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Posts posted by emmny

  1. I've always wondered how Visual Kei came into play with this. Is it because you are transgender or agender that you come looking for a scene that defies gender, or is it that you found Visual Kei and suddenly a voice in your head says: "That's me"?

    It always worries me that because these men are so pretty, that it's just a phase for teenagers or young adults. There are a lot of fake examples in Visual Kei because more than often these musicians are straight men who dress up for shits and giggles. I also know a few Dutch people in the Visual Kei fandom here who fake transgenderism (female to male) to look cool, and it's really bothering me, and that's also why I started wondering about how Visual Kei influences this.

    not necessarily, i got into visual kei later (17/18) and i liked the music as much as the looks interested me. no one in visual kei identifies as agender either, im just interested in the androgyny of certain musicians in the scene bc they're fucking beautiful to look at. so i dont identify with them at all (except wataru really LOL), but aesthetically i think its awesome. note that androgyny doesn't necessarily imply transness; some cisgendered people like playing with gender expression and they're still comfortable with their gender.

    i find a lot of younger kids in the vk fandom (insta ppl mostly) identify under the trans umbrella in someway, and even if its a phase--which its likely not--then just let them do them and find out what works for them. i understand the concern for where vk blurs conceptions of gender in the first place and why every 16 year old from brazil identifies as ruki but its easier to let them figure themselves out than to say they're doing it to be cool. then again im not familiar with your vk scene, just going off of what i've seen.

  2. i identify as agendered, im cool with any pronouns. i started really questioning my gender when i got into visual kei actually so its interesting to talk about this on a vk forum.

    long rant ahead about gender lol

    i was born male and i mostly look male but i wish i didnt LOL i have kind of mild dysphoria in that sense but i'd hesistate to consider myself trans. heck i dont even identify with humans but thats totally different LOL. my ideal sense of self is some beautiful demon shadow thing and few people are close enough with me to know this they just think im some cis gay lol.

    i dont think i have an interest in transitioning but im getting a rhinoplasty which will change my face a lot and make me a lot prettier which im happy about. my dysphoria is little things and im lucky it makes very little impact on my self esteem but if my body was more masculine looking it would likely be a bit more difficult. im 5'9 and 118lbs so i have a very thin frame and i dont like being so short but thats my ideal weight and size since i feel i dont look like a boy that way, i just look like something else.

    its interesting neolicht mentioned visual kei because i really wish i could look like aryu or any other boys that still have a masculine quality to their face but have the beauty of the opposite gender so i totally fucking relate. i think my face is relatively feminine but i dont wish to go much further with surgery in the future.

    in that sense i feel that my transness is pretty mild and i dont know if other people can call me trans but in the same sense i dont care because while im more comfortable with being in my male body i know im not a boy.

  3. It actually kind of bugs me when people refer to the band members by their "real" names too. I mean, those names actually got pulled from Wikipedia years ago, which I think is a pretty good indication that they were made up.

    ^^^yep. like die's name has changed like 5 times in the foreign fandom depending on what tanuki's saying which is totally dumb. their real names are lame anyway brah

  4. It's hard for me to say because I use it almost exclusively for music and basically ignore everything else. So it wouldn't really bother me either way. For the handful of movie and TV show content I have bought through iTunes/keep in iTunes it works well enough that I would have never considered splitting it up, but it's probably due to the fact that my use in that area is so limited.


  5. sorry to double post but hey we should start hyping the NA tour, it starts the second of november which is super close. im still undecided about whether i can go because if i have a lab friday night im fucked, if not im going to be attending the toronto date (11/13); i also want to hold up until i see the setlist. comment below with which date(s) you'll be attending and what songs you'd like to hear ^.^

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