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Posts posted by emmny

  1. i dont blame op and i dont get the roastfest like pretz said this was me around a year ago and i think everyone has this phase when they realize that nothing in the current scene sounds like their old favs. when i just got really into vk and realized nothing was gonna sound like deadman, sugar, emmuree, rentrer en soi, 9goats, d'espairsray etc i was salty at the scene but upon everyone else's advice here i opened my ears to other bands and they're some of my favs. at first i made fun of TBS for sounding like mejibray (i dont know what i was thinking either, dont ask) and i hated AvelCain for just being an overall shit show glamourizing depression (imo its not too far from the truth but they're just awesome tho shh) and now they're some of my favs.

    this is basically what i posted in the thread zeus mentioned lol

    dont give up on VK!! never!!!

  2. calling any knowledgeable gazette fans

    what are the odds of them doing an NA tour? is there even a slight chance of them getting over their fear of an NA tour or is SA/europe the most they'd ever do

  3. toronto was amazing, what a show.  I ALSO FUCKING CAUGHT DIE'S PICK BUT THATS ANOTHER STORY

    its a shame the setlist was so short, i wish it was an hour longer. if i was guappin' i'd go to the budokan lives for the real DEG experience, their sound feels too big to trap in the relatively small venue we were in and an hour 15 is not nearly enough. i was disappointed to see so little movement from revelation of mankind, me and the drunk dude behind me were going crazy enough for the entire venue that was mildly shaking fists lol.

    the band were in great spirits, put on a great show and had a good setlist. no IIID empire, fatal believer, c or inward scream [sadly] but they did play soshaku and kodou as the "variant" songs.  i never liked kodou but hearing it live made me appreciate it more.

    kyo's double eye makeup is fucking sick, toshiya is sexy as hell, die is a literal god, shinya is an angel and kaoru did quite well despite his condition.

    looking forward to the next time they come back to toronto, it was awesome!

  4. i talked to the dudes in the pic and they said kyo was laughing, they all found it in good humour.

    i likely blew the drama aspect out of proprortion because the girl who made the shit-starting comments has been beefing fans since like livejournal days, it just happened that a fair bit of people agreed with her this time.

  5. stal so much of the people beefing them for the pic are the same DEG fans who are like how dare u disrespect my beloved kyo sama etc elitist shit like its so fuckin unnecissary

    they're there basically against their will, if i paid 75 bucks for a pic im gonna do it on my terms; they didn't do it to intentionally anger the band they did it to make the best of a dry meet n greet lol theres no point of sulking along with the members.

    at the same time i do get the sentiment but its not like that anymore that weird behaviour would make them cancel their tours or some shit. its not 2007 with the fans trying to sneak into tour vans or throwing their panties on stage or some shit like its really not that bad.

  6. LMFAO wtf is this

    edit: thats my tumblr friend on the right. he's such a cool dude but this pic is so fried lmfao

    aaaand there's already drama on tumblr over the pic zzzz dir en grey fandom stop dis

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