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Status Replies posted by beni

  1. i just found out Zoro disbanded. i reaaally liked them as a duo, so it made me kinda sad :<

  2. George Clinton is 74 today and still truckin'! Happy Birthday to him!

  3. CAT5 just called me "babe". The ship is real.

  4. Latter half of 2015 is looking lovely, musically ; )

  5. The only good thing about new Charisma.com is that it only has 9 songs :/

  6. Waaaah~ I just posted an introduction !! >.<

  7. Going home to my hometown~

  8. fuck everyone I'm done...fucking DONE

  9. Wow, now Susumu Yokota has passed as well. What in the world...RIP

  10. new Charisma.com album ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  11. What an amazing karaoke it's been!

  12. new Charisma.com album ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  13. new Charisma.com album ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  14. why is tammie brown in the new ayumi pv https://youtu.be/09cP2pS6VAo?t=230

  15. passed first year of uni!! :D

  16. get bored ww ! now active again on last.fm http://www.last.fm/user/GothicYuuya just give me a shout if you have (^_^)

  17. Guys, me and rocketeer are a thing now. No more flirting.

  18. If anyone might be into some full-length concert pluggin' later today/tonight, pls read: http://monochrome-heaven.com/index.php/topic/29689-the-plugdj-thread/?p=419410


  20. bebebebeni bebebebeni bebebebeni (/'3')/

  21. Hope I'm not too late but happy birthday bb gurl!

  22. Happy Birthday to the wonderful Beni ^_^

  23. Happy Birthday, Benibean. I hope your day is splendid! http://i.imgur.com/mfenHTV.jpg

  24. Any Noisycell fans in the house?

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