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Everything posted by beni

    1. yakihiko


      Not my type, but I would vote :)

    2. beni


      Thanks for checking out and voting!

    3. PsychoΔelica


      Nope and Nope.

  1. beni

    Happy birthday @bukimi_heishi! As well as @Slime King, @Asakusa, @Alachan.
  2. beni

    This thread is to gauge who would be interested in a newly thought up contest. This is merely a way to recieve feedback, but mainly to see who would want to join in. The contest would be a drag competition. Not only men, but also women would dress in the opposite sex and take photos of their transformation. For extra fun, another thought is that you could even record yourself doing a song or a dance. To include everyone, the 'panel' wouldn't be a select bunch of users, but the winner is announced by voting in the thread's poll. Judging by the amount of members who would be interested, there could be rounds to it, with different challenges set. With these initial ideas spoken of, are any MHers interested in joining in with this, or at least voting? If you have any feedback or ideas, feel free to post them too. This is a multiple choice poll in case a member would enter as well as vote.
  3. Still can't believe they weren't major before. Still, this is exciting. Missed them too much.
  4. beni

    Happy birthday @rki813~ Birthday wishing partner, @eiheartx, where you at sistar!?
  5. beni

    Hello! =D Lovely to meet you, Joanne. Amazing favourites, hopefully you'll find more here. There's quite a bit of K-pop discussion here if you'll still want to check it out but, of course, a lot of VK news and discussions here too. x3 I was shy too at first but you'll come out of your shell sooner or later, but either way, you'll enjoy your time here. So I hope to see you around! Thanks for introducing yourself and please make yourself at home.
  6. beni

    Listening to this just because of the album cover artist. <3 And also the featured artists, of course. x3
  7. Wish I could join. Hopefully one day. The having to subscribe has always troubled me for some reason. ;-; Thank you so much for this either way.
  8. beni

    Might go. I'd like to try to go to as many as I can from now on seeing as I've missed so many opportunities in doing so because of this social anxiety. His latest album was surprisingly good so I'll have a think about this one. Thanks for posting!
  9. beni

    Added you both to the 3DS. x3 My first actual 3DS friends, lol. @takeruismyhero, I have Skype so I was going to add you until I saw you crossed over it. xD Am I allowed to add you there?
  10. beni

    Pretty much nailed it. 'Respect the band's wishes' in this case, especially when they voice that out and react to it. I don't think music should be free, and I'm one to say that, lol. But at the same time, you've got what @seikun has said which is also hitting the nail on the head. Because of sharing, most do discover new favourites, and some even start paying for their music. You can't force others to follow the rules or do the right thing for various reasons, but at the same time their hate for it is understandable. It's a two way thing: more publicity but the majority of the time others are getting it for free without paying.
  11. beni

    Wow. Not another. I love the poppier sound but damn, too many girl bands converting to this sound now.
  12. beni

    Right, I had a feeling about that. I wasn't here when that was decided on and I wouldn't want to tamper with that either way. It makes sense not to do that then since most would miss out and it'd be a split between who can come and who can't. Others already miss the usual time of Sundays though, so maybe making two sessions on Sunday would be a good idea for those who miss out? I know that @Biopanda said he misses plug because of the time so that might be a factor with others too? lmao ofc, glad to see Jiggly-san here now. x3 I guess I took that as a 'set in stone' kind of thing, seeing as the Sundays had the 'theme' in it, I wanted it to be themed as much as possible. Seeing as you both have said the same thing with taking a break, then we'll keep it as it is. Thank you both for addressing this.
  13. beni

    Happy birthday @Miyawaki Kasumi and @REZxSKULL.
  14. beni

    Welcome, welcome, welcome~ Awesome seeing a fellow Monochrome user and friend recommend you the place. Do make yourself at home here and enjoy your stay. If you have any questions/concerns, feel free to send a message to users with a blue, red or green username. For events, check out the announcements at the top, such as reviews, contests, Poll of the Week, and plug sessions. Also, check out the chat located at the top called 'château de monochromium' to chat with other fellow MHers. ^-^
  15. beni

    I understand what you mean. I thought we could have another day like Sundays, with a official time set and all so that the free for alls and themed sessions balance one another. I, personally, much prefer Sundays being as themed as possible since the rest of the week are free for alls. But I may be the only one who feels this way so it's no biggy, I understand where I stand now. About the announcing the themes in advance, I would like that, and as @stylelover has said, going through the list from now on would help with getting these themed Sundays sorted. Thanks for the response!
  16. Aww yeah~ BRING IT. Hopefully they'll be just as good as they have been recently, if not butter. Their recent singles have been a step up after that album, but still, they can be so much more brilliant. Excited either way!
  17. beni

    Many thanks to @stylelover for this suggestion. At the start of each week, the theme for the Sunday plug will be announced. We'll go through the list we've come up with of ideas until we only have a few left and then gather more ideas, since at this moment in time, suggestions for any themes are becoming rarer. This is so we don't have too many free sessions like right now, as we've missed a themed plug twice now. How does this sound?
  18. What songs in this list do you identify as not being released in 2014? Easy mix up on both sides either way.
  19. beni

    Thanks very much for this news. I've enjoyed their sound ever since you brought them up in the January BNT. This will be an exciting listen.
  20. beni

    Very much so. Well... kinda? The vocalist of ayabie is known as 'Aoi from Ayabie' as he's solo. .-. And the other four members are in AYABIE, so it's Ayabie with a different vocalist and sound really. Pretty much a different band so it's always grated me how they kept the name. Ah, no worries, of course. Just something to make note of in future cases. Sorry, I hadn't realised you'd be on mobile.
  21. Tried a bit of GoT today. I can see why it's popular, but dayum, dat gore and everything. So extreme. ;-; Not for me, but that Dragon lady is everything, hue~

  22. beni

    In my excitement, I had forgot to say if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to send a message to users with a blue, red or green name. Also, try to refrain from double posting, so when you want to reply to other posts as you've done above, quote all of them in one go by clicking on the 'multiquote' at the bottom of a post.
  23. beni

    I play Pokemon X and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, Fire Emblem Awakening, Bravely Default, Fantasy Life and Harvest Moon A New Beginning. In case anyone else plays these games, let's be friends! 3DS Friend Code: 1650 - 3923 - 5337 Edit: Second account, dokurohana, works on the PS3. Need to do another account for the PSP.
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