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Posts posted by emmny

  1. keel get better with every listen, i used to be eh about their first album but now the songs i didnt initially like grew on me alot SO if in doubt listen another time!!! im back to hype up fanfarle though, the preview is crazzzzzzyyyyy

  2. This is none of my business, but I'm going to butt in anyways.

    Have you tried honestly talking to this person and telling them how you feel?

    Unless you're dealing with some kind of abusive relationship (physical, psychological, or emotional), then I would say talk to them. From personal experience, I've come to believe that cutting people off is rarely necessary, and just inspires more animosity and negative feelings. It's better to just talk to people so you get an idea of where you stand with each other (or just to put them in their place, ha). I've cut very few people off in life, but I do regret some of them because I feel as if I could've handled it better than just severing ties completely.

    also, don't feel inclined to answer this. I just feel like waffling atm.

    nah its cool @cat5, dw; thank u for the advice and willingness 2 listen :))

    this pertains to someone who i met this summer and basically we wanted to be together but he left for a different town for school. i knew from the beginning he wasn't someone i wouldnt go for as i wouldn't wanna befriend him, we dont have similar interests and we're from different social circles if u get what i mean. i just liked how intimate we were and that it was just fucking cute to be with him. hes kind of a dick and while we werent exclusive, when he talks about other guys that he meets up with i get really mad because we were so intimate. he's kind of a fucked up person and not someone who i'd usually keep around, which is why i wanna cut him off asap. hell if i was to keep him around, i'd be more interested in him when he likely doesnt give a shit about me. his feelings for me are likely shallow and he's naive, so i dont see any reason to try. i want him to see someone else so he'll stop messaging me because im going to forget his existence soon enough. ur advice makes perfect sense though, but he's not someone who i'd waste my efforts on.

    but i also wanna challenge u on the idea of cutting people off, i really think cutting people off is a natural last resort that eventually comes up either way and is unavoidable. when things run their course and naturally fall apart, i dont see any point to keep things going, but then again we might have different definitions/standards of cutting people off.

    also thanks <3 <3

  3. angst-kei in 3, 2, 1...

    im good until i see ur fucking face then i realize how badly i'd wanna slash u up u fucking piece of shit

    yet i dont have the will to remove u from my contacts and cut u off because you'd be upset and i dont wanna hurt u either because ur too fucking stupid to know any better that u hurt me.

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