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Status Replies posted by beni

  1. RIP samfree :( ... One of my favorite Vocaloid producers. (also composed "Stella-rium" for Houkago no Pleiades.)


  3. Phoenix Wright is getting his own anime?!?!?!

  4. beni performing the dark arts again... :P

  5. my girlfriend just broke up with me via messager :'(

  6. SO MUCH shaing today, love you all

  7. Plastic tree rakka is awesome single <3


  9. the Devil Wears Prada dropped the Space EP. Def gonna keep my occupied until DOGMA comes out.

  10. i was wondering: is there such a thing as a personal recommendation thread?

  11. God is real. a>

  12. i don't feel so happy today for some reason...

  13. Day 4 of wasting my whole afternoon trying to sync my ipod. Empty again, thanks for keeping me away from guns and gangs itunes!

  14. Next Dr. Who should be black

  15. I'm the prettiest mod of them all, right? D:

  16. Anyone notice that MH runs much faster now? We just left Apache for Nginx and run PHP as FastCGI. Hope you guys like it. xD

  17. anyone know if there is a way to change your username on last.fm i think my sn on there is a bit confusing

  18. I hope in soon Banner from Plastic Tree in MH <3

  19. Jigsaw9 is absolutely my boy :] what a great weekend for music.

  20. walked in the damn rain to get a card and got soaked -__- never doing that again

  21. anyone know if there is a way to change your username on last.fm i think my sn on there is a bit confusing

  22. So... now that I'm obsessively 'collecting' anime on myanimelist, I've now discovered a mydramalist. Send help.

  23. Plastic tree fucking awesome new look aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa <3

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