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Status Replies posted by beni

  1. Omg, this new review thread images are so great.

  2. good music - but DAFUQ is up with that video... dancing Lamas... LOL xD

  3. Crube wins avatar of the year lmao

  4. I love Spanish. such a beautiful language.

  5. good music - but DAFUQ is up with that video... dancing Lamas... LOL xD

  6. I'm secretly enjoying Sadie's "GANGSTA".

  7. CAT5

    CAT5    beni


  8. So many great uploads today! (´▽`ʃƪ)♡

  9. A pretty big change has occurred

  10. Added all the upcoming releases to our calendar, I'm a release list machine. xD

  11. Is it just me or did Wilhelm ll look like biopanda with a fancy moustache http://www.dsm1918.de/EKTAS_DOWNLOAD/KAISER_WILHELM.jpg

  12. Almost finished my シリアル⇔NUMBER discography~ Just need the live sold ver of ??海WahLD! ??ワン・モア・??リーケン??and the MD of サラ??イ~

  13. prom tomorrow! woohoo

  14. beni, you're a pretty cool man.

  15. ヽ(⌐■_■)ノ♪♬

  16. Okay that's the last time I'm posting goatbeds, that stuff's too complicated for me to be handling at 4AM. Good nighty o/

  17. so leafwork changed his avatar... my life will never be the same again.

  18. So, I have a date tomorrow night with the VK/KPop fan! Wish me luck in my ability to pretend I'm not hopeless and awkward for 5 consecutive hours.

  19. This week is being so awful, hope it get better :(

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