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Posts posted by emmny

  1. If we're going in that direction, Die is hotter.

    not without makeup boo, toshiya has a hot chistled face and sexy man arms to smack my ass the bass with.


    ps i love being in the very small minority that likes decayed crow, i love dancing to it while laughing at how much everyone despises the track

  2. he's always been cast as the shy type but i think its genuinely his personality, its hard to fake the kind of introversion he shows in interviews etc. besides, i'd think those "acts" are saved for indies bands, although im sure a huge chunk of the shit deg have said in early interviews were bullshit made up for the fangirls.

    and shinya's a fucking fanboy for sure LOL he's always drinking with new bandomen thats why he's A SHITTY DRUMMER

  3. well i said lynch. were gonna shit all over 2015 and this is proof^

    shoutouts to all the lynchcore haters because this has the diversity of all their older releases written all over it but still with the chugachug breakdown awesomeness

    aka its probably better than gallows (which i actually liked lol) so im waiting on the release to see if it'll be AOTY.

  4. #LEAVE kyo alone



    so im assuming the indies bands that add beeps in their songs do it for style? i doubt their management gives a fuck what they say if they barely have any fans.

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