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Status Updates posted by robkun

  1. Sooo I have just determined that THE BUNNYGIRL PISS is the most hated band I ever uploaded. The reactions to it have been priceless XDD.

    1. suji


      Even a name like that warrants some hate, lol.

    2. robkun


      Exactly XD.

  2. Sooo I'm guessing Devil Kitty died again?

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I would be fine with fundraising if it there was a guarantee that it wasn't used for booze and 2nd-rate pizza (he's not going to get backing)

    2. Himeaimichu


      At the moment Yuuga manages KRAD, from what I heard

    3. robkun


      Huh... I'll have to check em out.

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  3. Sooo if I uploaded an embarrassingly bad live DVD on here, would it garner any interest? It's been on my backburner for a while, but I don't know if there'd be anyone that would wanna see some super crappy live VK action from the mid 2000's. It's so bad, that one of the members of the band nearly kicks a fangyaru in the head lollllllz.

    1. robkun


      Sweeeeet. I'll try to have it up tomorrow then XD.

    2. yurameki24


      This is a must ah


    3. IGM_Oficial


      "one of the members of the band nearly kicks a fangyaru in the head"



    4. Show next comments  21 more
  4. Sooo now Dada's threatening to remove some FB friends for them being happily in love. The fuck, man?! XD.

    1. leafwork


      (particularly model cars)

    2. Thorathora


      Thank you! I see posts about those cars but I haven't thought much about it. :)

    3. Show next comments  21 more
  5. Sooo Photobucket just pissed off their very last users, including me. They are not allowing embedded photos anymore due to it breaking their supposed "terms and services". Just a heads up, all the files I uploaded should still work, even if the CD scan and band images are dead. Yup... fuck Photobucket in its ass with a screwdriver =___="".

    1. fitear1590


      Yup, such bullshit. Bye Photobucket!

    2. Zeus


      it was already a pain in the ass to extract the pictures from their site anyway...

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I find uploading pics to tumblr to be a lot easier. If you save each photo post as a draft, you can still get a URL to your images without them being publicly viewable. 


      Only thing is that they sometimes get compressed + lossy if you take the image source from the dashboard posts, rather than opening up the image itself. Just something to be aware of.

  6. Sooo to anyone who visits my YT channel, I put up 9 new vids, so you should totally check it out now. MORE AWESOMENESS TO COME! ^__^

  7. Soooo I just met Alex DeLarge himself, and I’m wrapping up the day with pizza from Pizza Hut. Best day in a loooooong time!!!

  8. Soooo, I was looking through the latest box of goodies I got, and apparently, a seller gave me some signed papers with some sentences written from Kisaki & the guys from Syndrome! I’m not exactly a superfan of the dude, and I know he’s an asshole and all IRL, but damn... cool shit! Lol

    1. robkun


      Syndrome’s members were actually children? What a sick bastard.

  9. Sooooooo I just came across a photo of Yuuga's first ever band: the mystic Celestier o____o.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Did he always paint his eyebrows like angry triangles?

    2. robkun


      I would assume he’s in it, Takada. And it’s funny you say that, Peace Heavy, cuz the guy I think he is in the band looks frustrated XDD.

    3. Takadanobabaalien


      Can you post it? 

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  10. Still digging the fuck outta Ize. Just found a copy of their only album for under 1000 yen, so I harped on it right away. Can’t wait to dig my teeth into it <3.

  11. That feel when you win a Cali Gari VHS for 100 yen. Brb, squealing like a Hyde fangirl circa 1998.

    1. Komorebi


      That does sound pretty sweet, congrats.

    2. robkun
  12. That feeling when a VK bandomen reposts one of your YT uploads and talks about how embarrassed he was it got out. Totally made my night XDD.

    1. shiroihana


      link to the video? XD

    2. robkun


      Personally, I think it's not too bad. I heard a lot worse, but the singer posted on his tweet how nostalgic and embarrassing it is XD.

  13. That feeling when you win a rare promo cassette of Malice Mizer's "Merveilles" <3

  14. THE DOWNLOAD SECTION ISN'T DEAD!!! It's just in a coma! REJOICE!!

  15. Today truly is one of the darkest days of my life that I can remember in recent years.

  16. Ughhh Last.FM still fucks up with Metronome scrobbles. Still can’t scrobble anything from their “Unknown” release cuz then it won’t show up =___=“”

    1. Alkaloid


      Try changing the album tag to fullwidth unicode (Unknown). That worked for me when I couldn't scrobble DIMLIM's VARIOUS.

    2. Ruri


      oh THAT'S why that is? i knew last.fm was designed as though there would never be two bands or artists with the same name, ever, but I didn't know that could fuck it up too 😕

  17. Unpopular opinion: Popeye is the best oldtime Western cartoon ever.

    1. saiko


      Fleischer cartoons were pretty psychotic

    2. robkun


      Yesss. I’ve grown to really appreciate the early Fleischer Popeye cartoons in particular. Total cream of the crop.

    3. saiko


      Sometimes one imagines that every past time was for worse, like for example, cartoon artists would have much less freedom than today and wouldn't ever think in adding clever or naughty twists into their cartoons... but hey, humans were and will be always humans. So I, as much as I love the Disney's late 20s and 30s, really appreciate the wild aesthetics of the Fleicher's.

  18. Wahahaha just saw an old VK dude try to play along with a 50-year old fangirl. Shit was great XDD.

    1. IGM_Oficial
    2. robkun


      Basically, the 50-year old said she loves VK bands, and he awkwardly said something like “lol thanks”. Then she said where she lived and put up a creepy photo of herself. It was great loll.

  19. Wahahahaaa Wikipedia finally gave up (at the moment, at least) on genre-listing some Dir en Grey releases, and have been erased from the site all together. Way to bail, Wiki loll.

    1. nekkichi


      some str8 deg fan probably got caremad and did iT

  20. Waiting verrry eagerly for some Dir en Grey albums to arrive this morning. Wayyyy overdue for more Diru! Lol

  21. Watching about Japanese food on PBS cuz it’s 9:30AM, nothing else is on and I have insomnia =___= lol

    1. colorful人生


      NHK World's (which was offered as a PBS channel where I went to college) "Begin Japanology" series is probably one of the best sleep aids ever, not because it's boring, but how oddly therapeutic the episodes are. Peter Barakan's voice + really smooth shots & transitions makes for some fascinating material. 

    2. robkun


      Yeah, it was NHK. And it was definitely interesting background noise while I was doing some stuff.

  22. Well then, the demos and CD's are all uploaded for the moment. Next up: flyers part 2! ... After a nice long sleep lol

  23. Well, believe it or not folks, I've got myself some brand-new kei. I guess Aduma threw me a freebie since I bought a good amount from him XD. It shall be up soon... the storm has started!!

  24. Well, looks like Shounen Agit is the final thing I’m gonna be able to put up on MH. What.. a trip. The feeling of the pending end is just... crazy lol. See ya guys on the other side at JRO!



      You've contributed some of the most interesting and obscure music to this forum and I especially appreciated your lossless uploads. Looking forward to seeing you on JRO! Thanks for everything 🌈



  25. Well... you can sign me up to Team DiSPiИA. I haven't fucked with a neo kei band this hard since Delacroix. Very nice.

    1. Biopanda


      A-are you feelin' okay, man?

    2. robkun


      Hey man. I also fuck with Hysteric Panic. I've been insane, I told you this XDD.

    3. Komorebi


      Who are you and what have you done with robkun?

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