's before he left dezert.

    the video in question:

  6. no one cares about the gallo enough to attack the fans lol did u think it was dir en grey circa 2008 or some shit

    yeah someone started shit about the foreign gallo gya trying to fuck the band and i thought it was hilarious, and all of a sudden im sure the girl who they were shit talking was crying about how if u dont go to the lives dont talk shit blah blah blah on tumblr

    i wouldnt know if theres any truth to it, it just made me giggle. good that you have a sense of humour about it, now spill the tea about the gallo drama bc it sounds entertaining ^.^

    also to stay on topic the minimalism of the cover is actually so cute

  7. > people who believe anything they read on the internet

    > people who have probably never actually been to a live or met any of the fans

    > people who totally inspire fans' generosity lol oops


    The fact that you buy into rumours started by an anti instead of the massive problems this band has caused lately (the irl reason why people are jumping ship) says a lot about you as a person

    im laughing because u made an account to comment here lmfao go back to defending urself on tumblr because im sure ur the same girl who's been jumping at the chance to defend ur gaijin bangya friends on every single bangya/tanuki blog post that slanders ur precious band


    i dont care about ur fandom, its just funny to throw shade lol its not that serious lmfao

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