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    herpes got a reaction from The Moon in ex-BLACK CAT Dr.SHINTARO has been arrested & fired   
    this thread was just a shit show wasn't it
  2. Like
    herpes got a reaction from Elazmus in ex-BLACK CAT Dr.SHINTARO has been arrested & fired   
    this thread was just a shit show wasn't it
  3. Like
    herpes got a reaction from emmny in ex-BLACK CAT Dr.SHINTARO has been arrested & fired   
    this thread was just a shit show wasn't it
  4. Like
    herpes got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in ex-BLACK CAT Dr.SHINTARO has been arrested & fired   
    this thread was just a shit show wasn't it
  5. Like
    herpes reacted to nekkichi in ex-Lycaon members new band "Initial'L" has formed and first maxi-single release   
    ✨let✨2017✨be✨tha✨year✨of✨Initial✨'L✨ ✨y✨'✨a✨l✨l✨
  6. Like
    herpes got a reaction from gekiai in ex-Lycaon members new band "Initial'L" has formed and first maxi-single release   
    gonna give them 6 months before they call it quits for good
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    herpes got a reaction from Delkmiroph in BatAAr new mini-album "GRAVITAS" release   
    this is even more pathetic than i thought they could do!
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    herpes got a reaction from one-eyed waiter in BatAAr new mini-album "GRAVITAS" release   
    this is even more pathetic than i thought they could do!
  9. Like
    herpes reacted to itsukoii in random thoughts thread   
    glad we had this discussion, thanks y*hio
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    herpes got a reaction from Eraser in Plastic Tree new maxi single "念力(nenriki)" release   
    hope creep is a cover......
  14. Like
    herpes got a reaction from Delkmiroph in Plastic Tree new maxi single "念力(nenriki)" release   
    hope creep is a cover......
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    herpes reacted to nekkichi in メガマソ(megamasso) will resume activities and new single “ふとん史/ザセカンドニムバス” release   
    did he get lip fillers, or that's some asian selfie enhancer iphone thing fucking him up?
    yay @ two new weaves though, migimimi was a success I suppose
    they announced it as a year long hiatus back than, lol
  19. Like
    herpes got a reaction from ChaoticEnding in Serah will disband   
    que serah serah.
  20. Like
    herpes reacted to Takadanobabaalien in General news and drama regarding Rockstar Records   
    Just as I thought. I guess it's fine to write it here now as it's happening right now. But a close friend of mine in Tokyo is also very good friends with Yayoi and Yuuga. She said Yayoi is running out of money, both for business and personal. I'm curious to how he will solve it personally, I just hope he doesn't end up homeless. He has no saved money or any pension either since he always has been running companies himself. I understand and respect his decision but I just hope he'll be fine. I wonder if RR will close down entirely or just host avanchick? 
  21. Like
    herpes reacted to Kiyoharu is God in THE YELLOW MONKEY New Single 『SUNA NO TOU』 10/19   
    THE YELLOW MONKEY are releasing their first single in 15 years and 9 months on October 19. The title of the single is SUNA NO TOU. Included with the title track is ALRIGHT, the song which the guys released a PV for earlier in the year. There will be two versions of the single. The regular version will only include the title track SUNA NO TOU and ALRIGHT. The limited edition version will include both songs and 12 live songs taken from concerts in their THE YELLOW MONKEY SUPER JAPAN TOUR 2016.

    『SUNA NO TOU』 Regular Edition (Release 10/19/16)
    砂の塔 (SUNA NO TOU)
    『SUNA NO TOU』 Limited Edition (Release 10/19/16)
    砂の塔 (SUNA NO TOU)
    プライマル。 -東京・国立代々木競技場 第一体育館- (Bonus LIVE Tracks)
    SPARK -長野・ビッグハット- (Bonus LIVE Tracks)
    バラ色の日々 -広島・広島グリーンアリーナ- (Bonus LIVE Tracks)
    BURN -宮城・セキスイハイムスーパーアリーナ- (Bonus LIVE Tracks)
    楽園 -愛知・日本ガイシホール- (Bonus LIVE Tracks)
    WELCOME TO MY DOGHOUSE -大阪・大阪城ホール- (Bonus LIVE Tracks)
    花吹雪 -埼玉・さいたまスーパーアリーナ- (Bonus LIVE Tracks)
    BRILLIANT WORLD -福岡・マリンメッセ福岡- (Bonus LIVE Tracks)
    球根 -兵庫・神戸ワールド記念ホール- (Bonus LIVE Tracks)
    TVのシンガー -神奈川・横浜アリーナ- (Bonus LIVE Tracks)
    パール -福島・あづま総合体育館- (Bonus LIVE Tracks)
    カナリヤ -北海道・真駒内セキスイハイムアイスアリーナ- (Bonus LIVE Tracks)
    Special teasers:
    So great to have them back! I love ALRIGHT, and the title track on the new single sounds cool so far.
  22. Like
    herpes got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in D new album & live-limited single release   
    don't doubt they'll have any problem getting the "boos" from the crowd.
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    herpes got a reaction from saishuu in D new album & live-limited single release   
    don't doubt they'll have any problem getting the "boos" from the crowd.
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    herpes got a reaction from suji in D new album & live-limited single release   
    don't doubt they'll have any problem getting the "boos" from the crowd.
  25. Like
    herpes reacted to Tokage in Enon (Gesu no..) and Becky's affair destroys her career (UPDATE: 3/10 - fuckboi enon at it again) ((UPDATE 2: 3/10 - gesu and indigo la end on hiatus))   
    Once again the career of a good boy who's just riding the waves of the rockstar life is ruined by those vile succubi known as women
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